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Zelda Art Legend of Zelda: The Shade's Mirror


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.




Chapter 1: A Pig Boy's Task

Loosely Based on the Disney Movie, The Black Cauldron, which is loosely based on the books from the Prydian Chronicles.

The story begins in the southern portion of Hyrule, what is commonly known as the Eldin Province. It was a dense forested area that has stood tall for many a century amongst most normal woods. The most popular title for Eldin Province though, is, "The Pedestal of Magic" and that name is rightly given. The forest commanded the majority of the magical elements of Hyrule and was home to the many "magic" folk of the land, including Fairies, Kokiri, and ,more recently, wizards.

Speaking of which, there is one particular wizard who resides in this mystical province who goes by the name of Aginashan. He was an old and powerful sorcerer who dabbled in many spiritual arts and was a widely known celebrity back in his day. Sadly with age comes obscurity and not even the Great Aginashan could escape that fate. So, when that time came he faded away from the public's eye until he seemed nothing more than a myth. The real myths never die though; they always manage to live on in the most unexpected of places and for Aginashan, this was no exception.

When he had been forgotten long ago, Aginashan had chosen to take up residence in a log cabin, in the southernmost part of the Eldin province. He chose to go here since he found that he was able to study in peace amongst the forest life. The only other person who lived with him was his apprentice, Link. Aginashan found him abandoned on the road many years back when he was still a baby. Aginashan took the boy in when no one else wanted him, gave him a home and a father figure.

Link was always dreaming of a different life. He longed to be a warrior instead of an assistant pig keeper. The problem though, was that he was almost, too ambitious and unaware of the dangers in the world. Thankfully, Aginashan made sure to keep the boy's head out of the clouds. Overall, they lived a peaceful life in their little cabin. nevertheless, peace is always disrupted, and sometimes, it's done in the most shocking methods.

"Something's wrong," murmured the sage to himself. "I can feel it in my bones, and the Kokiri know it too. They've hidden themselves deep in the Lost Woods and don't even show themselves to my words. The fairies have all disappeared as well; you don't see them anywhere."

Aginashan had been sitting in his study all morning with little attention paid to anything around him. He didn't even notice his pet cat creeping around his table. Most likely, Cat (the creature's name) was hungry, but Aginashan was too deep in thought to pay attention.

"I wonder," he murmured to himself. "Perhaps it has something to do with him. If so, then the seal on his powers has already weakened. so I suppose I should make the journey to the sacred grove. I'd best start packing."

Aginashan then turned his head at the sound of a large meow. He then got up from the seat of his desk to see where it came from. It was Cat, begging for food. Aginashan then said, "Yes, yes, yes, Cat I know you want your breakfast, but right now thinking is more important."

Cat's eyes then widened to give him an innocent demeanor. Aginashan then laughed and said, "Alright, alright you rascal. I suppose food is good for the thought. Come on, let's see what we have."

Aginashan then lead Cat to the kitchen. When he opened the door he looked towards the area where a pot was boiling. The top then started to overflow with the residue of a white substance.

"Oh dear me," exclaimed Aginashan. "Link! The pot is boiling over Link!"

His attention was then focused towards the window where a young boy stood. He was clad in a green tunic with white tights. His hair was a natural drench of brown that covered the majority of his head. Though he seemed frail, he was a very well kept lad, with a good amount of muscle.

"Oh, Agin," said Link. "I was just thinking: What if the war* is over, and I haven't done any fighting."

"Then it'll be for the better," proclaimed Aginashan while scrounging through cupboards for food. "War isn't a game Link, people get hurt, or even killed!"

"But I'm not afraid," stated Link as he walked to collect the contents in the pot. "I-Aow!" Mistakenly, Link forgot to hold a cloth before touching the handle on the lid.

Aginashan laughed and remarked, "You see? If war ever came to this portion of the world, you'd have a great deal more to worry about, than a burnt finger."

Link rolled his eyes at Aginashan's comment and grabbed for a towel. He used the towel to safely lift the lid of the pot. Link then got a ladle and pulled out some strange white substance from the pot.

This got Cat's attention quickly as he ran towards a nearby bowl. When Link dropped the food in the bowl, Cat licked his lips in hunger. However, when he actually put his mouth near the food his eyes bulged out like springs. Then he put his paw over his heaving mouth in disgust.

Aginashan noticed this and then said, "No, no, no, Cat that is not for you, it is for Rosei."

Link rolled his eyes a complained, "Rosei, Rosei, Rosei. It's always Rosei!"

"And one day mah boi, you might know why," softly spoke Aginashan before handing Link the bowl. "Now, no more daydreaming, you have chores to do."
Link took the bowl and quickly walked out the with scarcely a word said. Aginashan could only sigh at this and walked towards the pot. He only wished Link would try to absorb Aginashan's advice.

"He's so young, so anxious, and so blind to the dangers of the world.", he muttered to himself.

Aginashan then lifted the lid of the pot to see if he could clean any residue. "Ho! Look Cat, look," he exclaimed. "Just enough left for you!"

Cat's face widened with horror and he darted for the next room, as swiftly as the wind. "Was it something I said?", pondered Aginashan.

Outside of the cabin, Link stomped towards the pigpen. He just couldn't agree with Aginashan. He just didn't know how Link felt. He could handle a sword properly, but even then Aginashan never let Link out to fight.

"He just doesn't understand," grumbled Link. "I'm not a little boy anymore. I should be doing heroic deeds, for Hyrule, not waiting hand and foot for a spoiled pig."

When Link reached the pigpen he kicked the door open and walked towards a little house. He then dropped the bowl and kicked it inside the house, but it was quickly thrown back.

"Hu-what," stammered Link. "Oh, I'm sorry Rosei. I guess I got carried away."

A the sound of his apology, a small pig appeared from the pen. She was seemingly off balance with her weight, with her rear sporting a little more fat than her upper body. She then gave the bowl of food a dirty look. Link then said, "You'd better eat it, Aginashan made it especially for you."

Rosei smiled at Link and quickly took a bite of the food. She chewed it quickly and attentively, but suddenly, her face went sour. She then swallowed with a loud gulp and stuck out her tongue in disgust. Aginashan had apparently outdone himself this time; the food tasted worse than yesterday.

"Is this to be my life; pampering a pig," questioned Link, walking out of the stable. "I'm a warrior, not a pig keeper."

"Agin probably thinks I'd be afraid, but I wouldn't. All I need is a chance and I could be a famous warrior."

Link then picked up a stick and started to swing it around. He performed multiple sword techniques that would impress any normal swordsman. Since Link would train himself daily (behind Aginashan's back) he was well aware on how to fight. Rosei was interested in Link's swordplay and moved towards him.

"Look at me Ros, I can do it!" , he boasted.

Link then swung the stick near Ros, scaring her in the process. He then swung at some nearby ducks, frightening them away as well. All the while he boasted, "Haha! I am the mightiest hero in Hyrule."

Suddenly a goat walked nearby. Link took this opportunity to swing the stick near the goat as well. He then said, "Ah ha, there you are. His majesty, the evil magistrate!"

Link then struck the goat at the horns, causing it to shake. The goat didn't like this of course, but Link wasn't paying attention. "Heh, even the evil magistrate shakes with fear," he boasted before turning to Rosei. "You see Ros, everyone runs from the famous, Link of Caer Agina-"

But before Link could finish, he was ramed by the goat pushing him and Rosei into mud. Link then pretended to die in front of Rosei. "Ugh, Hyrule's finest warrior draws his last breath." , he grunted before "dieing."

Rosei looked at Link worridly, not realizing he was only faking. She nudged him on the cheek and noticed him open an eye with a slick smile on his face. Before he could say anything though, a shadow appeared over them.

"Agin!" ,gasped Link.

"Not, quite the blade for a hero.", mocked Aginashan.

"Well, I was just, I um," stuttered Link, looking for an excuse. "Rosei got dirty."

"Oh, I see," muttered Aginashan looking at Rosei and petting her. "Another dream Link?"

Link then gave up on his excuses and said, "But Agin, won't I ever be anything but an assistant pig keeper?"

Agin then rebutted, "She's a special pig Link. Now give her a nice bath. I'll be gone for most of the day so you'll have it to yourself when you're done with your normal chores."
"I can tell Agin," stated Link. "You have your hiking cap on."

It's true, Aginashan sported a green cap whenever he would go hiking in the woods. He also wore a set of green robes along with it. He found that green matched his spirits and his lengthy beard. He then said, "Of course my boy. Well, now I am off. Take care of yourself."

"Good-bye Agin," shouted Link "I'll see you later today."

Aginashan then departed to the woods, leaving Link alone with Rosei. He then started carrying her to a tub. "Well Ros," stated Link. "I'll guess I'll still be a pig-keeper, when I'm as old as Aginashan. Oh well, maybe if I am lucky, adventure will come here. Though I doubt it."

~Later that day~

In a deep forested area, near the Lost Woods and beyond the Kokiri forest, was the Sacred Grove. It was a celestial place that only few ever trodden to or even manage to see. Here in this place was a hidden secret lying within it's bowels. That secret was what Aginashan was here for.

As he walked up a flight of stairs, he felt troubled. This was because he sensed no presence of evil here. If there was no evil, then that would mean that he might've been mistaken. However, he would get his results when he saw the sword. And boy, did he get his results.

Once reaching the top of the stairs, Aginashan saw it. The Sword of Evil's Bane, commonly known as the Master Sword. Everything in the grove was untouched. Not a single soul had touched this grove in ages. That was the troubling part though.

"No, no, no," he stammered. "If he has not released the seals around the sword, then that means there is something else plaguing me. The question is: What else could make my hairs stand up like this. These are troubling times indeed. OH, if there's anything worse than incoming evil, it incoming evil that you don't know about..."


Later that night, Link noticed that Aginashan had returned. When he went to greet him though, Aginashan didn't say a word. The only thing that he would say was a small mutter. He would mumble, "I don't understand, they seemed fine..."

Link didn't understand what Aginashan was talking about specifically, but he chose to stay out of it. Wizard business was often far above his head, of course, it was also interesting. It sounded as if there was danger in the forest; if that was the case then Link could have an excuse to prove himself as an able fighter. Still Link didn't ask him, since not only was Wizard business complicated, it was secretive. So Link decided to keep out of it.

