Death Mountain Crater

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Death Mountain Crater

Death Mountain Crater is located in the heart of Death Mountain in Ocarina of Time.

Ocarina of Time

Inside this massive crater rests the Fire Temple, along with seemingly endless pools of flowing lava.

Unless Link is wearing the Goron Tunic, he will have a limited time in the crater before dying - eight seconds for each full heart container he had on entry. This is not affected by healing or damage taken after entering the crater, but resets after falling in lava (according to his new health total, which includes one heart of damage from the lava) and respawning at his entry point. It is also not affected by the double defence boon granted by the Great Fairy outside Ganon's Castle.

The Crater is divided into two areas - a high wall accessible from the Death Mountain Summit at any time, and a lower part initially reached via Darunia's room in Goron City as an adult. The later area contains the Fire Temple; a broken bridge where Sheik teaches Link the Bolero of Fire, which warps him to a Triforce Pedestal in the Crater outside the Fire Temple; and a Great Fairy Fountain, which requires the Megaton Hammer for access. The Great Fairy of Wisdom within will double the size of Link's Magic Meter.

Pieces of Heart

Gold Skulltulas
