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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

/* Toggle.js */
        Toggles the display of elements on a page 
        Author/contact: Austin Che
        See for examples and documentation
// indexed array of toggler ids to array of associated toggle operations
// each operation is a two element array, the first being the type, the second a class name or array of elements
// operation types are strings like "_reset" or "" for the default toggle operation
var togglers = new Array();     
var allClasses = new Object(); // associative map of class names to page elements
function toggler(id)
    var toBeToggled = togglers[id];
    if (!toBeToggled)
    // if some element is in list more than once, it will be toggled multiple times
    for (var i = 0; i < toBeToggled.length; i++)
        // get array of elements to operate on
        var toggles = toBeToggled[i][1];
        if (typeof(toggles) == "string")
            if (toggles.charAt(0) == '-')
                // treat as an element ID, not as class
                toggles = document.getElementById(toggles.substring(1));
                if (toggles)
                    toggles = new Array(toggles);
                toggles = allClasses[toggles];
        if (!toggles || !toggles.length)
        var op = toBeToggled[i][0]; // what the operation will be
        switch (op)
            case "_reset":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = toggles[j]._toggle_original_display;
            case "_show":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = '';
            case "_hide":
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = 'none';
            case "":
                // Toggle
                for (var j = 0; j < toggles.length; j++)
                    toggles[j].style.display = ((toggles[j].style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none');
function createTogglerLink(toggler, id)
    var toggle = document.createElement("a");
    toggle.className = 'toggler-link';
    toggle.setAttribute('id', 'toggler' + id);
    toggle.setAttribute('onclick', 'javascript:toggler("' + id + '");');
    toggle.setAttribute('style', 'cursor: pointer');
    var child = toggler.firstChild;
    toggler.insertBefore(toggle, toggler.firstChild);
function toggleInit()
    var togglerElems = new Array();
    var toggleGroup = new Array();
    // initialize/clear any old information
    togglers = new Array();     
    allClasses = new Object();
    // make list of all document classes
    var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    var numelems = elems.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++)
        var elem = elems[i];
        if (!elem.className)
        elem._toggle_original_display =;
        var togglerID = -1;
        var elemClasses = elem.className.toString().split(' '); // get list of classes
        for (var j = 0; j < elemClasses.length; j++)
            var elemClass = elemClasses[j];
            if (! allClasses[elemClass])
                allClasses[elemClass] = new Array();
            // all the special classes begin with _toggle
            if (elemClass.substring(0, 7) != "_toggle")
            if (elemClass == "_togglegroup")
                toggleGroup = new Array();
            else if (elemClass == "_toggle")
            else if (elemClass.substring(0, 12) == "_toggle_init")
                // set initial value for display (ignore the original CSS set value)
                // understands _toggle_initshow and _toggle_inithide
                var disp = elemClass.substring(12);
                if (disp == "show")
           = '';
                else if (disp == "hide")
           = 'none';
                elem._toggle_original_display = disp;
            else if (elemClass.substring(0, 8) == "_toggler")
                if (togglerID == -1)
                    togglerID = togglers.length;
                    togglers[togglerID] = new Array();
                    togglerElems[togglerID] = elem;
                // all classes are of form _toggler_op-CLASS
                // figure out what class we're toggling
                // if none is specified, then we use the current toggle group
                var toBeToggled;
                var hyphen = elemClass.indexOf('-');
                if (hyphen != -1)
                    toBeToggled = elemClass.substring(hyphen+1);
                    toBeToggled = toggleGroup;
                    hyphen = elemClass.length;
                var op = elemClass.substring(8, hyphen);
                togglers[togglerID].push(new Array(op, toBeToggled));
    // add javascript links to all toggler elements
    for (var i = 0; i < togglerElems.length; i++)
        createTogglerLink(togglerElems[i], i);
function owwsitesearch(f){
/* End of Togglejs */

/* Tabs.js */
Tabs script based on data attributes for arbitrary target selection and limited structure restrictions

First, create a target out of any element (usually a div):
  -add class "zdw-tabcontainer"
  -add a unique id

Next, add content to the target:
  -each must be a div and a direct child to the target
  -add class "zdw-tabcontent"
  -add attribute "data-tab-content" to hold the unique (for this target) identifying string
  --for multiple selectors, use multiple "data-tab-content-selectorname" attributes

Then, add selectors:
  -they can go anywhere, inside or outside of the target
  -add class "zdw-tabset"
  -set attribute "data-tab-target" to the target's id
  -set attribute "data-tab-type" to "click" or "hover" to control how the tabs are activated
  -optional: set attribute "data-tab-selector" to some string if you wish to have more than one tabset for the same selector

Finally, add tabs:
  -they must be descendants of their respective tabsets
  -add class "zdw-tab"
  -optional: set attribute "data-tab-selection" to a unique (for this selector) identifying string
  --this will be compared to "data-tab-content-selectorname" in the target

$( function() {
$( 'body' ).on( 'mouseover click', '.zdw-tab', function( e ) {
  var tab = $( this );
  var tabset = tab.closest( '.zdw-tabset' );
  var selector = 'tabSelector' );

  // first check if we care about this event
  if ( ( 'tabType' ) || '').split( ' ' ).indexOf( e.type ) == -1 ) {

  // get target tabcontainer
  var target = 'tabTarget' );
  var container = target ? $( '#' + target ) : tabset.closest( '.zdw-tabcontainer' );

  // get all tabsets for container
  var tabsets = target ?
    $( '.zdw-tabset[data-tab-target="' + target + '"]' ) : // get all tabsets with the same target
    container.find( '.zdw-tabset' ).filter( function() { // get all child tabsets
      return $( this ).closest( '.zdw-tabcontainer' ).is( container ); // that aren't nested inside other containers
    } );

  // deactivate other tabs sharing the same selector and activate this one
  tabsets.filter( function() { return $( this ).data( 'tabSelector' ) == selector; } ).find( '.zdw-tab' ).removeClass( 'active' );
  tab.addClass( 'active' );

  // get selections
  var selections = {}
  tabsets.each( function() {
    var ts = $( this );
    var s = 'tabSelector' );
    selections[ s == undefined ? '' : '-' + s ] = ts.find( '.active' ).data( 'tabSelection' );
  } );

  // make sure this tabset takes priority in case multiple tabsets use the same selector
  selections[ selector == undefined ? '' : '-' + selector ] = 'tabSelection' );

  // hide contents (except nested contents)
  container.find( '.zdw-tabcontent' ).filter( function() {
    return target || $( this ).closest( '.zdw-tabcontainer' ).is( container );
  } ).hide();

  // show the selected content
  var selectors = Object.keys( selections ).map( function( s ) {
    return '[data-tab-content' + s + '="' + selections[ s ] + '"]';
  } );
  container.find( '.zdw-tabcontent' + selectors.join( '' ) ).show();
} );
} );

/* End of Tabs.js */

if ( $( '.zdw-paged-gallery' ).length ) {
  mw.loader.load( '/wiki/index.php?title=MediaWiki:PagedGallery.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

/* add Templates and Sandbox links to the Toolbox */

mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util']).then(function() {
	mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '/wiki/Category:Templates', 'Templates', 't-templates', 'Available Templates' );
	mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', '/wiki/Zelda Dungeon Wiki:Sandbox', 'Sandbox', 't-sandbox', 'Sandbox for testing changes' );

/* fix word wrapping in ToC by adding 1 pixel to each ul in the ToC */
var uls = document.getElementById('toc').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0].getElementsByTagName('ul');
for(var i=0; i<uls.length; ++i) { uls[i].style.width = uls[i].clientWidth + 1 + "px"; }