Tag: Lake Hylia

A Day in Hyrule Fanfilm

June 12 2015 by Djinn

YouTube member and fan film maker Shanna May recently uploaded a new video titled A Day in Hyrule featuring Shanna and Dexter as they travel through the park with their guardian fairies on the way to Lake Hylia. The video imitates the games in that there are no voices heard from either character. Instead there are text menus containing their words modeled after those from the later games in the series. Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

And so we reach the end of our journey, the last week of the Flute Boy’s Meadow Overworld series. This week, we come to the last category I detailed two months ago in the inaugural post for this series: Menu Overworlds. I had originally said these were “hardly worth the title ‘overworld’” and claimed I may not even give a post in attention to them, but in the end something changed my mind. As I detailed before, there are only…