Tag: play-through

The Game Grumps, Egoraptor and Danny, are an absolutely hilarious let’s play duo. Their banter is humorous, and their laughter is contagious. Plus, they play through video games! And you know when they get to a Zelda game, it’s going to be a great time, both for them to play and for us to watch. So hit the jump to check out the first episode of their The Wind Waker HD series!

As more information about Skyward Sword flows in, it’s easy to forget about some of it. You probably remember that Miyamoto gave a presentation about Skyward Sword at the Nintendo 3DS Conference in September, but what did we get out of that? Aside from a neat CG trailer and a new gameplay video, Miyamoto added some comments about the controls, the development, and what to expect from the game. One of these revelations was supposedly that Skyward Sword will feature…