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Who else Could Hold the Triforce?


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Now you know that the Triforce has been going to Link, Zelda, and Ganon for pretty much every Zelda game in existence correct? However, I often wonder, "Who else could possess the Triforce if there was no, Link, Zelda, or Ganon?" So to combat my curiousity I would like understand whom you think would bear the Golden hands if this were to be.

My choices are:

Courage- Ralph (from the Oracle Series). I find Ralph to be an excellent choice as the courage wielder. Although he is often cocky, that defines a good bit of courage. He is also very determined when provoked; as seen when Veran kidnaps Nayru.

Wisdom- Midna. She is a very good choice for the Triforce of Wisdom because of her excellent perception of both events and her surroundings. She is a helpful ally and will do what she will to get what she wants, even using others to her advantage.

Power- Near tie between Brynne and Zant: Both have a lust for power that leads them to joining the forces of evil and bringing destruction on the land.


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
I couldn't agree with you more for all three choices. They all hold likable qualities that give them a reason to hold a piece of the Triforce. You are absolutely correct though, there should be a twist from Link, Zelda, and Ganon. Someone else should have the spotlight for a change.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
Courage - Practically any of the sages from OoT. They all went fearlessly investigating their respective temples without even blinking. I'm going to switch things up on the gender and pick Nabooru. It takes guts to stand against tradition and the rest of her tribe, and even when she was being kidnapped her first thought was to tell Link to run. I'd also like to give a mention to Medli who voluntarily went into not one, but two dungeons on her own.

Wisdom - The great deku tree. He seemed to know what was going on with the world, what with recognizing Link was "the child of destiny." There is the minor inconvenience of being rooted to one place, but it didn't stop him from holding the Kokiri's emerald.

Power - Midna. Because she didn't want power for its own sake, she wanted to use it to save her people. She was able to use the fused shadows without it consuming her. I think she would be able to use the triforce of power as well but remained balanced. Of course, I'm not sure why the triforce would be split if at least one of the three was not opposing the others, but I'm going with virtue, not technical difficulties. *g*


Master of Chaos
May 12, 2010
The United States of Hysteria
I think you are going about this all wrong, ChargewithSword.

ANYONE who touches the Triforce with an imbalanced heart will get what they most desire of the 3. The other 2 go to the ones with the most of the other two qualities.

If I were to touch the Triforce, for example, I would get the Triforce of Power, as I desire power over the others. Then, the Triforce of Courage would go to the bravest person in Hyrule (I don't think the Triforce can actually leave Hyrule), and the Triforce of Wisdom would go to the wisest.

As for how Zelda, Ganon, and Link keep getting it, we may never know.


Courage: i agree, ralph would hold the triforce of courage, although he shows some plain idiocy (when he lunges at Queen Ambi, his ancestor)

Wisdom: i would have to say Impa, aside from the fact that she is already the sage of shadow, she has a strong knowledge of all Hyrule and is prophetic, in my opinion

Power: The Heroes Shade from TP (unless he is the hero of time)


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Hmmm... I kind of look at it differently. Link and Zelda have their pieces of the Triforce because Ganondorf- a person with an unbalanced heart- touched the Triforce and caused it to break in the first place. I don't necessarily think that the pieces of Wisdom and Courage went to Zelda and Link because they already possessed these traits; I think it's mainly because they are simply chosen by destiny.

For fragments (Power, Wisdom, Courage), I honestly think anybody could have them. The main issue is coming to possess the Triforce in its entirety. Nobody really wanders off in search of the pieces save for Ganon in his attempt to obtain full power or (one of the many) Link because Wisdom or Courage got shattered in an effort to be hidden from Ganon.

What further makes me believe this is how the Triforce of Wisdom was passed down through generations in the Royal Family. There are a couple Princess/Queen Zeldas in between OoT and TWW who don't play any important role in history, so I doubt they were able to keep the Triforce of Wisdom because they were worthy. I think it's just because it was handed down. Likewise, I think if it was necessary, Link could pass it down to his descendents or even to a trusted friend. I don't think there is really anything keeping anybody else from obtaining one of the pieces, really.

