A little under two weeks ago, Nintendo announced that they would be discontinuing their customer loyalty program known as Club Nintendo. Before all services were to stop on July 1, 2015, they promised to update their available rewards with brand new physical and digital items once February came around. Well, as of today, the new rewards have officially been added!

If you were hoping to see one or two Zelda items here and there, you’ll be surprised at the actual amount of goodies we’ve received. Among the nine new physical rewards, three of them are specifically Legend of Zelda items. If you include the items that aren’t specific to the series, but do include at least one item involving it, that brings the number up to five. Not only that, but a huge amount of digital games were also added, with a couple of Zelda titles thrown into the mix. Here’s a list of all the Zelda related rewards currently available:

Remember, everyone has until June 30, 2015 to use their coins! We’re not entirely sure how limited the physical rewards are going to be, so if you’re interested in getting your hands on any of these, I highly advise you try to do so as soon as possible. The website seems to be experiencing some issues right now due to heavy traffic, so you may have to wait a bit before you get the chance to do so.

What do you think about these new rewards? Are you excited about any of these items or were you expecting more? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Club Nintendo

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