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General Art The Mutant (A Chargewithsword Original Story) Includes Short Subject on Giant Mutants


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The Mutant...

Today was a normal outing for Lan and Match. They were in the prime of their youth, exhausting all means of discovery. They had little to any idea as to where they were. That was the joy of being a Giant though; the unknown was the most exciting thing of being alive and healthy. Within a Giant was the will to seek and find. Everything was a never-ending journey to them.

The Mystigma sun shone down with wonderful rays of light. Beams of glory shone down from the heavens to greet the inhabitants down below. Its wonderful warmth blanketed all like a parent to a child at night. The day was beautiful and uncontested.

"Beautiful day isn't it Match," gleefully exclaimed younger brother, Lan.

"I wouldn't have had a finer day than today for such a grand adventure," replied the older Match.

Both were extremely happy to be away from home. The stresses of their duties were taking their toll on them. Many sleepless nights had gone on at the academy after a recent accident had occurred. Lan and Match happened to be caught in the crossfire and were forced to help atone for the deeds committed. This had left them in streams of stress and paperwork. Yesterday was when they were let off their parole. The first decision they made was for a short vacation. They expected to be gone for the majority of Stem-Autumn and would probably return by the middle of Mid-Autumn. Right now they were enjoying their trip.

These were the days when they could truly feel alive. They were in their element outside of the city. The unknown beckoned them with promises of understanding and excitement. It was like a siren out at sea, singing its sweet song of nectar and joy; attracting sailors to their doom. Lan nor Match cared for whatever could kill them though; the point of an adventure was to throw your fate into the hands of the elements. All one could do was hang on and hope for a glorious death, or a fruitful life.

As they both wandered forwards, Match suddenly halted in place. He stretched his arm in front of Lan and turned his head in multiple directions. The skin around his dark glasses twitched and turned in some anxiety. Something about the area struck him as queer, but he couldn't put his finger on it. From what he could gather, they were on the edge of a miniature basin with multitudes of trees dotting the area like spears. Clouds were beginning to block the sun, leaving an abundance of shadows stretching the ground.

"What do you feel?" Lan muttered under his breath, so as not to alert anyone.

Match turned his head slowly, in an almost hypnotic fashion. "An eerie presence, but I can't pinpoint where or what."
A voice soon erupted from the distance crying, "Sajor Brothers!"

Lan and Match turned their heads in multiple directions in confusion. The echo seemed to emerge from every corner, haunting their ears like drums. The wind whistled and blew in the fray of confusion disorienting the brothers further. Suddenly, sharp leaves began to rain from the sky in flurries. In rapid succession, more came down, but Lan and Match managed to dodge each with surprising ease. The wielder was not aiming to kill, but to intimidate.

A shadow then cast itself from above Match. He looked up to see a figure dropping down to him. Within its grasp shone the brilliant white light of a finely polished blade. Its edge was sharp as leaves of a Tikeen Tree, but its shape was bulky and lacking in consistent form. Match quickly side stepped the attack and was sent spiraling backwards and plunging to the ground. Lan took notice of this and ran in front of Match to act as a shield for any stray attack. That was when they both garnered a look at their assailant.

It was another Giant, but not one. It was a mutant, a giant afflicted with mutations in their genes, causing them to be unlike the others. This one's skin was moon pale. His body was bony on all sides giving him the illusion of being able to bend and stretch his parts. His outfit was little more than rags found off some dead beast and in shambles, (suggesting much toil.) What was most expressive though, was the emptiness and haggardness of his eyes. It was a dull and rigid vision only suggesting a dark void that gleamed nowhere.

"Behold Sajor brother, I am your assassin, and soon to be your undertaker! My name is Loor, and once you are both dead, my name shall ring through your people's ear and they shall shudder!" The mutant then sprung towards both brothers with tremendous speed, with his sword aimed to their heads. Both brothers darkened their faces and quickly dodged the incoming strike. Mutants were a lot that didn't believe in the honor system and were quickly ignored in society. At first other Giants tried to convert mutants through education, but those found disastrous results, usually leading many a mutants' death. It was considered better to let the mutants build their own destiny with each other. This was an impossible feat for them though, as mutants find it nearly impossible to speak or collaborate with one another without bloodshed. The Giants still ignored them though, hoping that time would change that.

In retaliation to this ignoring, many mutants would attempt to make names for themselves. The only thing that caught Giant's attention though was whenever a mutant became a threat to Giant society as a whole. It was because of this that mutants had not only earned poor face with Giants but even furthered the resolve for ignoring. Lan and Match would do no different. Their eyes were now only focused on the sword as their only enemy. The mutant was only a blur to them.
One swipe! Two swipes! Three swipes! The mutant lunged from all directions and both brothers dodged with relative ease. This was obviously leaving its mark on the mutant, as his face began to scowl with every missed swipe. Then he stopped and started screaming, "Damn you Giants and your tactics! I am not blind! I can see your eyes trailing my sword, avoiding every opportunity to look at me!"

