Tag: expo

Unsurprisingly, we have more news about Tri Force Heroes! This upcoming multiplayer 3DS title will be playable at the EB Games Expo in Sydney, Australia. The expo runs from October 2nd through the 4th and tickets are available here; it will include a number of playable upcoming games and unreleased content, as well as a large fan community and cosplay competitions. Tri Force Heroes is not Nintendo’s only displayed game at the Expo as Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Star Fox…

Eurogamer announced today what games Nintendo will be showing off at Eurogamer Expo 2011.  For those unaware, Eurogamer Expo is London’s largest games expo–and takes place between September 22-25.  Nintendo will be bringing along all of it’s big franchises including Skyward Sword.  While all of us want to see new gameplay shown on the expo floor, I think we will be seeing the exact same demo as we saw at E3 earlier this year.  With a release date quickly approaching,…