Dinner was quiet that evening; it had (thankfully) been Link's turn to cook, so the only other thing he heard from Aginashan was a "thank you" and a "delicious." Overall, it was a quiet even, but the night was quite loud. Aginashan would chant stridently, keeping Link up all night. It wasn't until midnight, that Aginashan went to bed.

For the next few days, things went along peacefully. The only thing that really bothered Link was that the forest was getting oddly quiet. It was almost as if all the life was being siphoned away from it. This was somewhat troubling, but Link managed to keep his courage at a high. He wanted to be prepared for anything to happen. Of course, Link wouldn't be prepared for what would happen today.

It would all start when Link was giving Rosei a bath as usual. As he scrubbed her back, he noticed Henwen was beginning to jitter and whimper. Suddenly, Henwen burst out into full squeals and started jumping and struggling.

Link then asked, "What's wrong Ros? Stop it! Please, calm down Ros!"

Suddenly Aginashan opened a window and yelled, "Link, what's going on?"

"I don't know," replied Link. "Rosei just started squealing as if a monster was here!"

Aginashan turned pale at the sound of his words. He then commanded, "Quickly lad, bring her inside."

Link obeyed Aginashan and carried Rosei inside the house. When he got inside he noticed Aginashan lighting a candle near a small pot of water. "What's that for?" ,asked Link.

Aginashan didn't answer him though and instead said, "Put Rosei down Link. I never use her powers, but I am afraid I must."

As Link placed Rosei down near the pot he asked, "Powers? What powers?"

Aginashan then grabbed his walking staff and said to Link, "Link, what you are about to see, you must never reveal."

Aginashan then placed his staff in the water and began stirring. As he stirred, he recited and incantation, "Rosei, from you I do beseech knowledge that lies beyond my reach. Troubled thoughts beyond your heart. Pray you now those thoughts impart."

Once the incantation was spoken, Rosei appeared as if to be in a trance. Her eyes turned from white to a radiant red and her vision was fixated on the pot of water. She lowered her head into the pot and made no movement thereafter.

When Rosei's face was partially submerged, the water in the pot began to writhe. Soon it changed its color to that of a turquoise and with it, images began to form. The first image was that of a long robed man with a glowing right hand.

Aginashan knew exactly what this meant and gasped, "Ganondorf. But I checked the seals on his powers, and they were intact."

A new image then came up. It was that of a long white trident. It was held high in the man's hands as if in victory. Aginashan's eyes bulged in surprise at the sight of this new image.

"The Trident of Power," he gasped. "So, that's how he is avoiding the seals! He found a new power source to siphon from."

Link was watching the whole time in awe and amazement. He was transfixed on the water images and the gorgeous colors that flowed from it. It would change from turquoise to emerald, and from emerald to scarlet. It was truly a dazzling sight. Never had he imagined that Rosei could do such things.

The image in the pot then began to reshape itself again. This time it was the apparition of multiple eyes moving around in a circular pattern. Aginashan immediately picked up on this message and said, "He is searching. But what is he searching for?"

The image once again reformed, but this time to sand and fire. The sand collided with the flame into a mismatch until they formed a great mirror. The mirror was then suddenly surrounded by shadow on every side until it was all absorbed into the mirror. The mirror had now become a great black mirror of shadow.

"The Shade's Mirror," cried Aginashan. "So that is what he's after!"

"The Shade's Mirror?" inquired Link.

Aginashan quietly explained, "It's an a gateway Link; the gateway to a horrible realm. It's been hidden away for centuries, but if Ganondorf should find it and open the portal inside the mirror, nothing could stop him."

Suddenly the image reshaped itself again. This time it was that of a small pig running away from two hands. The hands quickly surrounded the pig and subdued it. Link noticed the similarity and said, "That's Rosei!"

"He knows!" ,gasped Aginashan.

He then stomped on the bowl and cried, "Stop! Enough!"

The lights in the pot suddenly disappeared and Rosei snapped out of her trance. Aginashan then ran towards the cupboards, grabbing bread, apples, and an empty bottle. He then went over to the pot with the empty bottle and filled it with Aginashan's homemade breakfast.

He then explained to Link, "You must leave here at once Link. You must take Rosei to the hidden cottage I have over at the north eastern edge of the Eldin province."

"Hide," spoke Link skeptically. "But why?"

"Only I knew the secret to Rosei's powers," replied Aginashan "But now, The King of Darkness ,Ganon, has discovered it. We must make sure he never uses them to find the Shade's Mirror and open the portal to the Dark World."

"I'm not afraid of the King of Darkness!" pronounced Link.

Aginashan continued to pack things together but stopped to rebut Link, "Then you are a very foolish lad! Untried courage is no match for his evil, you must remember that. Now, come over here and look at this map."

Link obeyed Aginashan and walked over towards where he was. A map had been laid out on the table near him. Aginashan then placed his finger on the map and moved it around.

"Now listen carefully my boy," urged Aginashan. "You shall be travelling northeast from this cottage here to the hidden cottage I have here. You must use this path to get there. Also, under no circumstances are you to head to the northwest."

"Why not?" ,asked Link.

Aginashan then replied, "Lately I have been sensing nothing but evil from that direction, it is best not to risk the chance of Ganon being there."

Link then suggested, "Well, if I have to get there secretly, why don't I just go through the Lost Woods."
Aginashan then stated, "No! Those woods are much too dangerous to travel through these days. If you were to get lost there, you'd become a Stalfos and I do not want that to happen. Swear you won't go there!"

"Yes sir." ,answered Link going over to Rosei to lease her.

"Wait my boy." ,called Aginashan.

Link turned and saw Aginashan holding two things in his hand. His hiking cap and a small pack.

"Link" ,he said. "I want you to take this magical pack. In it I have put at least two days worth of food. Also, should you find the need to put anything inside, you'll never run out of room."

Link took the pack and wrapped it around his waist. He nodded to Aginashan and move away. Suddenly he was stopped by the sound of Aginashan's voice, "Wait Link. I also want you to have this."

He handed over the cap he had in his hands to Link.

"You're hiking cap," murmured Link. "But Agin, it's yours. I couldn't possibly-"

But he was stopped by Aginashan who said, "I'm getting old Link. I doubt I'll be hiking much anymore. Besides I want you to have it; something to remind you, that you are always welcome here in Caer Aginashan."

Link then accepted the cap and placed it on his head. He then hugged Aginashan goodbye. Link had never noticed that he had lived in this place for all his life and this would be the first time he ever journeyed into the outside world.

"Good bye Agin," Link said. "I'll miss you."

"And I you boy," replied Aginashan. "Take care."

So Link leased Rosei and walked out the door. As Link was leaving, Aginashan sighed to himself, "So much, so soon, rests on his young shoulders."

This was the start of a whole new adventure for Link, full of danger, friends, and mystery. Where he will become from boy to man and conquer the impossible.


Elsewhere, in dark places where birds dare not to sing, where flowers are too frightened to bloom, there was a room. The room was swallowed in the blackness of evil, with a deathly silence following it. No living creature dared to enter here; no bat dares to rest on these beams, no rat scurries through here, no spider made cobwebs. The only living thing in this room was a man.

He was a dark figure, garbed in a heavy robe of the blackest nights. The only clear detail of his face was two cold white eyes that felt like piercings to your soul. His every breath was always trailed by a deep growl emanating from his throat. This man was surrounded by the stench of loathing and resentment.

Then garbed man then began to Every motion he made would part the overbearing mist before him, revealing something horrible. Skeletons, dotted the floor in a cluttered group. Each one was a different skeleton, some of Gorons, some of Zora, some of Hylians; it was a mass assortment of strange bedfellows. However, they all had one thing in common; they were waiting for something, patiently and quietly.

"Yes," growled the Dark Man. "Soon my tribesmen. Soon, the Shade's Mirror will be mine. It's evil power will course through my veins, and I will make you...Mirror Born. Then... you shall worship ME! Yes... then, with you at my hand, I shall find them... the other two."

The man's right hand then began to glow with an eerie light. It parted the darkness and revealed a whole mass of skeletons. In its glow, the masses of dead seemed already to sprawl with life. They waited though, they were waiting for the right time.

The man then laughed beneath his breath. His deep throated laugh echoed throughout the room, making everything else tremble before it. The man then muttered, "How long I have thirsted to be a god... among mortal men..."
*The War of Seven Isles. This is the current war going on between Hylians and the Inhabitants of the Seven Isles to the south east ocean.
The dispute is a normal war for resources. The Hylians though are finding it difficult to outmaneuver the natives in their home group.

Well, this is my story, it's an adaption of Disney's the Black Cauldron. (I mean adaption, not just a screen rip off.)
Anyways, for the next chapter cover Image, I am holding a contest. You simply draw me your version of the cover and PM me. If I like it, then I will accept it for the next cover page. In order to do that though, I will give you a preview of the next chapter.
Chapter 2: Four's a Crowd
In this chapter Link is on his way to the cottage in northeastern part of the Eldin Province. Along the way he loses Rosei and meets up with a Deku Scrub Thief called Dekki. It is then that Link finds two pig nappers had stolen Rosei and now Link must save her. Eventually Link does and the two pig nappers (who's names are Lan and Match) want to join him. Them along with the mischievous Dekki prove to be a handful. But are these four really all that useless, or maybe they have a bigger part to play in this story. Find out next chapter.
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Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.

This is the image of Dekki. This picture is different from the cover because at that time I did not want his massive head to drag too much attention. Also, the Dekki in this picture barely taller than the one in the cover due to the head and the different feet length. I intend to update this pic as much as possible.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.

By Northapple.

Legend of Zelda: The Shade's Mirror Chapter 2: Four's A Crowd

It had been two days since Link left the comfort of Caer Aginashan and so far, things have gone smoothly. No one had come to attack him or Rosei. The road Aginashan had set for him was smooth and clear. Overall the trip was going along just fine.

Link couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had heard so many stories about The King of Darkness when he was younger and how he razed all of Hyrule. He was always excited to hear the stories of great heroes who challenged him. This was now Link's chance to join their ranks.

