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  1. ChargewithSword

    General Art Random Paints by Charge 1

    This is Suzaku, the vermillion bird of the south. (He is known as Suzaku in Japan; in China, it's just The Vermillion Bird.) It is one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellation. It represents the fire element, south, and summer. Though the bird has been illustrated multiple times...
  2. ChargewithSword

    General Art Writer's and Artist's Block Advice

    We as writers and artists all know what it is like to have a visit from those two horrible experiences. We also have our own methods of dealing with these problems. That's why I decided to write this, for those who feel like trying something new for dealing with their particular blocks. You can...
  3. ChargewithSword

    The End of One Era, and the Birth of a Next.

    The video game industry has been going on for a very long time, and has noted many numerous successes and failures. There are those who were there to see the Odyssey get released as the first real video game console. There were times when people could enjoy the Atari 2600 and its wide selection...
  4. ChargewithSword

    Tong (A Short Horror Story by Chargewithsword) PG-13

    Whether this story is frightening or not, I do not know. I will have this hidden in spoiler tags though. I don't want to risk the chance that this is scary enough to make someone panic. So, now that, that's out of the way, enjoy, Tong!
  5. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art Malladus As Princess Zelda

    ...the regular pink Zelda. I'm surprised at the actually quality of this sketch really, and am happy it came out like so. The soul that you see on *snicker* Queen Malladus' hand is supposed to be Zelda's spirit, crying out for help. When I started to upload this, I thought of adding Link to it...
  6. ChargewithSword

    General Art The Mutant (A Chargewithsword Original Story) Includes Short Subject on Giant Mutants

    ...to me?! I am here! I am holding this blade in your faces yet neither of you pay attention to the one behind it! Why is it that you give that Porg-***** Tamara all the attention in the world and treat this threat like nothing?!" Both brothers were taken aback by that comment but...
  7. ChargewithSword

    General Art Evil of the Bog (A Chargewithsword Original Story) PG (Includes Two Old Drawings)

    ...of, Tamara, Witch of the Swamp. This is the story of how four children, much like yourselves, attempted to kill her. Hush, listen, and remember.” ** It began on a hot midsummer's day, in a city down to the south known as, Eabull Horn. In that city lived four children: Hoen, Jin, Hopu, and...
  8. ChargewithSword

    General Art Chargewitsword's Grammar/Writing Tips

    This is Chargewithsword, here to give aspiring writers any advice on grammar they may need for their fiction. I'll be updating this consistently, so check back often. -- Dashes and Parenthesis as interrupts: Both of these are meant to show interruption in the flow of your narrative, and they...
  9. ChargewithSword

    General Art Min Streel: The Bard of Giants (A Chargewithsword Original Story) PG

    This was made very early in my writing and contains a lot of messy prose that doesn't compliment the words themselves. I decided to upload this because, a) people liked "The Meeting" b) cause I want to show how much I improved. -- Min Streel The Bard of Giants It was Stem-Winter, if...
  10. ChargewithSword

    General Art The Meeting (A Chargewithsword Original Story) Rated PG

    ...frightening nature, but Min was left un-phased. After he was brought his drink, Min took to singing silly songs about all the creatures. ** Hold fast! Since nothing important happens in the next few paragraphs, let me explain to you a few rules of giant etiquette in comparison to...
  11. ChargewithSword

    What Makes Dark Link So Cool?

    I've noticed this throughout the years that Dark Link is really popular, though I've never really understood why. He's only been featured in a few games as a miniboss at many times. He's never had a really developed back story as anything but a black Link with red eyes. I will say though that he...
  12. ChargewithSword

    Most Frightening Experience You Had in a Zelda Game?

    It doesn't have to be frightening, just something that was at least creepy enough to make you feel uncomfortable. For me, it surprisingly wasn't Majora's Mask, it was Ocarina of Time, and the Bottom of the Well. When I first got to the well, I was only somewhat unnerved, but then I started to...
  13. ChargewithSword

    Ocarina of Time Memories of Your First Time Playing Ocarina of Time

    We all have many memories of our first playthroughs of games, and they are always different. So, in honor of the soon to be Ocarina of Time 3DS, what are you memories from your first Ocarina playthrough, and what memories do you hope to gain from this new game? My first playthrough is a silly...
  14. ChargewithSword

    Themes You Feel Could Be Addressed in Future Zeldas

    We know Zelda can do a coming of age story well, and talk about despair, but what else would you want to see addressed? I would personally like a theme that addresses child/teen pressure from high expectations. Mostly those centered on Link. There's high build up, he is known to be the heir...
  15. ChargewithSword

    General Art The Little Waterbender [PG] Adventure

    The Little Waterbender [PG] Adventure (Fanfic) It's finally ready. This is the story I have been toiling with since December to create. Because ZD is a very important forum to me and I only know so few of you that go to Deviantart, you guys get my story a little earlier than both Fanfiction.net...
  16. ChargewithSword

    General Art ChargewithSword's: Sonic Next Generation

    My name… is Silver the Hedgehog. I am one of the few survivors left in this world, held up in a city known as Station Square. For as long back as I remember I've been living a very dismal life. This could be attributed to my world being a living nightmare. The sun never shines through the...
  17. ChargewithSword

    General Art Poster for My Secret Project.

