
In an interview with Nintendo Power, Eiji Aonuma said:

It’s been 13 years since Ocarina of Time was originally released, and one of the big things that we made this remake possible was that there was an outpour of emotions from people who said they would like to see this game done. We said we could do it in 3D, so we did. I think certainly if there was a similar output of emotion and clamor from fans for a remake of Majora’s Mask, it wouldn’t be an utter impossibility.

Essentially, Eiji stated there has been such an out cry for an Ocarina of Time remake that it was the leading factor in deciding it’s creation and would again be the main factor in Majora’s Mask 3D becoming a reality. Hence, Operation Moonfall, an attempt to show Nintendo loud and clear the desire for Majora’s Mask on the 3DS.

It should be noted that Operation Moonfall in no way is here to encourage Nintendo to slow down the creation of a brand new Zelda title for the 3DS, but rather to encourage the creation of Majora’s Mask 3D along side of the new project to fill the gap between releases.

For those not aware, the DS Zelda team was working on Skyward Sword and likely hasn’t even started production on a new 3DS title. This means a 3DS title is at least 2 years away, if not 3. Nintendo will want to ensure their very first Zelda 3DS title is spot on, so chances are the DS team from Nintendo EAD will be heading up that project. This leaves the Grezzo team potentially available to work on Majora’s Mask per Nintendo’s request.

Operation Moonfall LogoOf course, Grezzo could work with Nintendo EAD to create the next game, but we’re being a tad realistic here. 2 to 3 years without a Zelda title could get tiresome, especially when Majora’s Mask 3D is so easy to create. The original Majora’s Mask was made in just under 2 years, and this time around is no different. The game already exists, and the graphical overhaul is already complete. It just needs to be implemented.

So how can you show Nintendo that you want this game? For starters you can show your simplest form of support by following Operation Moonfall on Twitter or Facebook. The bigger these groups get, the more attention they will receive from Nintendo.

Contact Nintendo Directly, Voicing Demand

There are multiple ways to contact Nintendo, and by far the most effective method is by email. You can contact them by emailing them at http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/webform.jsp or nintendo@noa.nintendo.com. Be respectful and polite, as Nintendo has not done any wrong here. We are simply complying to Aonuma’s request for support. Here is a email template:

Dear Nintendo,

As a fan of The Legend of Zelda series, I simply wanted to voice my support and interest in the creation of Majora’s Mask 3D. While we do not want to deter from the creation of a new Zelda game for the 3DS, we still would like to have Majora’s Mask given the same treatment Ocarina of Time has gotten. We feel that not only would it see strong sales from the large following the game has garnered over the years, but several of the new fans created with Ocarina of Time 3D would certainly be interested in purchasing it’s direct sequel. In addition, it would do the game a great justice to be brought back for a second life, and that such a game would be more accepted today than it was at the time of it’s previous release.

Of course, you may feel free to submit any sort of email you wish, so long as you are respectful. Nintendo isn’t denying us here, they simply want to see interest before committing to it. We are here to show them that the interest for such a project does exist.

Alternatively, in North America you can call at 800-633-3236 (Office) or 800-255-3700 (Customer Service) and ask kindly what the status of a possible Majora’s Mask 3D remake is in the wake of Ocarina of Time 3D. Doing so shows them directly that you are interested in the other N64 title making an appearance on the 3DS.

You can also sign the official petition. The more signatures the better: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/OpMnfall/petition.html

Other methods include making your voice heard to Nintendo through the Social Network medium. You can do so on facebook via Nintendo of America’s Page – http://www.facebook.com/Nintendo – via The Official Nintendo 3DS Page – http://www.facebook.com/Nintendo3DS – or through the Official The Legend of Zelda Page – http://www.facebook.com/LegendofZelda?sk=wall

On twitter, you can ensure Nintendo sees your voice by writing to @NintendoAmerica, @Nintendo, and of course @OpMoonfall.

Of course, the best way to really get this Operation off the ground is by word of mouth. Spreading it to all of your local website homes, to all your facebook friends, and to your buddies at school is truly the best way to create the demand needed.

Key reasons to support Operation Moonfall:

  • The core Zelda development teams will still be free to work on 3DS and Wii U development as long as Grezzo returns for this remake.
  • This game will be cheaper and faster to make than OoT3D and MM since the gameplay and graphical structure and content are both already complete. It’s just a matter of applying the same makeover to MM that OoT3D already received.
  • Zelda fans will be looking for something to satisfy them next year while waiting for a new 3DS and Wii U Zelda. Offering another familiar experience in MM3D would be a good way to reward players who purchased and enjoyed OoT3D.
  • MM has gained a lot of popularity among internet communities in recent years. An enhanced save system would alleviate one of the most common complaints about the game (similar to the OoT Water Temple complaints).
  • The 3DS itself should have gained momentum by the time MM3D would be completed, which could result in the game moving copies faster than OoT3D.
  • Because Majora’s Mask is amazing, and could best use a second life to prove its worth.

You can look forward to an official Wiki home for Operation Moonfall in two weeks time, but for now refer to this post and the social networks for all of your Operation Moonfall needs.

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