Tag: giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway Over at the Zelda Dungeon Facebook Page, we are giving away another copy of the Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia. Available for several months now, Hyrule Historia is the ultimate Zelda Encyclopedia that no Zelda collection is complete without. It is very easy to enter and there are a number of ways that you can increase your chance to win. Simply liking us at Facebook earns you 3 entries, but additional opportunities are available by liking some…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Do you like posters? Of course you do. I mean, who doesn’t? Especially when you can get them for free and chances are your friends wont have Zelda posters that are this neat. Thanks to folks at Gamer Print, we are able to give away a nice collection of Zelda posters. Of course, you can head to the shop and order them for yourself (or order other products like phone cases, etc). Still, it’s some fantastic stuff. Head inside to see a better image of the posters you’ll receive.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Today’s giveaway features another special item over at Etsy.. the Zelda Charm Bracelet! Valued at $30, this is definitely a must have for any female Zelda fan. Maybe you just want something special, gents, to give to your lady friend? Whatever the case may be, this is a great deal. We are featuring more ways to enter this one then ever before, so be sure to increase your odds!

You can find out more about the people behind this giveaway on their DeviantArt page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ahh Link’s legendary hat. How I long to wear one on a cold winter’s evening. As they say in Game of Throne’s, Winter is Coming (and may already be here if you are watching the latest season), and while we have now entered spring it is still trendy as ever to wear this hat.

In fact, it’s a hat of all seasons. Just ask Link! Sun, rain, snow… or even fire. It suits every situation, from bathroom breaks to ball room dancing. It can be yours right now! Winner announced on the 20th. For those curious, the Hylian Shield giveaway’s winner is announced tomorrow!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The rings by Peregrine Studios Artistry have seen a lot of interest by many of our followers, so we have teamed up with the studio to give away one ring of choice to a lucky individual! The rings are valued at $60 a piece, so this is a rather sweet deal. You can also check out their other shop at shapeways.com to purchase one for yourself! These rings are pretty sweet, so be sure to enter as many times as possible. Remember, you can tweet about it every day for an additional entry.

Welcome to our second day of giveaways and as we continue to back track through our previous offers and relaunch them appropriately. We have offered even more ways to win this one in anticipation of the high demand. We hope you enjoy these giveaways, and look forward to the winners announced when the timers expire!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hey everyone, and welcome to our giveaway! As some may recall, we actually previously announced this giveaway with various ways to enter. Unfortunately, we weren’t conforming with all the legal mumbo jumbo across all avenues and had to take back our initial offering in order to avoid certain penalties under law. This has been a great learning experience for us at Zelda Informer, but all is not lost. We are still going to be giving away a ton of awesome stuff this month! We just have had to change how we go about things, and as a result, per legal council, we actually have an all new way to giveaway really anything we want!

What you see above is exactly what you think it is: It’s a way to enter our giveaway for a Replica Hylian Shield! The great part about this going forward is not only do we have a great way to easily keep track of entries and how many people enter, it’s entirely stream lined. We now offer 6 ways to enter for a total of up to 8 entries! Some of them you can enter more than once, but only “once” daily, increasing your odds! All previous giveaways will be released via this  method every day, one item per day, until all previous giveaways are covered. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. We wish all of you luck in the draw, and to stay tuned to Zelda Informer for even more amazing content to come!

Man, we’re feeling pretty generous this April aren’t we? We’re already giving away a single copy of The Wind Waker HD (winner announced Sunday), and a replica of the Hylian Shield (winner announced next week Thursday). Today we are topping the cake.

We have teamed up with Gamnesia to give away a Wii U with a copy of The Wind Waker HD, for total perceived value of over $400! How may you enter? Well, there are several ways and each gains you one entry. For starters, check out this post on Zelda Informer’s facebook for one way to enter. Secondly, check out this post on Gamnesia’s facebook for another way to enter.

Thirdly, you can go to this post on Gamnesia’s Google Plus to enter again! Oh, but that’s not all. Hop inside to find out more ways to enter, as well as how to enter for more free stuff!

Three days into April and we’re already launching our second giveaway! This is a replica shield valued at $53 and truly no Zelda fan is complete without one. Since this is a simple sweepstakes lets just skip the particulars and get right into the entries! Like The Wind Waker HD yesterday, there are three ways to enter. For starters, you can check out this post on facebook. You have to “like” our facebook page, share that post, and comment on it! You can also naturally do what the below tweet says to enter a second time:

You can also enter a third time by follow our brother site, Gamnesia, on Google Plus, share this post, and be sure to leave a comment! EDIT: As a bonus, you will get a mystical 4th entry by commenting on this post explaining why you, and not that nasty neighbor next to you, deserve this shield. and “sharing” this post on facebook and/or twitter! You can share it via the share icon on the right side of the comment area.

That’s right, we are giving a copy of Hyrule Historia! All you have to do to enter is three simple things. 1. Like us on Facebook. 2. Share This Image. 3. Post a Comment on this This Image. The winner will be chosen within the next 24 Hours and contacted via Facebook. The competition is open to anybody in the United States, Canada, Europe, or Australia. Good Luck!