The mutant made another lunge for Lan with his sword. Then he pulled a sneak attack and punched Lan straight on his cheeks. This sent Lan rolling backwards and sprawling to the ground. Despite being caught off guard, Lan did his best to hide his pain, only getting up with a blank expression, as if he wasn't attacked by anything.

"What?! After that strike you still don't notice? How dare you…!"

The mutant earned no response from either brother. Only blank stares and lack of emotions were their response. Every eye of theirs was following only the sword, uncaring for what wielded it. Empty as a vortex in the great unknown they never once paid heed to the mutant. Emotions of tragedy and emotions of hatred spurred from the mutant as he grew ever more desperate.

"Why," he screamed. "Why don't you two pay attention to me?! I am here! I am holding this blade in your faces yet neither of you pay attention to the one behind it! Why is it that you give that Porg-***** Tamara all the attention in the world and treat this threat like nothing?!"

Both brothers were taken aback by that comment but managed to hide their surprise. Tamara was definitely something they did not like to discuss. She was a curse that they didn't care to speak of or even show feelings towards. They always found themselves being left with no choice but to give her the attention she deserved. Her fate was intertwined with theirs.

"It's because she's your gods-damned pet isn't it?! You made her and feel obligated to stop her, but if she wasn't connected to you, you'd both treat her the same as me!" In a fit of rage the mutant lunged at Lan and Match with intense ferocity. With little effort both brothers dodged the reckless swings. This time Lan raised up his hand and brought forth a blue blade of electricity. With a quick swing, he destroyed the sword and let the mutant fall to the ground. It was like a rush of wind had swept him away like paper; the great force was beyond his own comprehension.

The mutant groaned as he was sprawled on the dirt below him. Neither brother paid him heed though and looked to the now shattered sword. Without another word, both brothers began to walk away from the mutant. This left him infuriated, in tears, hopeless, and frightened.

His face, twisted and writhing began to yell once more, "How dare you do this to me? You throw me down; you destroy my weapon and yet you walk away as if this battle is over! Do you really think that sword had no holder?"

His words didn't reach them though. The brothers simply continued to walk away. It was like speaking to the air, the reply was cold and empty. There was nothing to gain, and there was nothing to lose but breath. It was nothing… he was nothing.

"Is it truly that then," he muttered with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Am I really just nothing? I'm simply a lie to behold while the world moves on? How can I even be here when no one acknowledges me… how can I exist?"
Suddenly, an eerie noise began to emit from behind the two brothers. It was a most ominous chant; raking upon both brothers ears like a sand storm at the desert.

The two brothers were left in shock as they turned back to the direction of the noise. They believed the mutant was preparing for another attack, but they were completely amazed. He was disintegrating before their very eyes. His lower body slowly faded away into a vast nothingness. It was proceeding to move upwards, but the mutant didn't move.

The only thing that escaped his lips was a horrifying, and mindless chant, that came out as a garbled whisper.

"I don't exist. I don't exist. I don't exist…"

Soon his whole body had evaporated into the air, leaving behind only one last whisper: "Why can't I exist?"

Both Lan and Match were left in awe as they stared at the emptiness that was once the mutant. Now it was as if he was never there. No evidence proved otherwise but a shattered sword and the dead grass he laid upon. It was a chilling effect.

"Where did he go," Lan questioned.

"From his words, he didn't go anywhere," replied Match. "He's simply disappeared into nothing; it as the theory of perception of reality has made its mark."

Lan then remarked, "Perception of reality?"

"It is a theory that states that we each have our own realities controlled by our minds," explained Match. "It allows us to interpret things differently as people. In our minds we can control what is and what isn't. For instance, say I didn't believe in rocks, there would be no rocks in my mind, and whenever I trip I could just say the air did it. In this case, the mutant believed that he couldn't exist, and his mind reacted in the only way it could, by erasing him…"

Both brothers stared at the area where the mutant was in silence. There was a definite chill in the air and a hole in their hearts. This had probably been the most frightening thing they had ever experienced. To be hated was one thing, to be ignored to the point where you don't believe your existence was another. It brought a tear to Lan's eye, but he couldn't help but wonder who he was crying for.

Lan then said, "So I suppose we should at least give the sword a burial in honor of her memory?"

Match looked to his brother and sighed. "It seems like you are already being affected. The person was a male, but because of his lack of existence, it will soon be as if he was never here. Look towards his blade."

Lan turned towards the sword and fell in utter shock. The individual pieces were slowly, but surely coming back together. The blood flowed through his head in such a manner that baffled him. Such an occurrence couldn't be real… could it?

