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General Art Min Streel: The Bard of Giants (A Chargewithsword Original Story) PG


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
This was made very early in my writing and contains a lot of messy prose that doesn't compliment the words themselves. I decided to upload this because, a) people liked "The Meeting" b) cause I want to show how much I improved.​


Min Streel The Bard of Giants

It was Stem-Winter, if I recall correctly -a cold one at that- when I had gone off to sing at Bura's tavern- pardon? You're wondering who I may be? Who's Bura, and what is Stem-Winter? My, how terribly rude of me. Let me start from the beginning for all you silly human lads and lasses.

My name is Min Streel, son of Bin Streel. I am a Giant at the prime age of 259. My primary residence is the land of Koldoün, the northern continent of Mystigma -a very peaceful place, barring the nasties in the mountains.- Unlike many other Giants who seek to gain glory through battle and conflict, I prefer to record conflict and strife for stories. I find it to be something I can really express joy to. I believe to you humans, I would be called a bard. It's a simple if not too weighty a title which I enjoy carrying.

I bet many of you are wondering why a Giant would be so fond of singing tunes and recording things such as history. Well, that's simple: we Giants love to have history by our side; it gives us information about dangers far off, tends to our egos, and even humbles us. Singing tales and rhymes is just another form of being given history and a glimpse at the unknown. Now, a better question for you to ask is: how I can succeed as a bard?

Giants, by default nature, are not very able with their fingers and delicate instruments. We often find ourselves having to use simple crafts such as drums and crude blowing instruments. I, on the other hand, use a Lute, a crafty little piece passed down to me by my father, and him, his mother. The lute is a dreadfully difficult instrument for any Giant to master. However, through many years I had learned to make adequate tunes, though nothing up to the works of my father.

One day, I was walking out in the woods when I came across a queer looking object. It was small stone with a glistening green aura as beautiful as the woods in Stem-Spring -not an easy color to match, I assure you.- With little a warning, the mischievous thing lodged itself into my gut. The pain I felt was excruciating, but it lasted only so long. Then I felt this awkward feeling build inside me. My throat changed and grew larger. My coordination with my instrument became more accurate than it ever had been. I could hear things differently than before; sound came to me.

I soon discovered the existence and usage of rocks like these -it was very difficult to come across this information, so be glad I am telling you.- They were artifacts of a time now lost. They granted their users expediential and magnificent abilities to control certain elements through the altering of atoms and cells in the body. Though they had no names, I affectionately named mine Wuflutt, the Stone of Sound.

Soon I managed to come across many strange powers that I could access with Wuflutt. I could alter my voice to sound like multiple people at once. I could alter the structure of objects I touch to create many different sounds with them. With the proper sound I could pass through solid objects as easily as a specter. I could even fly with my lute by controlling the power of its volume, creating sharp recoils that would propel me upwards. Thanks to these powers I was able to take my music to places altogether unimaginable. I am getting ahead of myself though, I think we should return to my story before I keep you here till night falls.

It was Stem-Winter -the first month in the winter season- and I just happened to be flying on my lute when I decided to head to Eabull Horn. It was a quaint Giant city that stood under the shadow of King Kold's Sarcophagus, -the largest mountain in the world.- Now, what helped this city stand out the most from the many Giant hamlets I've seen beforehand was that the majority of the houses were magically made. Instead of being a normal dome shaped houses made of earth, the houses were shaped similar to the human umbrella, with the insides of the houses being in separate dimensions.

The only building in the town that was naturally made was Bura's tavern. A crudely made dome like any other Giant house, but this one was much wide than most. It had two floors; the entrance hall and the main hall. The entrance hall was a simple room with stairs that led down below to the main hall. In the main hall was where the fun was had with a large expanse. The owner, Bura, was a well to do fellow if any, he was kind to his customers and to his staff, being a well respected Giant in Eabull Horn. (I'd point out the popularity of alcoholic beverages amongst Giants, but then the story would grind to a halt, I suggest reading "Concerning Giant Culture" from the Legendarium of Mystigma for more information on that.)

It was night and I decided to head to the tavern for a relaxing spell. I thought to myself that I'd get a chance to share my tales. I landed down in front of the crudely made door and squandered in. The hefty scent of pipe smoke pervaded the air, but I paid little heed to it. I myself liked to chew a bit of weed every now and then so the smell never bothered me.

I walked down the stairway in front of me to be left amazed by the excitement and bustle of then night. There were folks making merry everywhere. Lads and lasses danced upon the floor laughing and screaming with joy. Their smiling faces were drowned in the alluring mixture of liquor and alcohol before them. Some were in feverous competition to see who could blow larger smoke rings from pipes that stretched longer than tables.
I smiled as I walked past the hustle and bustle to the bar for a drink. Many who noticed me raised mugs in joy and began to sing a little ditty in my name...

