Tag: Anouma

With serious interest and consideration in mind, Aonuma claims that future Legend of Zelda titles could finally join other high ranking games that feature exclusive DLC.  However Aonuma strongly suggests that such content should express a meaningful experience to players, as the introduction of downloadable content in the Zelda series could potentially offer an entirely new perspective on the series. Given the question of possible DLC, Aonuma replies with the strong intention of implementing the idea in future Zelda titles….

An older interview that was recently translated by our friend, GlitterBerri, reveals the dynamic of the Majora’s Mask development team. Though some of the details are surprising, the way the final game turned out very much reflects the attitude of the team. Though Majora’s Mask is a unique Zelda game in that it was developed very shortly, this interview shows just how a Zelda game comes together. Hit the jump for more!