So why was it that nothing happened for the past two days? Aginashan told Link that this would be a dangerous quest, and so far the only danger so far was an angry badger. Still, Link kept his morale up. Even if he didn't encounter Ganon's subservient subordinates he would still be hailed as a hero. Maybe if he was lucky enough, he would be allowed to lead an army against Ganon.

"Don't worry Rosei," boasted Link, walking by her side. "I'll protect you no matter what. Ganon won't have his way with me. Just stick close to me and no one will have your powers."

Rosei gave an innocuous grin as Link dragged her on. As he and her walked through the forest, he caught a glimpse of his surroundings. The forest now appeared to be thicker than it was before. Link had traveled a long way, and he was now peering at the beauty of his surroundings.

Each tree stood high above Link, coveting the light of the sun and basking in it's warmth while leaving Link in the dark. Each branch was tenuous from his view, while the trunks themselves were grandiose and gluttonous. Despite this difference though, the branches were bursting with green leaves that sung to the breeze that was blowing up above. Soon, they would depart in fall to follow the wind's course. It was their grand adventure.

The thought of all those leaves made Link feel a fervor. A life of adventure was something Link had always longed for. You could say it was direst. He knew that he had been a pig keeper for far too long. He only inured it because Aginashan always had his finger wrapped around him. But now, those days were over; Link was now on the road of adventure and was determined to find glory.

Suddenly Link felt parched in his throat. He had been travelling for two days and he rarely drank any water. So he grabbed a bottle out of his pack and opened it up to take a drink. Nothing came out of the bottle though. The bloody thing was empty again. Thankfully there was a small stream nearby for Link to refill his bottle.

He walked over to the stream and let go of Rosei for a few seconds to refill his bottle. He then looked at his reflection in the water. He was garbed, entirely, in his normal green tunic. The only difference was that he now had Aginashan's hat lying on his head. He was fit for adventure and ready for glory.

Link then snatched a twig in the water and boasted to Rosei, "Don't worry Ros! I'll protect you."

Link then took a look inside the pool of water once more. His image had changed this time, he was now garbed in gleaming, golden armor. He stood on a balcony in Hyrule castle, with crowds cheering him from down below. A voice then addressed him, "All hail Link, the hero of Hyrule, the greatest warrior of our age!"

Link then boasted, "Thank you, thank you. But I couldn't have done it without my faithful pig, Rosei."

However, when Link looked in her direction, Rosei was gone. She had wandered off while he was daydreaming. Link quickly face-palmed himself in annoyance before saying, "Oh no! Rosei!"

Link got up from the stream and strayed off the path. Rosei was deep in the forest, alone. Link had failed his responsibility as her guardian to take care of her. Now he had to go find her.

As Link wandered deeper into the forest, and off the path, he noticed the wood become a little more menacing. The trees would twist, and writhe as if in a immortal pain. Their trunks were hollowed out until all that was left was an empty shell, and a hole in the tree that resembled a writhing face. It was then that Link's nervousness began to increase, until it began to resemble fear.

Suddenly a rustle in the bushes got Link's attention. It might've been Rosei, but she might be panicked out here alone. So in order to coax her away from the bush, Link brought out the bottle of Aginashan's recipe. He then waved it in front of the bush while whispering in a coaxing voice.

"Come on now Ros, don't be scared. I've got a ni-." ,he whispered before being assaulted from above by a small creature who also stole his bottle.

It was a Deku Scrub. A tiny forest person who resembled a miniature tree. He had a single leaf sticking out from the top of his enormous head, and a grass skirt to cover his lower torso. His tube-like mouth extended 20 centimeters from his face.

He was smaller than Link, but appeared more dynamic and active than him. This is obvious though if you researched. Deku Scrubs are as empty as a log, and as light as a feather. They are only slowed down by their tiny legs. This one though, was jumping up and down with the greatest of ease.

The little Deku kissed the bottle and sniffed the insides before thanking Link. "Oh, great prince, gives poor, starving Dekki delicious yummies and slushies. Nice bottle too."

The little Deku then started to wander off. Link wouldn't have it though. He ran up to the scrub and pulled him up to his face. "Hey, I didn't give that to you.", shouted Link.

Suddenly, the Deku smacked his head on Link's skull, forcing Link to lose his grip on the scrub. He then ran off into the bushes while Link was regaining his composure. He recovered quickly though, and grabbed a stick. Link then threatened the scrub. "Alright, come out now. I am warning you, I am armed!"

The small scrub gave a small squeal and came out of the bush. He slowly walked to Link and showed him his hands. They were both empty, but this didn't fool Link. He then interrogated, "Come on, the bottle. Where is it?"

The scrub then exclaimed, "Uh, uh, Dekki not see where gruel go."

When the scrub lifted his hands in the air, the glass bottle fell from behind his back. He noticed this and quickly jumped on the bottle, as if to hide it from Link's vision. Link was starting to get annoyed by now.

"Alright hand it over!", he demanded.

The scrub got up and looked at the bottle longingly. His sad eyes looked up towards Link's and he sighed. The scrub then stretched the bottle towards Link. However, without warning, the scrub opened the bottle and sucked up some of the gruel before, finally, handing it to Link.

"You horrible, greedy little thing," scolded Link. "You should be ashamed of yourself!"
The Scrub began to panic and resorted to weeping .

"Poor Dekki deserves few smackings and whackings on his hollow, big head," he wept before groveling at Link's feet. "Always getting no slushies and yummies. Forgive poor Dekki!"

Link's face turned sour in disgust as he thrust the Deku thief off his legs. "Oh, stop that sniveling," Link commanded before asking. "Have you seen my pig around here?"

The scrub pondered the question for a second and then replied, " Round piggy? Fat Piggy? Big Snout? Curly Tail?"

"Yes, yes, that's her!" ,exclaimed Link.

" Uh, uh. Dekki no see piggy.", exclaimed the scrub to Link.

Link then sighed putting the bottle inside his bag, "Oh, never mind. No telling where Rosei is now."

Dekki (as the scrub called himself) noticed Link putting the bottle away. Suddenly Dekki's expression went from greedy to knowledgeable. " Oh, oh, master; now Dekki remembers," he exclaimed with excitement. "Clever Dekki saw piggy run through forest with two big guys chasing."

"Two big guys?!" ,sputtered Link in fear.

"Yea, they want to munch on tiny piggy," exclaimed Dekki excitedly. " Dekki's sharp ears heard them!"

"Oh no," ,growled Link. "I've got to find her."

"No worries master," boasted the tiny scrub, jumping onto Link and shifting through his clothes. "Dekki help you find the lost piggy. Then we can be friends forever!... Slushies and yummies in here somewhere."

Suddenly, a high pitch squeal could be heard in the distance. Link recognized this squeal and said, "That's Rosei! She's in trouble."

Dekki panicked and hopped away, but not before saying, " Goodbye!"

Link appeared that he wanted to scold the fleeing scrub, but he sighed and ignored it. ~I don't have time for this.~ He thought, before darting off to the origin of the squealing.

It was a short trip, for the squeals weren't too far off in the first place. When Link got there though, he was in for a surprise. Rosei was running around in an open field while two sketchy characters were chasing her.

One of them was a man with strange, pitch-black spectacles. He was tall, brawn, and drabbed in blue garb. His mouth was salivating a enormous amount of saliva. He darted after Rosei, who managed to stay out of his grasp through sharp turns.

"Wait Dinner!" he declared. "We only want to shove you down our throats!"

The man then lunged at Rosei, but missed her by a meter. Rosei then made a dash for the thicker part of the forest. The man then shouted, "Lan, stop it!"

"Ok!", responded a voice.

The second figure dropped in front of Rosei, barring her way into the woods. He was as tall as the other but had less girth. His face sported the most ridiculous nose, with it being shaped like a rectangular prism. On his back were two enormous, angel-like wings that stretched at least 60 centimeters.

When Rosei noticed that her way out was blocked, she swiftly turned and ran in the opposite direction. However, the man with wings quickly took off after her. Link knew that he would never catch Rosei like this, so he called out to her, "Come on Ros, over here! Hurry!"

Rosei took notice of Link's call and made a dash towards him. He did the same and ran towards her. This however also caught the attention of the two hunters. "Nuts, a thief," shouted the split haired hunter. "Lan, stop that pig!"

"I'm on it Match!", shouted the blonde haired one.

Blondie then reached out his arms to Rosei, and snatched her right off the ground. He then gave Link a swift kick in the gut, knocking both of them back a little. Link fell to the ground hard though, while the hunter managed to get back on his feet. "Match, I got it!" ,he grunted.

"Good work Lan," congratulated the other hunter. "Now, retract your wings and we'll head into the forest before this guy gets up."

They both made a mad dash into the wood, with Rosei's squeal's echoing through the shadowy enclave. Link (who was suffering from a headache) grudgingly got up. After regaining his composure, Link got up to chase the duo through the forest. In there, he followed Rosei's squeals in order to find her.

As Link wandered through the dark wood, the squeals got ever louder. Link then stumbled upon a small enclave where he saw them. The two hunters had tied Rosei to a stick and were preparing a fire.

"Haha, finally bro," cried the split headed hunter. "We'll eat after six days of nothing but trees and dirt."

The long nosed hunter then replied, "I don't know Match. That guy back there seemed pretty desperate for this pig, maybe this is his?"

"Nonsense," declared the split head. "He was obviously another traveler who was just hunger. Now, spin the pig steadily while I fry it up!"

Link then saw the split headed hunter light one of the sticks on fire. He raised it towards Rosei who squealed in fear. "No," cried Link. "Stop!"

The split headed hunter growled when he saw Link. "You again," he yelled. "you are starting to become a real annoyance, but I'll put an end to that!"

At that time, Link saw something incredible. With the wave of his hand, the hunter materialized a blade of pure flame. The blade shone with a serene, and glorious blue light that left an outline on everything in the area. It was a magnificent spectacle that not many humans see.

"Match," whined the blonde hunter. "Your flame sword? Isn't that much?"

The split headed hunter replied, "We haven't eaten a good meal in five days brother! I'm not going to lose this chance!"

