Tag: Satire

Starting with a joke for April Fool’s Day, Josh M. of Really Freakin’ Clever has created three satirical videos, each showcasing 64 “problems” with the first dungeons in Ocarina of Time. After watching the first few seconds, it should be obvious that it’s a joke, and each of these videos has identified some hilarious things that Ocarina of Time simply didn’t get right. Hit the jump to watch!

Do you consider yourself a serious Zelda fan? Does the intensity of your passion for Zelda often raise the eyebrows of people around you? Me too, and like you I don’t think twice about it. Zelda fans, however, will be shocked to learn that Christwire–a site purporting to be a conservative Christian website–has accused Zelda fans, the “Legendary Zelda cultists” as they put it, of summoning Hurricane Sandy. That’s right–Hurricane Sandy. According to Christwire, thousands of Zelda fans across the…