The Tri Force Heroes launch date is fast approaching, and fans everywhere are getting excited. Nintendo is celebrating with a Tri Force Heroes launch event, which will take place on October 24th from 12PM to 3PM at the Nintendo World Store in New York City. The event will include a Tri Force Heroes competition as well as a cosplay contest, so you can dress up as your favorite character while you play against other Zelda fans. Plus, there will be Zelda-themed snacks to munch on while you play, meet new people, and enjoy the event.

I can’t express how much I want to go to this event. I’m going to do my best to reschedule my plans on Saturday, because this will be an awesome experience. This event is absolutely worth driving a few hours to attend, and I would love to experience it as well as see some of you there!

What do you guys think? Will you be attending this event? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo World Store

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