GameSpot got a chance to sit down with Eiji Aonuma and talk a bit about the current and future ongoings in the Zelda franchise. One of those topics covered a bit of both – using time mechanics from Majora’s Mask in future Zelda titles. Aonuma was asked if any of those mechanics could return in a future and Aonuma seemed to suggest one particular mechanic may return, so certainly some thought has already been put into it.

With the way that you progress through this game as opposed to more traditional Zelda games, especially with all the time manipulation, is that something that we might see again sometime in the future?

Aonuma: One particular game element, being able to slow down the passage of time, I think that’s something that we may be able to revisit in the future. But if we were to do so, it would have to to be implemented in a different way. It would have to be different to be meaningful. So that’s something you might see again in the future.”

Would be interesting to see how they would pull that off, as it would indicate time playing a somewhat bigger role in general, where slowing it down would actually be a benefit to the player. What do you think?

Source: GameSpot

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