Tag: Pols Voice

Halloween’s just around the corner, so I thought it was a good time to tackle a certain lovely little article topic: The top examples of “nightmare fuel” in Zelda. While this term can have a broader meaning that applies to anything scary or nightmare-inducing, I’m going with a specific version. In short, I’m covering things that were never meant to be scary, or scary to this degree, but certainly become highly disturbing when you think about them. I suppose you…

Zelda is full of secrets. A motif that has pervaded the series since the very first game. GameTrailers has released a fact from the series which I personally never noticed before. The enemy Pols Voice is weak to sound. Throughout the series these enemies continue to pop up and I never noticed this weakness before. In Oracle of Ages/Seasons I always used bombs to defeat them, I’m now wondering if the bomb’s explosion was the cause of their defeat or…

Hey there guys! First video discussion in a while. I wanted to do something seasonal for Halloween, and ultimately settled on doing a few videos about the monsters in the series, starting with this one. This video is going to be about which monsters I would like to see again, because we haven’t seen them in while, or haven’t seen them in 3D, or haven’t seen them in the way I want them to appear. This is a good topic…