He then charged at Link with great speed. Link was fortunate enough that he had quick legs, for the hunter swung that sword with the force of a morning-star. One swing nearly cut a tree in half. The problem with this guy was that he swung wildly and without purpose, leaving him vulnerable whenever he finished a swing. The problem though, was that Link had no sword to fight back with.

Still, Link had practiced swordplay before so he knew how to dodge these mad swings. He would have to use his brain and the environment to survive this encounter. Just as he was thinking though, Link had smacked into a branch that was behind him. This gave him an idea.

The hunter made another mad swing at Link, but he dodged it easily. While the hunter tried to get his balance back Link scooped up some dust and threw it in the hunter's face. The hunter growled and writhed as the dust reached the back of his glasses. Link then backed up, bending the branch at the same time.

"You little ****," roared the hunter. "I'll have your head."

"Not if yours is ringing!" ,cried Link.

The hunter then looked up towards Link with his sword at the ready. It was then that Link ducked, causing the branch to be let loose. It smacked the hunter's face, knocking his spectacles to fall off.

"Gah," he cried. "My glasses! You bloody scut, I'll tear you in two!"

The hunter put his hands on his face and began to swing widely. Link didn't even have to move to avoid his attacks this time, because the dope wasn't even swinging in the correct direction.

"Whoa, stop Match, stop," cried the blonde haired hunter. Match It's obvious you lost, withdraw your sword before you accidently hit me!"

The split headed hunter was reluctant at first, but eventually he complied and withdrew his flame sword. He then bent down to search for his missing spectacles. As he searched, he never removed his hands from his face, but that did not hide his expression. It was a sour face that was tightened in defeat.

"Anyways," spoke the blonde hunter, walking towards Link. "Now that, that is over, I suppose you want your pig back."

The blonde hunter then handed Rosei to Link. She rushed to him and licked him with joy. The hunter had untied her during the conflict. Apparently, he had full confidence that Link would win and even smiled when giving her to him.

He then said, "I am sorry we caused you so much trouble. Normally my brother doesn't act like this but what he says is true. We haven't eaten for days and we are starving."

"It's alright," replied Link. "I'll gi-."

But Link couldn't finish his sentence because he was quickly interrupted by the split head. "Just a minute," he cried. "I am not fully convinced that, that is your pig. I mean, what possible reason would a pig keeper bring his pig out into the middle of these woods? I want an explanation!"

"Really bro," questioned the blonde haired hunter. "must you pester the kid like this?"

"No, no," exclaimed Link. "If it'll get him off my back then I'll gladly explain my story. It all began..."


From beginning, middle, to end, Link explained his story. He talked about Caer Aginashan and how he was assigned to going to the cottage. He did leave out parts though. He never told the two about why he was sent to the cottage. He only said that his master was worried about something and sent him over to the northeastern section of the Eldin Province.

When the story was over, the blonde haired hunter said to his sibling, "Well, I think he's explained enough bro; Are you satisfied?"

The hunter's brother was in a trance though. Throughout the whole story, he was only concerned with the cottage. It was because a cottage meant shelter, and shelter meant food. This was something, he knew he had to take advantage of.

"Well, if he isn't going to listen to my story then I might as well leave," exclaimed Link. "Come on Ros, let's find out way back to the road. Now that we're off course, we're going to have to rely on our wits."

"Whoa, wait a minute pal," cried the split head, running in front of Link. "We got off on the wrong foot here. Now, did I hear you say that you were off course from your destination?"

Link then replied, "Um, yes."

"Well then," exclaimed the hunter. "how's about me and my brother here repay you for our rude interference on your journey. What if I told you that we can help you?"

"You can?", asked Link.

"We can?", followed the blonde hunter.

"Of course we can," exclaimed the split headed hunter (who elbowed his sibling in the gut). "This is a dangerous part of the forest, and a wild animal could jump out at any minute. So how about, while you look for the road you were taking, me and my brother will protect you. I swear this on my honor."

"I don't kn-", spoke Link before being interrupted.

"Good, then it's settled," exclaimed the hunter without a second thought. "Let me properly introduce myself. I am Match Sajor, son of Rahn Sajor. This is my younger brother, Lan Sajor and together, we'll reach the food- I mean the sanctuary."

"But I ne-", replied Link until he was cut off.

"Come," shouted Match. "On to adventure!"

Match then grabbed Link by the hand and dragged him off. Rosei quickly followed behind as fast as her little feet could take her. Lan watched them go off with a stupefied expression on his face. He then muttered to himself, "I think my bro is winding us up on something big this time, and not in a good way." He then ran off to join the others.

~4 hours later.~

"I'm hungry!", cried Match.

Four hours had pass since Link's initial meeting with the Sajor brothers, Lan and Match, and already he was getting sick of them. Actually, he was getting sick of Match and his constant complaints for food. Lan had been quiet for the majority of the trip. Rosei behaved well too; Link made sure that she didn't get out of his site this time. Match was the only one who would complain, despite him being the one who insisted on coming with Link.

"Match," growled Link. "We need to conserve our food supplies. If I gave them to you willy-nilly, we'd all starve."

"You have food?", questioned Match in disbelief.

Match then fell flat on the ground with a heavy thud. He crossed his arms and looked away from Link as if to say he wasn't moving. Lan and Link glared at Match with frozen eyes and then shook their heads. Through this whole thing, Rosei was blissfully ignorant.

"As of now, this is camp and we're eating dinner," scoffed Match. "That. Is. Final."

"Match, you heard Link's story," ,explained Lan. "He's not supposed to go to the northwestern part of the forest. For all we know, we could be in its midst."

"Well then," he scoffed. "You fellas can just leave me behind if you want. I am not moving until I get something to eat."

Link and Lan glanced at each other and sighed. They had the right mind to leave Match behind, but they weren't that heartless. Besides, they had been walking for a long time, and Rosei seemed tired as well. They couldn't burden one another like this, so perhaps it was good to rest for a while.

"Alright, alright," groaned Link. "We'll set up camp here."

Match grinned in victory while Lan sighed. Link and Lan then sat down to rest. Surprisingly he had already started a fire in the middle of camp. He seemed very excited to finally have something to eat.

Link rolled his eyes and sifted through his bag. He brought out his last two apples. They had both been laying in his bag for the last two days. He had been planning to save them, but because these two had come along he had to give it to them. Link also had the gruel but he had to save that for Rosei.

"Here," he bluntly stated. "You guys can have these. If we manage to get back on the road it should last us."

Link threw the apples to Lan and Match. They managed to catch them with great ease. Lan chewed his apple slowly to enjoy the taste. Match though, he was caressing the apple as if it was a newborn babe (which Link admitted to being creepy.)

"Oh thank the gods," shouted Match. "It may be a small meal, but it's still a meal. Health to your future, dear friends."

Match then raised his mouth to take a big bite of the apple. When Match bit down though, he noticed that he was biting nothing but air. Someone stole his apple while he wasn't looking. "THIEVES! THERE ARE THIEVES HERE!"

A faint rustle could be heard in the bush nearby, catching everyone's attention.

"AHA!" shouted Match, who pounced on the bush.

The sounds of a struggle could be heard emanating from the bush until there was nothing but silence. The silence was interrupted though, by the two figures jumping out of the bush. One of them was Match of course. The other one was a surprise though; it was Dekki, the little thief Link had met earlier.

"You rotten insect," insulted Match. "You ate my apple!"

Match made multiple attempts to grab Dekki, but they proved to be of no avail as the scrub managed to dodge his strikes. "Dekki no know what you're talking about," replied the small Deku Scrub. "He found yummy on ground."

Link managed to recognize Dekki in an instant, provoking him to shout, "You! What are you doing here?!"

Dekki panicked at the sight of Link and tried to dart off, but his way was cut off by Match. He then grabbed the Deku Scrub by the throat, laughing maniacally as he grasped him in his hand.

"In me power," he cackled. "IN ME POWER!"

"Wait Match," beckoned Lan. "Maybe this guy can help us."

Lan then walked to Dekki and asked, "Excuse me little guy, could you tell us which part of the forest we're in?"

Dekki put his hand on the bottom of his chin and thought for a second, before replying, "Ooh, Dekki know. You in northwest part of forest."

At the sound of that, the atmosphere went grim. Our heroes were now in enemy territory. The problem now, was getting back to the northeastern part of the wood.

"This isn't good," proclaimed Link. "We have to find our way back to the northeast."
"Yea," replied Match. "After I take care of this annoyance."

Dekki squealed as Match's grip around his neck grew stronger. Suddenly an idea burst from his head. "Ooh, Master," he cried. "Dekki can take you to northeastern part of forest!"
"You can help?" ,questioned Link.

"Oh come on," complained Match. "You're not actually going to believe this guy are you?"

"Dekki not lying," rebutted the scrub. "Dekki know this wood like back of hand."

Link pondered for a second. Dekki had tried to rob him before. There was also the situation of being a coward. He could run away at any moment danger comes. However, he knew the forest better than any of them. This might've been a risk he would have to take.

Link then said, "Alright, you can lead the way. Match, let go of him."

Match's jaw dropped in disbelief, but he didn't question Link. He simply dropped Dekki on the ground with a tremendous thud. HE sniffed and then walked towards Link saying, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Honestly, I hope I do too." ,replied Link.

"Dekki promise master, he'll help you good," he claimed before walking off. "Follow Dekki."

The group put out the fire and walked off with Dekki. For the trip to the eastern forest, they would be putting their lives to him.

The group travelled forth, putting their lives into the small Deku Scrub's hands. He led them through rocky terrain and through dank caverns leading them ever closer to the northeastern part of the forest. However, as the journey went on, Link had an uneasy feeling of being watched. The eyes of Ganon always hiding in the darker places of the world, and to Link, they were not far behind.

Their travel suddenly came to a halt when Match shouted, "Hold it!"

They all stared at him in wonder as he continued his rant. "I know you all felt it," he declared. "I've been getting nothing but bad vibes this entire trip! We've been watched since we met this thing. We haven't even gotten anywhere. I think this little punk is setting us up for a trap."

"Dekki no meanie," protested the little scrub. "Dekki good friend. He never try to hurt anyone."

