Tag: aquanut

Welcome everyone once again to Zelda Artist Exposition — the feature series where I promote an artist I have found that I think is amazing and deserves more recognition. My list of artists to feature is long, but I am always looking for new additions as the list shrinks so please post a comment if you know of a Zelda fan artist you would like me to feature. Our feature today is aquanut of deviantART.

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on deviantART artist aquanut‘s Spirit Tracks fanart “Happy Easter Rabbit Haven“. This fanart shows Princess Zelda and Link spending Easter at the Rabbit Haven in New Hyrule. They are surrounded by the various bunnies they caught on their adventure while there is an Easter basket filled with eggs sitting next to them. There are also some hidden Easter eggs that can be seen in different locations around them. Apparently the Easter Bunny visits Hyrule for…

Today’s Zelda Fanart Spotlight is on deviantART artist aquanut‘s Legend of Zelda fanart, “The Legend Begins.” This fanart shows the moment where Link exits the cave where he receives the Wooden Sword from the Old Man who resides there. With the way the artist depicts this small part of the game it really shows how important this little moment actually is. This could technically be considered to be the very moment that the legend truly began for the series nearly…