Here comes the one who spins the tale!
Here comes the one who sings through ale!
Here comes the fellow with it all!
Here comes Min Streel standing tall!

"I appreciate the dedication fellas." It was the only response I could give. Their singing was audacious. The lyrics were slurred by the alcohol in their systems and mouths. The lyrics were not all too impressive either. All I could offer them was a smile and wave as I passed on by to the bar.

As I walked towards the bar I was greeted by a familiar voice, "Well if it isn't Min!"

I looked to see that it was Lan and Match waving to me. They were two old friends of mine who worked as wizards in the nearby academy. Lan was a cheerful fellow who always had a smile for every occasion that didn't tucker him out, and a square nose that made others smile just as fast. His brother was Match, a very grim chap. When he was absorbed in work he almost never smiled a bit, but when he did smile he could send a room ablaze in laughter from humorous tales of dragons and Dwarros in underwear.

"Hey Min," exclaimed Match, half drowned in a mug. "Haven't seen ya in ages, how's about I get ya a drink?"

"Thanks for the offer chaps, but I think I'll belt a drink down over by the bar, I plan to sing tonight so be prepared."

They both raised their glasses and cheered in succession. Lan then fell over in a drunken coma, earning his brother's laughter. I smiled and simply continued on my merry way. It was always a joy being around this place.

I sat myself at an empty seat on the bar. It stank of different assortments of alcohol and meats passed out to the customers. Each individual smell pervaded my nostrils to create such a strange yet familiar scent of battlefields and ancient caverns. My thought was then interrupted by the smile of a most boisterous Giant in front of me.

It was Bura's daughter, Mela, a fine Giant female of 278. She had dark crimson hair that stretched below her shoulders and flowed with grace. She was downing her own tankard in front of me, wearing the most decorative battle armor imaginable. Her shoulder pads were sporting the skulls of two dead Slaurgs. Her breastplate was crafted with silver metals and stained with multiple colors of blood. She had a helm that sported the horn of a dragon pointing forwards. Her leggings were forged with heavy iron with scratch marks dotting it and blue blood stains on the upper portions.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Min," she exclaimed, removing her mouth from the flagon. "It's good to see a familiar face around here. Don't see those often."

"Come now Mela, you work here and know just about everyone in town." Mela had a very playful side to her and often liked to kid. She was also a woman of wits who enjoyed to puzzle people with riddles and such. In battle she used these tricks on enemies, often infuriating and puzzling them. Of course she always liked to burn and bother me with these things.

"Don't be such a tomnoddy, when you see the same people so often your mind grows muddled with familiarity that you start to forget who they are. So what can I getcha lad? My father is out of town on a trip off the beaten track so he left me to tend the tavern." Mela smiled at me once more and placed the flagon to her mouth.

"Just a dabble of Kleun Flock if you please." At this request, Mela's eyes bulged open wide. She started to sputter a little in her flagon and then found herself spitting out a good portion of her drink in surprise. It was an amusing sight that's for sure.

"Min! Are you trying to insult me?!" She gave me the most queer stare I ever had seen in my life. She made careful not to spill the rest of her drink and easily put it on the table. Her annoyance and anger was appropriate for such a situation I suppose. Kleun Flock was a very light drink made for day time and adventures. To ask for it at night was insulting for many bartenders because it was so simple to make and night was the time to drink heavy. Of course, Mela should have known why I asked for it.

"Mela, you know that I don't drink heavy before I sing. I intend to go up later tonight." She continued her hard stare before finally sighing. She grabbed her flagon and took a deep heave of her poison. Once done she let out a large belch in my face, -Gods did her breath smell.-

"Fine," she sighed. "But it'd better be a good one or I'm going to be put out of temper."

Some time passed afterwards and I was on my third drink. Many a song passed on that night and I couldn't help but enjoy listening to a few. They were cheerful little melodies that were passed on through generations of Giants. I smiled at all but one. It was when Amber jumped onto a table and started singing.

Amber was a female Giant of 135. Her attire was standard, stone armor. It was blunt and not well made. Her face was always so intense with evil that I couldn't help but shudder when she was near. Her hair was short and straight, with no helm hindering it. By her waist was a small bag she carried and never took off unless she wanted to show its contents to Mela or Bura for a drink.

Now mind you all, I never care to show dislike to anyone but Amber was different. She was a horrible person on all fronts. Well, she could be homely if she wanted to be, but often times she was unbearable for me. What was the problem with her was her obsession with killing humans. Now, mind you again, I have no problem with a Giant who kills humans every now and then, but Amber was just obsessed with the destruction of your lot. Whenever she caught a human she would commit some of the most disgusting torture techniques I've ever seen. I shudder to even remember when I saw her do it to a poor human girl. Sometimes, when Amber was especially playful, she would stick the human in her mouth and taunt it with a trip down her throat. After a while of frightening the human, she would open her mouth as if she were letting the human escape but, when the human's guard was down, she'd jolt her head back and send the human plunging into her stomach.

