Tag: Handheld Zelda

For the last couple of months, I’ve been playing Oracle of Seasons off and on and there’s something I’ve come to realize: I really enjoy using Roc’s Cape. Roc’s Feather was an interesting item in its own right, but the enhanced mobility that is offered when using the cape makes it superior in every way. After recognizing this, I’ve started to wonder how Roc’s Cape could work on a console title of the Zelda series and for that matter, if…

Our friends over at Zelda Universe have recently put out an article about the future of handheld Zelda games, and in particular, how they will be controlled. The author of the article tries to make the connection between Skyward Sword and how those ideas can be implemented on the next handheld. In particular the author talks about reinventing the enemies so there is more of a strategic approach to fighting them, much like there was with some enemies in Skyward…