Tag: card

Do you have a loved one that is also gamer? Not likely, but this card will probably make anyone happy. Available on Etsy, this awesome Valentine’s Day card is made by a gamer for gamers. It features the Old Man from the original Legend of Zelda and one of the most famous quotes of all time. You can purchase the template for only $2.75 and print to your heart’s content. See more images of this awesome card after the jump.

The 3DS was released in Japan today, and there are tons of unboxing videos on YouTube. Most of these videos include a clip of only the Augmented Reality target/dragon shooting game. I’ve found this video, though, that includes the other five augmented reality cards and what they’re all about. Thanks to Nintendo3DS (thanks SkywardSword) for posting this video! Link, who has several poses as well as classic Zelda sound effects, is shown about 1:05 into the video.