    Behind the fall of art, and before the fall of man, it exists.
  18. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art Zelda Let's Act: The Project Reborn

    So then, the project is reborn... My last time I was on these forums I had committed myself to a project known as Let's Act. The objective was simple; people who signed up would be acting the role of particular Zelda characters while someone would play OOT. There was a script and everything...
  19. ChargewithSword

    A Link to the Past Zelda Let's Act: The Project Reborn

    So then, the project is reborn... My last time I was on these forums I had committed myself to a project known as Let's Act. The objective was simple; people who signed up would be acting the role of particular Zelda characters while someone would play OOT. There was a script and everything...
  20. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art Charge's Paints of Zelda

    These quick paints here were more tests of my skills with the tablet.
  21. ChargewithSword

    General Art My World of Mystigma

    When I was gone from the forums, I stepped away from the world of fanart and decided to create my own art dedicated to my fantasy world of my dreams. I aspire to be an animator now, creating works that shall be remembered for decades to come. I have made stories based off my world and I have...
  22. ChargewithSword

    General Art ChargewithSword's Variety of Art. Zelda and No.

    This is the art of my Deviantart Account. This first one is another cover to my fanfiction: Legend of Zelda- The Shade's Mirror (Remind me to get back to that in a while.) This art was my experimenting dream. It was my test of my Photoshop prowess and not a single pencil involved. And I must...
  23. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art A Zelda Project-Let's Act *HELP WANTED*

    I have been thinking of working on a project that I've never really seen much done of. It is what I call a "Let's Act". It is like a Let's Play but instead of simply playing the game there is acting involved for the characters. You still wander around and do puzzles and fight the monsters but...
  24. ChargewithSword

    Ocarina of Time Zelda 64 Ideas You Would Like to Be Featured in OOT3DS and Why,

    It's as the (overly long) title says. If Ocarina of Time on the 3DS was going to be a full on remake of OOT, perhaps Nintendo will be considering adding the Zelda 64 ideas that they had left behind a long time Honestly, out of all the ideas that I recall that were mentioned for Zelda 64, it...
  25. ChargewithSword

    The Problem Falls to Link

    I think I found what makes me slowly irk at the graphics of Skyward Sword. It is Link, he is the cause of this bad taste in my mouth. I mean, look at how much he clashes with everything: The shading given to him is overall too dark for this game. The style that his model is also too grim...
  26. ChargewithSword

    Ocarina of Time to Earn a 3DS Remake

    What do you honestly make of this situation? I find this the best way to remake Ocarina of Time to be honest. We not only get a special remake, but one on a very innovative sounding handheld. To be honest, this could be the best remake we could be asking for. We could also find some...
  27. ChargewithSword

    General Art The Little Waterbender

    ...They swam through the water with grace, each one bending it to their will. Children would twirl it around them, mermen would bring their everloves* closer to them. The silhouettes then darted through a cavern where at the end, came the most wonderful sight imaginable. The sight was a grand...
  28. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art Three Disgruntled Minions *Hard PG-13 Oneshot*

    Chuck, Huber and Larry- Three Minions The day was dark and the clouds were red. This was the average in the kingdom of Hyrule, ever since Ganondorf took over. He been reigning king for the past seven years and things were going smoothly. The only issue he had was the rising champion of the...
  29. ChargewithSword

    Who else Could Hold the Triforce?

    Now you know that the Triforce has been going to Link, Zelda, and Ganon for pretty much every Zelda game in existence correct? However, I often wonder, "Who else could possess the Triforce if there was no, Link, Zelda, or Ganon?" So to combat my curiousity I would like understand whom you...
  30. ChargewithSword

    How They Grow Up So Fast...

    Lately I have been replaying the classic Zeldas and have realized something. Each of the three Link's in that era had something that they represented. But there was something more, when you look at their sequels you can easily tell that these Link were all meant to grow up. Like us children, we...
  31. ChargewithSword

    The Zelda Movie Contest Judge Sign Up

    I am a wealthy boss of a high budget movie company (pfft, I wish) and I have recently gotten the rights to produce a Zelda movie. Now I just need a director/writer to make the movie. I have a space open for twelve people to participate. Who shall be writing the script. Ok, out of acting mode...
  32. ChargewithSword

    The Moments in Zelda That Inspired Fear or High Anxiety

    We all know that there have been moments in gaming that you actually felt afraid and alone. Metroid for instance, inspires a fear in you that begs for companionship in those alien worlds. In Zelda have you ever had that feeling? Even as a child did you have that feeling during certain points...
  33. ChargewithSword

    Work in Progress Background Art: Hyrule Castle

    This picture is actually a scene in my fan fiction. It's an upcoming chapter where the group travels to Hyrule Castle. In my fic, Hyrule castle has moved to the eastern Hemisphere, by the ocean. Currently I have the backgrounds done. I just need the characters and the castle to be done.
  34. ChargewithSword

    THe CD-I Zelda's Redeeming Qualities.