The song she was currently singing was definitely a good sign of her personality...

There once was a human who charged to me bed,
He was a scrawny chap whose name was Fred!
It stirred me up,
but moved me not,
I waited and waited for the pitiful lot.
He came running with the point and soon met me eye cup.
Thinking me still bewildered,
he raised the point but I delivered,
the final blow, with one swift chomp.
He went down me smooth and pomp.
I laughed and smiled as I heard him scream,
his final words, his one last steam.
Then I went off into my playful dreams.

Everyone around her cheered and offered her applause. I gagged at the audacity of the song as a whole. Thankfully I was not the only Giant who disliked her song. I could see Lan and Match booing her in the distance. Neither of them cared for Amber's methods, but this didn't bother her much. She simply blew kisses to them and laughed at she jumped off her table to get some more alcohol.

It was at this time I felt it most appropriate to make my stand. I got up from my stool and grabbed my lute. I took my mug and began to smack it with a spoon. Using my stone I managed to emulate the sounds of a gong. This caught everyone off guard and sent them all in a flurry. Dancers fell off tables in shock, sleepers screamed and jumped to the ceiling, people in the middle of their alcohol nearly choked on it.

Soon the whole room was focused on me. I raised up my lute and sat on a table, tuning it to proper form. I didn't really have to do this, but it felt comfortable to have it properly tuned. People realized what this meant and began to cheer. Everyone loved my singing to such a degree that I could make such a racket if possible.

When I was done tuning, I turned my head upwards to a now silent crowd and started with a slow speak rather than the burst into song. I altered my voice to have a much more bird like whistle to the back of my throat while giving my frontal tone the sounds of the wind during a light breeze.

Come hither to my lap, dear children o' mine,
A tale of glory awaits, dear children o' mine.
A tale of fantasy across the seas,
and unto dark caverns below.
Tales of beast and monster.
A song of succession and fallings,
It is the song of a mad king!​

Then, I picked up my voice to a much higher volume. I darkened my tone to resemble the boom of thunder, while handing the silver voice of a fair maiden. My strumming began to grow intense, as the strings pulled away with beats of drums and mountain hearts.

In dark place hear drums boom,
They greet you to the pleasant doom,
With blackened heart and empty room,
Away, away, the gold king comes.

A mighty king he was to behold,
His heart was scarlet,
His crown was gold.
But o' cursed rain poison all,
With lust to be glory's thrall.

O' scarlet king where doth thee be?
Tis thou under rock or under tree?
Or maybe you're inside of me!

When dragon out on yonder sleeps,
Such wayward king simply weeps,
He knows to take his desperate leaps,
Away, away, the dark king comes.

His sword would stretch out to the heights,
Twas a fancy sliver,
Twas the beaming light,
So doth evil flees from coming blade,
But he who fights makes cunning trade.

O' estranged king where doth thee be?
Tis thou under rock or under tree?
Or maybe you're inside of me!

Now maddened king creeps to the fells,
To darkness of which no one tells,
With evil beasts who call to spells.
Away, away, the madness comes.

Poor frothy king with great desire,
His head on straight,
But he would expire.
His lasting reign came to its end,
To ego which he could not contend.

Poor ol' king where doth thee be?
Tis thou under rock or under tree?
Or maybe you're inside of me!
I pressed my hand to the strings of my lute and let the sound die. The room was as quiet as a burial site. Some Giants were in awe, others were smiling, some were even crying. Then, without question, every Giant in the room cheered for me. Their voices echoed through my mind as colorful sounds, resounding of ages past, and calling for attention. It was a very lovely thing.

I sat back down in my seat with a big grin. When I looked towards the bar I saw Mela smile at me. Her face was loud and beaming with light. It was always a pleasure to see her smile.

"So Mela," I calmly stated. "Do I still have your score?"

"Score?! Hah! With such a performance I am in your debt Min!" She turned her head up and gave a loud guffaw to which I replied with my own.

Our laughs broke through the cheers like knives. Like wildfires, the laughing started to spread, until growing into a mass of endless laughter. Do you know what else? It was times like these that I was able to appreciate. Though I wasn't one known for the charges of battle, I would always be cherished for bringing the adventure home to open ears and childish hearts. These were those times when you really thought your life was complete.

I stopped mid-laugh and said to Mela, "Well then Mela, in light of this celebration, how's about some Polang Flock?"

A beam flew across her face instantly as she said, "Hah! It's a deal then!"

And for the rest of that night, I enjoyed many free drinks. It wasn't until morning that I woke up....


Nov 12, 2010
Wow.. that was a fantastic story! In the beginning, it was slow, but you did a great transition as you explained Amber as a person. It was quite a good story, and the way you had it like he was telling it as a tale made it all the better!

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