"Come on Match," exclaimed Link. "He may be a thief, but right now he's our only option."

Dekki nodded as Link stood up in his defense. He then, mockingly, shook his rear end at Match. This infuriated Match so much, that he ignored Link and walked towards Dekki. He grabbed him by his neck and yelled, "What was that punk?!"

Dekki then smacked Match with his large head. This caused Match to lose his grip of Dekki. He wasn't ready to let that die down though. Match charged at Dekki who jumped into a tree. He then bounced on Match's head, causing him to hit the ground with a thud.

"You little wooden," growled Match before he stopped midsentence, with a sinister smile growing on his face. "Wood. You're made of wood."

"Lan," murmured Link. "What is he smiling about?"

"I don't know," replied Lan. "But, knowing my brother, it isn't going to be pretty."

Match got up from his position and raised his fist in the air. He then began to mutter an incantation that, though it could not be heard, sent a shiver down your spine. Suddenly a ball of flame materialized from Match's hand.

Link and Lan wanted to stop him, but were too late. Match quickly threw the ball of fire at Dekki who barely managed to jump out of the way with a yelp. The ball burst into dozens of sparks that set trees ablaze with light. Link and Lan fell down in surprise, while Rosei squealed in fear, while running off at the same time.

"Put it out Match," screeched Link. "You'll burn down the entire forest at this rate!"

Match looked like he wanted to say something, but he realize what he was doing. As fun as it was to see the Scrub squirm around like that, he would eventually raze the forest. So he took a deep breath, sucking the flame into his mouth. Sadly, fire has no real taste since it melts in your mouth.

"Now look what you've done," criticized Link. "You scared off Rosei!"

"Bah," mocked Match. "She couldn't have gotten far. She'll be fine."

Suddenly faint squeals could be heard in the distance. Along with them, ferocious roars bellowed. Link ran towards the origin of the noise with a expression of horror. Lan then looked at his brother sourly before rushing off to help Link. Match blushed with embarrassment and tried to follow them, but then noticed Dekki running in the opposite direction.

"Hey come back here you coward!" ,shouted Match, giving chase to the running scrub.

Following the noise, Link managed to reach a large enclave. There he saw Rosei running around in circles as if to avoid an invisible enemy. The enemy though, was not invisible, but up above.

High in the sky were two menacing dragons who circled Rosei in order to cut her off. One dragon was decked out in pure black armor and sported two large wings. The second dragon had no wings, but was instead a serpent like creature with lava-like skin and hair of flame. Both were surrounded by the stench of dark magic and hatred. It was no hard guess to tell that these were Ganon's minions.

The black armored dragon made the first strike, making a dive bomb towards Rosei. At first it had her in its grip, but she slid off the quick moving claws and made a break for the opposite direction. The lava dragon then made it's charge at Rosei, barely missing her by an inch. Link then ran towards Rosei, hoping he could reach her before the dragons could.

"ROS," He cried. "ROSEI, LOOK OUT!"

The armored dragon made another strike at Rosei, this time using his enormous mouth to ensnare her. Its teeth were as sharp as swords, cutting the wind itself. Surely those teeth would skewer Rosei if they got near her. Link needed to reach her before the dragon could. His feet weren't fast enough though. He would never reach her in time, and the dragon's fangs were closing in on Rosei ready to make their strike.

"NO!" cried Link in desperation as the tears flowed from his eyes.

Suddenly a voice called out, "HEAVEN'S MORNING STAR!"

It was then that a large mace of light zoomed past Link. It made contact with the dragon's face, just before it could harm Rosei with its unnaturally sharp teeth. Link then looked back to see where the Mace originated from. It was Lan who shot it. He had his wings extended from his back and a serious look, plated on his face.

Lan then ordered Link, "Link, grab Rosei and run to the forest! They won't be able to follow you there!"

Link obeyed Lan, grabbed Rosei and darted off to the forest. Behind him he could hear metal banging against each other. It was like the sounds of drums, echoing furiously. Each beat of metal would grow more intense until Link managed to drown it out of his mind. Rosei was the only thing he had to protect now.

Link then halted dead in his tracks. He had thought he heard a strange noise from behind. Unlike the bangs from before, this noise was soft and much more sparse. Part of Link told him to run, another part of him told him to check behind to see what it was. Link then took a deep breath and quickly turned around.

He then saw a flash of red light. No; it was no red light. It was an inferno aiming towards Link's vicinity. Thankfully he managed to duck the fire before he could be harmed. When the flames died down from above, Link looked behind to see what caused them. It was the serpent dragon! It managed to get into the forest by using its slender body and lack of wings to an advantage. At this rate it would easily catch Link and Rosei.

Link did not give up though; he ran with all his might. His resistance was near futile though. The dragon had the advantage of speed and elegance in its movement. It was almost unnatural how this dragon was able to glide through the forest without hitting a single tree.

Then Link felt a strange warmth surrounding him. The forest was on fire from the dragon's inferno. It was smarter than Link thought. The inferno wasn't meant to kill him, it was meant to cut him off!

Link looked back to see the dragon swiftly approaching him and Rosei. So in a desperate move, Link placed Rosei behind him and stood in front of the dragon, hoping to at least give her a chance to run when the dragon attacked him. ~I won't fail you Agin! I promised!~ He repeated to himself in his thoughts.

Before Link could say anything to Rosei, he was smacked aside by the beast's enormous claw. Rosei took this chance to run, without waiting for Link to say anything. However, she was cut off by the Wyrm's tail. The dragon then quickly snatched her and flew out of the wood.

"No! Come back!" , shouted Link, giving chase to the beast.

Back at the enclave Lan was busy holding off the black armored dragon. They both clashed against each other. It was one furious attack after another until the two were at a stare off. Lan gripped his mace tightly in his palm as he hovered in that spot, breathing heavily from exhaustion. The creature he faced did not show any signs of being worn out though, despite Lan's furious attacks.

He was still beating himself up over the fact that he let the other one get by him though. Lan told Link to run into the forest, hoping that the dragons wouldn't be able to follow. He failed to understand that the serpent dragon was just big enough to fit through that bustle of trees. Lan couldn't follow it either, since his wings were too big to fit through the trees. The most he could do now was keeping this dragon at bay.

Suddenly Lan heard a roar in the distance and looked up to see the other dragon. It was flying away with something in its claws. Lan gasped then said, "Oh no, don't tell me that's-"
He was cut off though, by the armor dragon's tail. Taking an eye off a dragon was always said to be lethal where he was from. The folks back home weren't kidding when they told him that either. It was like being smacked with an iron weight.

Still Lan managed to get up from the attack. He looked up to see the two dragons taking off. Perhaps if he was fast enough he could catch up to them before they got too high. ~I only hope Link is alright.~ He thought before taking off.
Link had chased the wyrm through the forest without deterring in the slightest. The creature proved to be too quick for Link to keep in sight though. He still kept his vigor up and didn't falter. Link however, was so blinded by his vigor that he ignored a large cliff that separated him from the creatures.

Just as soon as Link began to fall a hand swiftly grasped his arm. He looked up to see that it was Lan. "Link you dolt," he yelled. "there's nothing you can do about it! Rosei is gone!"

Link looked off into the distance and heard Rosei's fearful squeals echo. He was then pulled up the cliff by Lan. "I'm sorry Link," whispered Lan. "If only I was strong enough, then perhaps I could've saved her."

Link did not reply though. The only thing one could hear on that mountain was the wailing wind. It blew through the rocks and past the two. It was mournful but somewhat comforting. It was almost as if the wind was crying for Link. It was then that Link and Lan heard the noise of someone's breath behind them.

They looked around to see that it was Match, and from the looks of things he was tuckered out. He must've been chasing Dekki through the whole dragon escapade. (Of course, Match really couldn't have helped much since the dragon that took Rosei was immune to fire). He noticed the dragons had already made it a far distance from where he and the others were.
He exhaled heavily and sighed to himself, "Blood and ashes, am I cursed to starve? Bah, there is no point going on with this charade now. Come on Lan, let's go."

He then started walking away until he halted to Link's voice, "Where do you think you're going? We have to save Rosei!"

"Kid," sighed Match. "This has nothing to do with me anymore. Without that pig, we aren't going to that cottage, and no cottage means no food. So now I say, good-bye."

"Oh no you don't," exclaimed Link. "If I recall, you swore on your honor to protect me and Rosei. Her getting taken was your fault. So that means, that honor dictates you helping me.

"B-bu-but I-." ,stammered Match, hoping to get out of this.

Then Lan said, "He's right you know. We both have a duty to protect that pig, or perhaps you would like to go back on your honor."

Match's was stupefied when he realized what he just did. He backed himself into a corner with that agreement. Honor was the thing that Match cherished most; it took priority over everything, even his hunger. So Match face palmed himself and sighed, "Alright, alright. We'll help you find that pig. I swore on my honor, and apparently I'll die for it."

The group of three stood high on that cliff, watching as the dragons disappeared in the clouds ahead. They had already gotten a head start, and in order to catch up they would have to run a long distance.

"Oh no great lord," whined a voice from behind. "Not go that way. Forget the piggy."

They all looked to see that it was Dekki. His grass skirt had been ripped, and his body was covered with dirt. That must've been remains from when Match chased him. Dekki's expression was that of guilt and sorrow.

"You," cried Link, before the others could say anything. "What are you doing here."

Dekki then said, "Dekki came back to be your friend."

"Friend," Match. "You're no friend. You abandoned us when-"

"Forget about it Match," stated Link. "We don't have time for this. Rosei comes first."

Match reluctantly nodded and headed off to the direction where the dragons flew off. Lan followed close behind with a worried expression. Link walked to join them but turned around. He then beckoned Dekki, "Well, are you coming?"

Dekki's eyes shot open, and he shook his head saying, "Who? Me? Oh no, no, no. That way is horrible. Dekki knows; Dekki's been there."

Link scowled at the miserable scrub and yelled, "I knew it! You're no friend, you're just a miserable coward."

He sifted through his magic bag, took out the bottle of gruel, and yelled, "Here, this is all you wanted, thief!"