    I want to get this out straight to everyone who criticize the CD-I games blatantly. So here I made a thread dedicated for the things actually good about the CD-I games. First: The concept for Zelda Wand of Gamelon. The story of WoG was actually pretty good compared to other Zeldas, since unlike...
  35. ChargewithSword

    General Art The Boy and His Shadow

    Author's Notes: This short story I made a while ago. It was me trying to make a fairy tale like a brothers grimm story. I think I succeeded and I failed. I made it too modern and too wordy to be the fairy tale I wanted. I think I succeeded in getting a good atmosphere though. (If you have a...
  36. ChargewithSword

    Did You Ever Draw a Map?

    Do you ever remember wandering around in the original LOZ without a guide and a clue with what you were doing? So as an alternative, you would draw yourself a map of the world so you wouldn't get lost. I remember trying that once when I was a kid, but I gave up quickly due to not being able...
  37. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Bardsong Requests

    I have always been fond of bardsongs. I always was fond of them wherever they were used. I was especially fond of them in books, because they gave you a chance to create a tune in your head. Now I am attempting to add bardsongs to the Zelda world. Now I give you guys a chance to request a...
  38. ChargewithSword

    Ocarina of Time Bardsong/Poem

    This is me practicing bard-songs and rhyming. I intend to remake this in the future into something better, but for now enjoy the first part of my bard-song, the child section. A story of the days of yore, Before Twilight amassed and wolves would soar. When an expansive land was not so...
  39. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Shade's Mirror Sign Up

    ...place in the adult timeline, such as Atsuma's fic, you cannot use their name.) Gender: Weapons: Race: (Zora, Goron, Hylian (Filled), Deku, Dragir*, Watarara*) Background: Personality: Elemental power: (if any) (2 limit for every element) *Both unofficial, but I feel they are interesting enough.
  40. ChargewithSword

    Villain Songs or Hero Songs?

    We all know that in every musical there is a chance for a song from the hero and the villain. The question is which one is better? That is for you guys to decide. For me, it's villains. Their songs are just so bloody dramatic and never deny this: Villains. Get. The. Best. Eye Candy! (If...
  41. ChargewithSword

    ChargewithSword's Author Interviews

    ...of a hero, a peaceful being who has trouble just as everyone else. I tend to make him lawful, protective of others and caring for what is right. *People have said I tend to make god-like main characters but that is not true, I know that if I did make something like that, the story would not...
  42. ChargewithSword

    Disney's: The Black Cauldron - The Movie I'm Sure You Never Saw

    Ah yes, the Black Cauldron, truly the darkest Disney Film (in the Animated Canon mind you) made yet. Sadly it is also the most underatted and ignored Disney Film among the canon. The reason I am showing this at this forum specifically, is because this is a Zelda forum right? Well, this film may...
  43. ChargewithSword

    Cover Art Contest

    ...the mischievous Dekki prove to be a handful. But are these three really all that useless, or maybe they have a bigger part to play in this story. Find out next chapter. *Lan and Match are the two human like characters on the cover to the entire story. Lan is the longnose. Match has the glasses.
  44. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Art Legend of Zelda: The Shade's Mirror

    ...Though he seemed frail, he was a very well kept lad, with a good amount of muscle. "Oh, Agin," said Link. "I was just thinking: What if the war* is over, and I haven't done any fighting." "Then it'll be for the better," proclaimed Aginashan while scrounging through cupboards for...
  45. ChargewithSword

    Zelda Fanfic Preview

    This is a preview of a secret fan fiction of mine. It is an adaption of Disney's the Black Cauldron which is loosely based on the books from the Prydian Chronicles. Now, though it may seem lazy to be using a movie as a backdrop, I assure you that my story will branch away from the movie. I am...
  46. ChargewithSword

    The Dark Tribe

    The Dark Tribe The Dark Tribe.... it is a force that has been prevalent in multiple games in the Zelda series. They have spread an influence that has been felt in every game. They are also the greatest mystery surrounding the Zelda series. Who were these people? Who works for them? What did...
  47. ChargewithSword

    More Than One Ganon

    For many years we in the Zelda community have always known Link and Zelda as being reincarnations of previous counterparts but only very few people I have known believe that there is more than one Ganon. I find this untrue as Ganon and Ganondorf have been different in multiple games, but I do...
  48. ChargewithSword

    Mini-boss Royale OOT

    You may think I am posting the same picture in a different thread just for more post power, but I have my reasons. This is a poll: Who is the strongest mini-boss in Ocarina of Time and who could beat who. As for me, the contest goes to Flare Dancer. He is the most athletic of the bunch of...
  49. ChargewithSword

    Mini-boss Royale OOT- Fan Section.

    It's a drawing I made about the Mini-bosses of Ocarina of Time fighting each other. (I could have added more poe sisters, but was running out of paper to fit on the scanner.
  50. ChargewithSword

    Remake Of: Majora- Male or Female

    Old Theory: Majora is a creature that we have lack of knowledge of many things on and one of those discussions happen to be "Is it male or female?" (I lean on the female side of the discussion.) Now let me remind you, if Majora is a demon she could still have a gender. Majora has shown signs of...
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