Tag: Benefits

Skyward Sword had one of the most beautiful nightscapes I’ve ever seen in a video game. For me, following Fi through the nighttime Skyloft near the beginning is one of the most breathtaking moments of the game. Hearing that amazing song, with the night sky and full moon, the occasional monster attacking, while looking off toward the town lights below, was visually impressive and highly enjoyable for me. It’s a shame that Skyward Sword, more so than most modern Zelda…

Zelda games are known for having a fairly simple plot structure. Some of them are so rife with classic tropes that a gamer can easily identify the beginning, middle, and end during their first time with the game. The original Legend of Zelda had a clearly identified hero, villain, and plot device in the form of the Triforce. All major Zelda games have followed suit in some capacity, with notable exceptions like Majora’s Mask and Link’s Awakening being clearly identified…