Link threw the bottle on the ground, shattering it. He then ran off to catch up with Lan and Match. Dekki however, stayed behind and collected the gruel. He then looked up towards Link and the others in the distance and shed a tear. He then, sadly, muttered to himself, "If Great Lord goes to the evil castle, poor Dekki will never see his friend again. Nope. Never."

Dekki then walked away with tears flowing from his eyes, wetting the gruel in his hands. He didn't want to leave his friends, but he was just a Deku Scrub, what could he do? All he could be, was a thief...
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Aug 18, 2009
Well, it took me a bit to read the first chapter. Overall it was a great read, ChargedWithSword. I enjoyed your descriptive words that you used when describing things and those that you used when characters spoke. Many stories tend to get too repetitive with words such as said when a character speaks, but you did good using many other forms of expressions, which is very good. I enjoyed the action that characters performed, such as Link going out to feed the pig, etc. What I read made me think I was reading like a story from old, you know, those kinda stories that are good when someone reads it to you at night. It had everything and you didn't rush it, you were very descriptive.

But, I did find a few typos, and don't we all hate those? :P I hate them too much tbh, in my writing there is no room for that, I keep telling myself that but I seem to make a few of those here and there, and well, typos are typos, it does not mean that a story is horrible. Yours is not, and if you could get those fixed, it would look better. Take for instance this sentence:

"Why not?" ,asked Link. (The comma in front of asked does not belong there)

Aginashan quietly explained, "It's an a gateway Link; the gateway to a horrible realm. It's been hidden away for centuries, but if Ganondorf should find it and open the portal inside the mirror, nothing could stop him." (Were you trying to say: It's a gateway, Link; the gateway to a horrible realm)

Mainly when a character speaks to another one and uses his name, you need to separate what he spoke. Example: "What are you doing, Link?" (See how I used the comma to separate the name of the person? In this case the reader knows the speaker referred to a person.) So it would be correctly written like this: "It's a gateway, Link; the gateway to a horrible realm. etc.

Well, I hope this helps you out a bit, it is not my intention to ridicule you or anything. Your story is a great piece of work, Charged, one that I will keep reading and feeding you back on, it is really good and I enjoyed it. How much did I enjoy it? Well, speaking honestly here, halfway through the first chapter I had to go get me some cookies and a cup of coffee, because I enjoy reading well described stories such as this one. :D

I will get to reading the next part soon and I hope others come and read it, I really hope so. Also, the art for it was really good, I liked it too.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Well, it took me a bit to read the first chapter. Overall it was a great read, ChargedWithSword. I enjoyed your descriptive words that you used when describing things and those that you used when characters spoke. Many stories tend to get too repetitive with words such as said when a character speaks, but you did good using many other forms of expressions, which is very good. I enjoyed the action that characters performed, such as Link going out to feed the pig, etc. What I read made me think I was reading like a story from old, you know, those kinda stories that are good when someone reads it to you at night. It had everything and you didn't rush it, you were very descriptive.

But, I did find a few typos, and don't we all hate those? :P I hate them too much tbh, in my writing there is no room for that, I keep telling myself that but I seem to make a few of those here and there, and well, typos are typos, it does not mean that a story is horrible. Yours is not, and if you could get those fixed, it would look better. Take for instance this sentence:

"Why not?" ,asked Link. (The comma in front of asked does not belong there)

Aginashan quietly explained, "It's an a gateway Link; the gateway to a horrible realm. It's been hidden away for centuries, but if Ganondorf should find it and open the portal inside the mirror, nothing could stop him." (Were you trying to say: It's a gateway, Link; the gateway to a horrible realm)

Mainly when a character speaks to another one and uses his name, you need to separate what he spoke. Example: "What are you doing, Link?" (See how I used the comma to separate the name of the person? In this case the reader knows the speaker referred to a person.) So it would be correctly written like this: "It's a gateway, Link; the gateway to a horrible realm. etc.

Well, I hope this helps you out a bit, it is not my intention to ridicule you or anything. Your story is a great piece of work, Charged, one that I will keep reading and feeding you back on, it is really good and I enjoyed it. How much did I enjoy it? Well, speaking honestly here, halfway through the first chapter I had to go get me some cookies and a cup of coffee, because I enjoy reading well described stories such as this one. :D

I will get to reading the next part soon and I hope others come and read it, I really hope so. Also, the art for it was really good, I liked it too.

Thank you, I always end up missing those spellings because my spell check never gets them and whenever I look over then I miss them because it's on the computer. If it was on a piece of paper I would probably notice it. Sadly, my printer is broken.

Commas are the bane of my existance, I never know how to bloody use those things.

I also find it surprising you thought I was well detailed. I struggled to get those details out there. I intend to improve on those in later chapters though. It's Especially going to improve when we get to Ganon's Castle.

I did enjoy writing this. I have a weakness for fantasy adventures. I hope you enjoy the rest.
Aug 18, 2009
Commas are the bane of my existance, I never know how to bloody use those things.

It's ok, you make good use of them, but I bet that by mistake you probably typed those where they did not belong, I only saw a couple tbh, not that you did it all through out the story. You are fine.

I also find it surprising you thought I was well detailed. I struggled to get those details out there. I intend to improve on those in later chapters though. It's Especially going to improve when we get to Ganon's Castle.

Honestly, you were very detailed, something that I yet still have to master. You did very good, better than many other writers I've seen here, lol. You and Shadsie are great at it, and I will attempt to be part of your group, I really wanna express stuff with many detail like you and Shadsie do.

I can't wait to get to Ganon's Castle. Reading these sorta stories helps my Zelda knowledge since I rarely know stuff about it lol. But I was able to imagine Aginashan very well, you described him too good, and also Link and the pig, the setting of the places, etc. It was wonderfully written tbh. Like that spooky forest that Aginashan headed to, your description gave me that frightening feeling lol, it really did. It might not have sent shivers down my spine but I was able to picture a spooky place.

I did enjoy writing this. I have a weakness for fantasy adventures. I hope you enjoy the rest.

I will enjoy it, don't you doubt. And as long as you enjoy writing, that is the good thing in all. I write because I also enjoy writing stuff. If people read it and like it, that makes me feel alright knowing that someone liked my ideas,

I answered in bold within your quote, ChargedWithSword.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Shade's Mirror Chapter 3: Infiltration

2 nights...Link and the others had been traversing this dank land for nearly 2 nights. The dragons they were chasing may have been quick, but they were also smelly. They had left a scent trail so thick that anyone could recognize it. Link's nose was made for hunting; despite Agin's objections, he would always go hunting in the woods if he had the chance. Lan's nose would be useless if it couldn't track down anything with a shape like a rectangular prism. Match though, he would use his abilities of fire to track down the fire serpent.

Just because they could smell the dragon's though, didn't make the journey any easier. They had to scale hills that were often unstable. There were poisonous snakes that would sneak up on the most unexpected moments. The worst part of it all though, was that they were out of food.

As they trotted through the land of darkness, Lan asked, "How long have we been at this?"

"About one day and two nights," replied Link. "I thought you were supposed to have high stamina."

"Yes I am," exclaimed Lan. "But I still get tired of snakes jumping out at us."

"Well I'm hungry," remarked Match. "But I'm still keeping together since I know I'm not going to get much to eat soon."

Since Link was the obligatory leader he felt it was his job to break up the squabble. So he got up and shouted, "Come on, enough! We're all tired and hungry, but we have to move on. I'm sure once we find Rosei we'll be able to find a town and rest for the night." Match then said, "Well we're not going to get much done if we're tired. I say we should set up camp here and continue in the morning."

"I'm with, Match," agreed Lan. "Besides, it's so dark I can't even see the hand in front of my face."

Link then looked up to the sky. It's scarlet red color outline everything outlined everything from miles to miles, from rocks, mountains, and even Link and his companions. It was almost like an ocean of blood had blanketed the ground. The mere sight of it all gave Link uneasy feeling.

Still, Lan and Match were over exaggerating the situation. The sky was quite dark, but not enough to deter normal vision. It had been a dark scarlet all day, but the only difference was that the outlines on the rocks had become a darker red. Besides, they couldn't stop now; Rosei was in danger, and Link promised Aginashan that he'd take care of her.

So, with an idea in his head, Link said, "Listen guys, we can't stop now. We don't know if it's night or not, so what is the point of stopping yet?"

The Match replied, "Oh yeah? Then prove to me that it's day. Unless you know the time, then I'd say it's night, even if the sky up there is unnatural."

So then Link suggested, "If that is the case, let's look for a gossip stone. Agin always told me that if you give one a good whack, it would tell you the time. Perhaps if you know it's day then perhaps you won't feel so tired.

Lan and Match both looked at each other for a while and then nodded. "Alright," sighed Lan. "We might as well cover ground then. Let's get a move on I suppose."

Link smiled in victory as he lead the group on further in their quest. They would continue on without word until Link asked, "What do you think is making the sky like this anyway?"

Match looked up at the sky and then replied, "Being someone who has studied magic, I'd say it's someone or something with power. Of course, I don't know what can give someone the power to blight the land itself. It's a troubling thing indeed..."
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Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The group trudged on; their feet heavy, and spirits low. Still they moved on, hoping to reach their destination before long. But as they veered ever closer, their fear increased, a hundred-fold. The closer the got to evil, the more melancholy they became.

The group was currently in the process of scaling a large hill. The dragon trail was trailing off into this direction so they had decided that they would have to go over the hill so they wouldn't lose time. Thankfully, it was not as difficult of a climb as the last ones though. The craggy edges provided firm footholds for the group to hold on to.

When the group had reached the top, they took a short break to catch their breath. Link though, he chose to scout ahead, hoping to catch sign of the dragons. As he searched the other side of the hill Link noticed something.

"Guys, come over here!", he beckoned.

Lan and Match overheard Link and ran to his call. When they had reached him though, their mouths were wide open. For straight ahead was an immense castle. "By the goddesses." muttered Link.

They stood on that hill staring at a grand sight. It was a castle that had the sea as it's moat. The castle itself was a piece of art. It's many towers reached to the heaven's without signs of them toppling over. The bottom was a circular encasing of bricks that was meant to provide balance for the upper levels. The castle's outer coating was dull when compared with the design. Most likely, years of wear and tear damage had ruined the walls. It was almost sad that such a fine creation could fall into ruin.