So, I think the only issue in being able to hold the Triforce comes around when the Triforce is whole; balanced ("True Force"). When it's in this state, one has to have a balanced heart. Princess Zelda (as Sheik) in Ocarina of Time begins a speech with Link with, "If you would seek the sacred triangle, listen well..." So I think she is implying that Link is able to hold the True Force... believable, since he's a pure hero. Likewise, the King of Hyrule was able to touch the "True Force" and have a wish granted without it shattering, but that might just be because the pieces were finally collected. As said by legends, you're gonna have to have a good, balanced heart to hold the Triforce.


So, to reiterate, I think pretty much anybody could obtain Wisdom, Power, or Courage piece of the Triforce on their own. However, now I will try to get to answering the actual question of the topic better... Forgive me for blabbing too much. If Ganon touched the Triforce and it split and Link and Zelda did not exist, I think it could go a few different ways:

Courage: I see Rusl holding this piece. He's a strong, brave family man. He's protective of his village. Even after being wounded, he still stands to protect. I mean... he stands up against a wolf! That is a brave, brave man. If not him, then Ashei. She seems like somebody who'd never give up and be able to do things on her own if she needed to. Outside of TP, I'd probably go with somebody like Mikau, who put his life on the line (and lost it) for the love of his life.

Wisdom: Shad!.... not. Being wise and being smart are two different things. Shad's booksmart, very booksmart, but he's not the wisest fellow, and I felt like I needed to put that out there. I'd really go with Impa- OoT version. When we meet Sheik, s/he's becoming much wiser than s/he was as a young princess. Who do you think s/he learned everything from? Impa is a very wise character and passes that on to both Link and Zelda, which in itself is a wise move. And then there's an obvious choice- Sahasrahla. I don't think he really needs an explanation.

But that's if Ganondorf touched the Triforce and busted it up. What if somebody else with an unbalanced heart touched it and it shattered and Ganondorf didn't exist? Who would the Triforce of Power go to if Link and Zelda didn't exist?

Power: I'd like to say Midna. Why her? Because power doesn't necessarily have to carry negativity. Midna is a powerful ruler who ventures outside her own realm to save her kingdom. She may be snarky and selfish at first, but she grows. In any case, she's a powerful being all together, from personality to actual magic. I might also say Nabooru, because she already assumes the role of Second in Command of the Gerudo even as a child. She had strong leadership skills and her sense of independence and values in right and wrong are definitely what helped her take a stand against her own king. That might also fall under courage, but I think her leadership and ruling skills are what make her lean more towards power.

(thank you so much if you actually bothered to read all that T_T )

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I think you are going about this all wrong, ChargewithSword.

ANYONE who touches the Triforce with an imbalanced heart will get what they most desire of the 3. The other 2 go to the ones with the most of the other two qualities.

If I were to touch the Triforce, for example, I would get the Triforce of Power, as I desire power over the others. Then, the Triforce of Courage would go to the bravest person in Hyrule (I don't think the Triforce can actually leave Hyrule), and the Triforce of Wisdom would go to the wisest.

As for how Zelda, Ganon, and Link keep getting it, we may never know.

I agree with this splitting up theory. Now if we were talking about being "blessed by the gods" I would have a different say.

Also I respectfully disagree with your decisions ChargeWithSwords. Midna and Zant aren't the two characters I would portray for Power and Wisdom. Midna started out as a selfish brat (no offense to those who like Midna) and only turned out to be this respectable person after Zelda saved her life (which by the way, I think she did by giving Midna her wisdom blessing.) Midna only seemed wise because she had a piece of Zelda in her for so long.
Zant is the same way. He wants power but doesn't have the guts to go and take it like Ganondorf. He needed to use someone else's strength to get what he wanted and his pouty attitude only changed once he had Ganondorf's "power blessing" in him.

In short, Midna and Zant seem like the second best for the job because they borrowed the blessings from those who were best for the job.

I can't say anything about Ralph since I've never played that game.

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