The music within the Lost Ancient Ruins dungeon is very haunting and quite intense. A memorable melody that ensures anyone who plays A Link to the Past will walk away with at least a few good goose bumps.

One musically inclined fan by the name of CelloBasset paired this awe-worthy tune with one of the world’s most exquisite instruments, the cello, and created a completely breathtaking masterpiece. He recently released the video titled “Zelda Cello – Lost Ancient Ruins – A Link to the Past” showing his immense musical talent.

The video consist of CelloBasset playing all parts of the piece by himself, compiling several takes simultaneously to create an unified, and beautiful effect. This, paired with the lack of backup of background music speaks volumes about the skill of this cellist. And if you don’t believe us, have a listen for yourself; you won’t regret it.

CelloBasset does have more “Zelda Cello- A Link to the Past” videos on his channel, including , Seal of the Seven Maidens, and Hyrule Castle, and is planning to make more arrangements of tunes from the soundtrack soon.

What tune from A Link to the Past would you like to hear covered next? Make sure to let CelloBassist know on his channel, and feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Art Source: Kayla Gunn

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