The group stared in awe at the magnificent castle. None of them had seen such excellent craftsmanship, even from this distance it was hard to deny that. But the design wasn't the only thing that had them fixated on the building. There was a strange and twisted aura that seemed to emanate from the fortress. It was so disgustingly overwhelming that the party couldn't help but shudder in fear and silence.

"T-that is quite the place for dragons.", stuttered Match.

Link quickly regained his composure to reply, "But this is the place right? The dragon scent is heavy here."

Lan lifted up his nose to get a good whiff of the area before finally saying, "Link's right. Their foul stench branches off into different directions from here, but the bulk of it is where that castle is."

Match turned his eyes towards the castle again. He didn't like the feeling he was getting around that place. There was an evil air hanging around it, and he didn't want to risk fighting something more powerful than him. He could've just left there and then; the pig should've been dead by now anyways. However, his honor bound him to Link, and unless he had proof that the pig was dead. Ah well, no point in going back now.

"W-well," stuttered Match. "I guess we outta get a move on."


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The trip to the castle seemed to be endless. Pitfalls became more frequent, and with their limited vision the group had to slow down their pace. Resting was a seldom luxury for them as the feeling of unseen danger haunted their thoughts. The concept of doom and despair, anguish and sorrow, all seemed to melt into an unidentifiable blob as they drew closer to the castle.

It was then, at last that the group had reached their destination. They stood on the shore of that foggy beach staring up at the horror that they had once been impressed by. The castle which had once stood tall as a piece of workmanship was now as dark as the blackest caverns in Subrosia. One could distinctly see the walls falling to pieces. Bricks and mortar were disfigured from age. It was almost impossible to tell though, whether this ghastly appearance was caused by age, or by the evil that stalked those dank halls.

The group was there now, they couldn't turn back at this point, they had come to far. Of course, they would have a hard time going forward though. The moat that surrounded the castle was swarming with skull fish and gyorgs.

"How are we going to get across that," questioned Lan. "If I tried flying we'd be chomped in no time."

Link then exclaimed, "Well, we have to try something. If we fight them underwater, it'll be better than getting dragged down there while you're flying."

Lan nodded to Link in agreement. They then looked towards the murky water in disgust. They both took a deep breath and jumped towards the water. However, they were quickly pulled back by their collars.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU TWO," criticized Match, throwing them to the ground, "BOTH OF YOU ARE THINKING LIKE DOGS! If you guys want to get anywhere in the world, you'll have to understand that untried courage alone will get you killed. You must have power, and wisdom to balance that courage. For example: Lan, spark up your hand."

Lan obeyed his brother and did as he was told. His right hand was now electrified with pulsating blue lights that danced on every palm. Match then grabbed Lan's hand and pulled him to the water, dipping his hands in it. For a few seconds, this caused the water to make a buzzing noise. When the noise stopped, multiple bodies of dead gyorgs and skull fish emerged from the deep.

"Problem solved," exclaimed Match. "Let's go."

He jumped into the water and made leeway to the castle shore on the other side. Lan and Link both stood there stupefied.

"So was that the hunger speaking?", inquired Link.

"No," replied Lan putting his hand to his face. "That was my brother."

They said nothing more and swam on after Match.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The swim towards the castle was a short one with little opposition. Match had taken care of the fish in the water, so the only thing they could do to detain our heroes was having their carcasses in the way. The water was also dreadfully cold, but that was to be expected in the middle of fall.

Once on the other side of the shore, the group contemplated on their next move.

"Ok," spoke Link "we're going to have to find a way inside. From the looks of it, we could scale this wall and reach a window."

The castle walls were tall and seemed unstable from the looks of what the group saw before. However, the bricks being disfigured did prove an advantage. The walls would be easy to scale this way. To this idea, Match nodded in agreement, while Lan shuddered in fear.

"Me," he questioned. "Go up there? No, no, no, I can't do that. It's too high."

Link tried to say something but was quickly interrupted by Match. "Don't bother, the guy's afraid of heights. He won't budge to anything either of says."

"But he has wings doesn't he?", questioned Link.

"Yes, but he only hovers like, what; one to two meters at best," Match replied before focusing on Lan. "Anyways you big baby, you don't have to climb the big bad wall. You can find another way into the castle while me and Link climb."

Lan nodded with rosy cheeks before taking off to another direction. Link then started scaling the wall with Match behind him. They would be climbing for a good ten minutes before finally reaching a window in the dragons lair. Though the bricks were disfigured, they were still firm enough to hold two people.

Once inside, Link got a good look at his surroundings. The halls reeked of wine and decay, with the scent of dragon being clouded in the mix. The walls were being overrun with overgrown vines that leeched their way into the rooms. Doorways to other rooms were collapsed with debris. The ceiling was the only thing that seemed to be kept in place with some fairly recent support beams keeping it up (most likely to avoid having the ceiling come down on the residents). But the thing that stood out most, was the haunting feel of evil. It was here that all of the horror that was felt outside, gathered in sick merriment.

"Come on.", ordered Link to Match, who was just climbing inside.

Link and Match wandered those dark confines without making a stir. However, they stopped when they heard the beat of footsteps heading in their direction. Desperate to not get caught, Link dragged Match into an empty room that had not been touched by light.

They peered out the door to see that a heavily armed man was passing them. He stood taller than Link, but was only a few centimeters shorter Match. His face was full of disorganized facial hair, and he sported a bulky body. As the man passed by Link and Match, he would scowl at everything around him. Then when they couldn't hear his footsteps, they crawled out of their hiding place.

"Armed guards," exclaimed Match, trying to keep his voice down. "You didn't mention anything about henchmen! What are you hiding from me?!"

"Well," muttered Link. "I may have left out a few details in my story. But you can't back off now. We've gotten so far already."

Match put up a sour face and then growled, "When we get out of this place, I demand an explanation."

The two spoke little after that conversation. They would walk through the halls without little interruption and little interference from the patrolling guards. Suddenly, Match stopped in place and began to sniff the air.

"Match," questioned Link. "What's wr-"

Link was cut off though, when Match said, "Don't you smell it Link? It's the beautiful fragrance of cut up boar chops, cooked to perfection I might add."

Link didn't really understand how Match knew that just by smell but he didn't even have a chance to ask him. Match quickly ran to the wall and started felling every nook and cranny. He then stopped when he noticed one of them creaked when he touched it. Match then pushed it open to reveal an entrance. He spared no time walking through it, even ignoring Link's warnings.

"Stop Match!" he whispered, staying close behind.

The door had led Link and Match to a large room. They both stood on the support beams up above while examining the situation down below.

Now unlike the rest of the castle, this room was well lit and bustling with life. The ceiling was decorated with many banners, bearing the crest of the Hylian royal family. There was a throne in the middle that no life seemed to go near. This must've been the main hall.

In the hall were dozens upon dozens of guards. All of them were a different race; some were moblins, some humans, and others Bublins. They all laughed and made merriment by gorging themselves in wine and other alcoholic beverages. Some were entertaining themselves by watching a, scantily clad, woman in the middle of the room.

To the side of the room was something else; it was the two dragons that Link had encountered earlier. They were chained to a perch, only moving to fight over the scraps that the goons threw to them.

"Cheers to everybody!", cried a large Moblin raising his glass.

"More wine for my men!", ordered a human to a frail servant girl.

"And more women!", added a Bublin, gaining roars from the other henchmen around him.

There was one unique creature among this crowd of drunken bums though. It was a small guy; he was a scarlet red and sported buck teeth. He was currently going for a slab of meat from a table until one of the guards chopped off the majority of his piece.

"Keep off, little Miniblin.", he ordered as he slammed the knife down.

Miniblin grumbled to himself and hopped away with his piece of meat on his plate. Before he could get anywhere though he was tripped by a Moblin's feet.

"Goin' that way, Miniblin?", mocked the Moblin.

This attracted roars of laughter from all out the room. On the rafters though, Match and Link were watching with intent.

"Oh, look at all that meat those bums are wasting," moaned Match as he frothed from the mouth. "It's a cr-"

Match had suddenly stopped mid sentence. His face was frozen with the expression of fear at the sounds of moaning winds. Link noticed too and felt a shiver go down his spine. The anxiety he felt was like his heart being crushed in-between two hot pans.

The lights in the room dimmed until they were completely snuffed out. An evil air began to billow into the room, leaving everyone deathly silent. All merrymaking of before had been shut away and replaced by fear.

Suddenly three ivory blue lights materialized, circling the room until they began to focus on the left hallway entrance. Each light burst into an assortment of many colors when they came into contact with the ground. The colors then sparked into a black flame that violently scorched the area around it. Then at last the flame extinguished itself, leaving a billow of smoke with lights in between. From those lights, a dark figure emerged, a figure that had no explanation. No reason to be what it was. It was one thing, and one thing only... the King of Darkness himself, the embodiment of evil, Ganondorf.

The dark figure walked out of the smoke and made leeway towards the throne. Every henchmen stood up in salute, trying to look as prepared as possible, while avoiding eye contact with the dark king. The only one who was still erratic, was Miniblin.

"W-welcome your Majesty," he stuttered, tidying up the throne. "We're just celebrating our success, oh, I mean: YOUR success."

Miniblin poured a chalice of wine for Ganondorf and then hopped it up to his throne explaining, "We've made no mistakes this time."

Miniblin gave his king a bright smile, hoping for reward. The only reward he got though, were two cold white eyes that stared at him from the black robes. This was not a man to be trifled with, and most definitely not the sort of man whom you'd go asking a reward from.

Quickly abandoning the hope for reward, Miniblin exclaimed to the goons, "BRING IN THE PRISONER!"

Link and Match looked towards an entrance where a goon was coming from. Behind him was a pink creature that walked behind with its head lower. It was Rosei, she was wrapped in chains and clearly had marks on her side from dragon claws. She was then brought in front of Ganondorf's throne.

Miniblin then said, "You see sire? This is the pig that can create visions."

A bowl of water was then placed in front of Rosei, prompting an order from Miniblin.

"Alright, pig." He shouted. "Show his majesty where the Shade's Mirror can be found. Go on, show it."

