*Update* GameStop has confirmed the ad is real, meaning the ALBW 3DS bundle will come stateside, but Nintendo still says they have nothing to announce at this moment.

Well folks, it is now time to open your checkbooks if you live in the United States, because the Limited Edition

A Link Between Worlds

3DS XL is making its way here. Of course, leave it to Nintendo to not

say a damn word about it, but thankfully GameStop is doing all the

talking for them. In a recent advertisement for November Black Friday

sales at GameStop, the bundle is being sold for a whopping $219.99. Well

worth it considering you get the limited edition 3DS XL and

A Link Between Worlds (digital version). Getting this console personally would also round out my current generation Zelda collectors items – as I also have special edition GamePad to boot. That and this design is way slicker than the original Zelda special edition 3DS that was sold with Ocarina of Time 3D.

Still don’t believe this is true? Well then, check below because we have the ad on full display for you. The best part? You get a free toy car with Hot Wheels 3DS!

Source: GameStop

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