Commonwealth Realm teamed up with Zeltik to make a Christmas special video on religion and Zelda. They note that, so far, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism have all made an appearance within the Zelda universe. They begin their evidence of religion being present in Zelda games with The Legend of Zelda for NES, The Adventure of Link, and A Link to the Past.

All three of these games has evidence that Link is supposed to be a Christian, from the cross found on his shield, the cross that enables him to see ghosts and protects him from death, and, most notably, his kneeling in front of a crucifix in a piece of removed promotional art. After these pieces of evidence, Commonwealth Realm sheds some light on the Islamic themes found within Ocarina of Time. They display the original Gerudo symbol, which is similar to the Muslim crescent moon and star, and they play the original Fire Temple music, which contains a Muslim prayer. They then state that Link fighting against the Gerudo throughout the game was supposed to mimic the events of the Crusades of medieval times.

Finally, Buddhism and Hinduism can be seen in the Ancient Cistern from Skyward Sword. The connections are made upon entering the level with a giant Buddha statue. Also, there are themes of the balance between yin and yang seen throughout the level. As for Hinduism, Kalakos is a Hindu diety and is the Ancient Cistern’s boss.

To see everything that is presented, check out the video and let us know what religious connections you’ve found within theZelda universe in the comment section!

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