"Soon that sword shall disappear," spoke Match. "Its fate now changed by the disappearance of the original owner. Soon, even we shall forget that this person existed. This conversation, this situation, never happened…"

Lan looked towards the spot where the mutant once was and muttered, "What a sad fate for anyone, I never even realized that this could happen."

"And you never shall," whispered Match.

Lan replied, "As the story moves on…"

Lan didn't know why, but deep down inside he wanted more to cry. All that emerged from his dry throat was a hoarse gasp. It built up inside him until he couldn't help but remember a song. It was an old nursery chestnut known as, "The Moving Pages." Now, more than ever, it seemed appropriate…

Lan: The story moves on,
No matter what will come!
It will never end,
But your life shall bend,
As the story moves on!

Match: The page never waits,
It won't cease its strays!
It will not stop,
For those who drop,
As the story moves on!

Both: When it comes it is near gone,
When it drops it is withdrawn!
But clever eyes,
Will always spy,
The flow, flowing on!

Lan: The story moves on,
No matter what will come!
So heed you will,
To time's death bill,
As the story moves on!

As both brothers left the site behind, with song trailing, the memory of the mutant that encountered them faded away. By tomorrow they had next to no recollection of what had occurred the day prior, but a simple walk through the forest. All they could remember was that whenever they began to sing, "The Moving Pages", they felt like crying.


The Invisible Race
The removed chapter from Giants of Mystigma Sections of the "Legendarium of Mystigma"

To be a Giant could be considered a great boon and sometimes a great curse, for there are two giants. One is the normal giants, those who are a shade of green and always ready to seek adventure. They follow an honor system that regulates their own lives and the joys of it. To them, life itself is an adventure always worth living. To them, simply being able to discover is joy in itself. They are the race who longs to learn.

Behind this though, lies the other race of Giant, never encouraged, nor ever acknowledged. They are the Giant mutants, beings who are unable to cope with the standard living of Giants and born with pale and sometimes brown skin. They find the honor system a curse in all regards, unable to cope with the ideas that seem to break common logic. They fear the thing that the mainstream race does not: death.

This causes mutants to be disregarded. A mutant at birth is taught to survive, like any other Giant child would. Then they are released into the wild, away from civilization. There they are ignored by the world at large for the rest of their lives. The mainstream race acts as if the mutants never existed, and only treat them as existing should they become a threat.

To mutants, being a mutant is considered never being born. Now, you people being human, you'd expect the mutants to build their own society. I am afraid to inform you all that such a feat is impossible. The mutants are each specifically mutated in a certain way, but there is one trait that every mutant endures that has never left the Giant race. They are individualistic when it comes to interacting with other mutants. The only person a mutant can stand living with is a clone of themselves.

This nature to be ignored causes severe cases of depression and even madness in mutants. They long for a companion to be with them; someone who could properly emphasis with. They hate humans even more for having such a nature that they could interact with one another. It is a shame and a pity (if I could feel such).

Helas, a mutant can only earn hatred from others, and only hatred from the mainstream race really makes them content and happy. Other mutants are suffering from the same curse as they are and thus can't find reliable joy in their hatred. They consider all other races below them and cannot find true remorse and compassion from them either. From birth, they believe the Giant race to be superior and long ever so for attention from them.

Sometimes they stoop to disguising themselves as normal Giants but are usually always caught and ignored. If they had built a reputation, it is torn to shreds and forgotten quickly. Mutants consider it the most difficult thing in the world: to try and be like a normal Giant. Sometimes it is considered painful, and many mutants have died in attempting to imitate; not because they were caught or killed, but because they tore themselves asunder in madness.

As it stands, mutants shall be forever the known as the Invisible Race. They are unseen like spirits, but desire to simply be acknowledged. If it wasn't for their fear of death, the mutant populace would never have grown as large as it has. It is a waste of such capable Giants, but it is fate.

The only words ever recorded by a mutant (for description purposes only) were: Hate me... Kill me... fear me... love me... just know that I exist, please.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
The song in this story is known as, "The Flowing Pages"

Here's the full version of it.

The story moves on,
No matter what will come!
It will never end,
But your life shall bend,
As the story moves on!

The page never waits,
It won't cease its strays!
It will not stop,
For those who drop,
As the story moves on!

When it comes it is near gone!
When it falls it is withdrawn!
But clever eyes,
Will always spy,
The flow, flowing on!

The story moves on,
No matter what will come!
So heed you will,
To time's death bill,
As the story moves on!

You are in the meadowed vales,
With sun dancing with the gales,
But always know,
That dance shall go,
as the story moves on.

Watch the trickle flow,
The fish flowing by!

The story moves on,
No matter what will come!
So goodbye friends,
Our story ends,
While the rest is moving on.​


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
Oh you do a very nice job when it comes to fanfics! So I really like this. Can't wait to read more :)

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