For those unaware at this point, someone in Japan with a modded 3DS currently has Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Basically, a retailer has broken street date (and will likely get pounded by the Nintendo police for doing so) and to our benefit we are getting some great news a day earlier than expected. The good news is of course that over the next 24 hours or so, we’ll know everything there is to know about the game, and as such won’t need to really talk much about this particular version for a while. Our focus shifts to the Wii U title. First new stage to show off is F-Zero… SNES style:

The next stage appears to be from Earthbound:

Also because I really don’t want to make a separate post about it, Dark Pit has been confirmed:

We won’t flood you folks with every little detail all day today, but we’ll have a slew of posts rounding up specifics (like this one) until… well.. we don’t really have anything else to reveal for the game.

Source: Gamnesia

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