Tag: Argorok

When it comes to stories set in a medieval or pseudo-medieval setting, soon or later you’ll run into dragons. Either in the flesh or just referenced, there is something primordial, something alluring to large serpentine monsters. Many cultures who have had contact of some kind with scaled creatures from snakes to crocodiles have eventually developed a large and mighty variant of it: from the Chinese Dong Fang Qing Long (The Azure Dragon of the East), the Iranian Zahhak (known as…

We’ve received a staggering amount of information concerning Hyrule Warriors this week, but this plethora of news has also raised many new questions: Who is Lana? How does Agitha fight? How did these Twilight Princess veterans even enter the realm of Hyrule Warriors? Luckily for us, Nintendo’s Facebook page has provided some insight concerning these characters, as well as how they arrived. Hit the jump to learn more!

It’s a good day for Twilight Princess fans, as Famitsu has revealed some new information about Hyrule Warriors, and a good portion of it includes characters you may be familiar with. In addition to announcing two new playable characters, we also know of a few other veterans returning from Twilight Princess. Hit the jump to read the full story!

This one was inevitable; I mean, what are dragons if not the single most well-known and popular mythical creature around? They show up all the time in modern fantasy stories and ancient myths alike, appearing in the beliefs and myths of many cultures worldwide. It seems everyone’s into large winged lizards with a little feline grace. Zelda, too, has an abundance of dragons, and more importantly their presence is rather obvious and not obscured like a lot of mythological elements…

Alright, well here we are. Time to review the last of The Minish Cap’s dungeons before the last hurrah in Dark Hyrule Castle. It’s not my favorite dungeon in The Minish Cap — that award still goes to the Temple of Droplets — but it is my second-favorite and it’s also the only wind-themed dungeon in the series that I like. I’m sure you’ve noticed the trend if you’ve been keeping up with my Dungeon Reflections, how I’ve bashed the…