Rosei did not budge though. She lifted her head high and removed eye contact. She had no real choice however. Rosei could not create visions on her own. She needed the incantation that Aginashan used in order to access her powers.

"Stubborn little thing, isn't she?", panicked Miniblin, hoping to escape his master's hand.
He was unable to get away though. Ganondorf grabbed Miniblin by the neck, giving him a cold stare. He then threw Miniblin down to the base of the throne.

To avoid further punishment though, Miniblin simply replied, "Why yes sire, you're quite right. I'll go take care of it at once."

Miniblin ran to Rosei and inquired, "The Shade's Mirror! Where. Is. It? Show us, swine!"

Rosei still refused to even budge though. Miniblin was now starting to get annoyed at this point. Suddenly a wicked idea came to his head. Miniblin ran over to a basket of hot coal and grabbed one with a nearby trident of his.

"I warn you," He crowed. "The King's patience is short."

Miniblin went up to Rosei and waved the hot coal in front of her as a way to intimidate. This prompted immediate response from Link though.

"NO, NO, NO!" ,he yelled.

However, Link lost his balance on the rafters causing him to fall. He accidently dragged Match with him as well.

"LINK, YOU IDIAAA!", he screamed as he being pulled.

They managed to soften their fall by grabbing a hanging banner. Of course, the banner quickly gave way to the weight of the two. Though the fall was softened, Link and Match did manage to get the attention of every goon in the bleeding room. From the look of their raised weapons, they were intending to kill.

"Get back," shouted Match with his hands ablaze. "I'll melt your faces off if you don't."

Suddenly Match stopped moving in an instant. Like a ragdoll, he was thrown through the air by some invisible force. Match was then brought down to his knees grunting in pain until he was finally left laying on the floor, breathing heavily. Link knew that it had to be "his" doing. No one in this room could possibly possess such power other than him.

"Match," gasped Link rushing to him. "say something!"

Match only gave a one word reply, "pain..."

Before Link could say anything else, he and Match were hoisted upwards by their collars. Two Moblin guards had their spears up to their throats. It would have been the end for Link and Match at that moment, but they were saved by Miniblin's call.

"Release them.", commanded Miniblin.

The Moblins scowled but did as they were told. They threw Link and Match towards the middle of the room with both landing with a thud. When Link managed to get up he saw Rosei who greeted him warmly.

"Oh, Rosei," he spoke. "There, there, it's alright."

Suddenly, the feeling of warmth disappeared at the sound of a distinct growl. Link looked up to see that he was in front of Ganondorf's throne. The King of Evil, obscured by shadow, sat before Link. He gave an overbearing presence of hatred and animosity to all around. Daring not to come away from the shadows, he used his eyes to show his body language. They were pure white, that gazed endlessly into Link's soul, as if to read his thoughts. Stories of white symbolizing light and black symbolizing darkness could never describe the horror Link was experiencing. That cold stare frightened Link more than anything else in the world. Even darkness seemed more inviting than Ganon's white gaze.

"I presume, my boy," he whispered with an echoing hiss that gave Link chills. "You are the keeper of this oracular pig?"

Link was frightened at the moment, but he knew that not answering would be disastrous so he answered, "Y-yes sir."

At the sound of Link's answer, Ganondorf's eyes gained a spark to them. Link then saw a hand stretch out to pick up the chalice of wine beside it. The faint sound of sips were heard echoing throughout the main hall. It was then that Link noticed that everyone was silent. The guards dared not to speak, lest they risk their health. Even Miniblin did not utter a cackle or a breath, instead he stood up silently, either out of respect for Ganondorf or out of fear.

The Demon King then replied, "Then instruct her to reveal to me the whereabouts of the Shade's Mirror."

Link did not want to deny him, but at the same time a sense of courage had pervaded his heart. He knew he couldn't reveal Rosei's secret to Ganondorf or else the world was lost. Perhaps it was foolhardy for him to attempt to be so rash, but perhaps he could have learned something. A life lesson, so to speak.

"No sir," Link replied. "I can't. I won't!"

A faint growl emanated from the throne just before Ganondorf replied, "Very well. In that case the pig is no use to me."

Link heard the shattering of glass come from the throne. He then quickly noted that Miniblin had snatched Rosei away from him. When he looked in Miniblin's direction he saw Rosei being laid on an execution block. A nearby bublin raised a large axe that aimed for Rosei's neck.

Link gasped in shock before being restrained by a large guard, "NO! MATCH, DO SOMETHING!"

But Match was still laying on the floor only able to whisper, "I'm sorry Link... his power is too strong..."

When the axe had reached full height, Link shouted, "STOP! I'll make her tell you!"
"That's better..." proclaimed Ganondorf.

Miniblin then dragged Rosei over towards the center of the room saying, "Now, get on with the visions, pig!"

He kicked her towards the pot of water where Link stood. Link then bended down to start the spell. After a few seconds he remembered how it went and began to wave his finger in a circular motion.

"Rosei," he began. "From you, I do beseech, knowledge that lies beyond my reach. Troubled thoughts beyond your heart. Pray you now, those thoughts... impart."

Rosei had become entranced once more by the spell. She placed her head into the bowl of water, causing many colors to appear. Eventually an image formed in the pot, bearing resemblance to a dark mirror.

"The Shade's Mirror," cried Ganondorf. "I knew it existed!"

He then got up from his throne, leaving his sanctuary of darkness. As he got closer to Link he would inquire him, with his voice deepening into a beastly rasp.

"Where is it?", he inquired. "Show me. SHOW ME!"

Link turned around, finally able to see Ganondorf's features. He was heavily garbed in black robes that sported two shoulder pads. A buff body could be seen from the outline of the robes as well. None of that mattered to Link though. What got most of his attention was Ganondorf's face. It bore the complexion of a very angry boar. On higher inspection, one could clearly define his eyes. Two white specks for pupils, riding upon an ocean of darkness. Darkness that no light, save for the evil white, could pervade.

Link gasped and kicked the bucket. The magic enhanced water spilled onto Ganondorf's face, causing him to let out a ghastly roar. So fearing punishment, Link grabbed Rosei and made way for the exit while everyone was distracted.

Miniblin had noticed this and shouted, "After them! Get them!"

The guards ran on after Link but were quickly stopped by a wall of fire by the door. Match stood by in front of the fire, weakened by Ganondorf's magic, but strong enough to hold off the guards. He still had his honor to keep, so letting Link get caught wasn't something he was not fond of.

"You shall not pass...", he wheezed.

Suddenly a magical force thrust Match around the room, eventually pinning him to the wall.

"Ignore him," cried Miniblin. "Get the boy!"
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Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Link ran through those dank halls with Rosei in hand. He didn't even attempt to look back to see if anyone was following him. Ganon's horrid image scarred his mind and the thought of him chasing Link frightened him to no end. He only wished that he didn't leave Match behind with those evil folk. However, Link knew that if he managed to get him and Rosei to safety, he could sneak back into the castle and help Match.

Link ran out to a balcony and barred the door with a large board. He ran towards the wall and looked down at the water below. It was safe now that Lan had killed all those fish, so there would be a chance for him and Rosei to escape.

Link heard the sounds of banging coming from the door but refused to look. He instead thrust Rosei up to the top of the wall and pushed her down into the murky moat below.

"SWIM ROS! SWIM!", he cried.

The sounds of crashing and banging had grown until Link was sure that the door had been busted down. He jumped onto the wall and intended to follow Rosei into the moat, but he was jerked back. It was Miniblin! He had managed to squeeze through the door and grab Link.

"Gotcha, pigboy!", squealed Miniblin.

A crowd of goons had gathered around the balcony, but they parted for Ganon. His face had reverted from his ugly pig form to a more normal human face. That did not change the scowl around his face.

"I caught him, your majesty," Exclaimed Miniblin. "I caught the boy!"

"But you let the pig go, didn't you?!", growled Ganondorf, clenching Miniblin's throat.

"I-it w-was not myeee fault.", wheezed Miniblin, gasping for air.

Ganondorf dropped Miniblin quickly and without hesitation. He then commanded with a roar, "THROW THE BOY AND HIS FRIEND INTO THE DUNGEON!"

That was the last thing that Link remembered hearing before he was knocked out and taken away...


Dec 13, 2009
São Paulo
Impressive, I'd say. I don't think I have anything I'd like to see changed in your story, and as a writer you sure are good. I must confess I haven't finished reading it all yet, but that's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption's fault. So far so good.
Is this the first story you're working on?

Good luck on writing the next chapters, can't wait for them to be realead. I'd print this whole thread right now, but it's late around here and I don't want to wake people up with the weird noises my printer does, so yeah, I guess I'll keep on reading it here at ZD.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Impressive, I'd say. I don't think I have anything I'd like to see changed in your story, and as a writer you sure are good. I must confess I haven't finished reading it all yet, but that's Metroid Prime 3: Corruption's fault. So far so good.
Is this the first story you're working on?

Good luck on writing the next chapters, can't wait for them to be realead. I'd print this whole thread right now, but it's late around here and I don't want to wake people up with the weird noises my printer does, so yeah, I guess I'll keep on reading it here at ZD.

I've actually worked on stories before. At least 2 Avatar (Last Airbender) fics which I am putting on hold until the movie gets me in the avatar mode. I have a fatal frame fic which I stopped because I was gagging at my writing and saw that the story was a mess. It would have taken me 125 chapters to have resolved everything and I had been discouraged to rewrite the story. I also have this one-shot story which I made in a vain attempt to be like the Grimm brothers fairy tales while having my taste in it, though I felt it was too modern. Not much else before that other than an, ugly, ugly, Zelda fan fic from the early 00's.

Thank you for the review. I still find myself lacking a lot though. I still feel I have things I must improve (comma usage for starters.... my bob those commas.)

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Nice chapter Charge. Absolutely incredible story so far. I think you're getting better at using commas and I just really like it. Miniblin was cool and I'm glad to see that Rosei got away. And when Match tried to buy Link some time... that was epic and rather selfless of him. I never would've thought that the guy who once attacked Link and wanted to eat Rosei would try to save him at the cost of his own life.

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