Ganon's Tower (A Link to the Past)

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This article is about the dungeon in A Link to the Past. For the recurring landmark, see Ganon's Tower.

Ganon's Tower is a dungeon in the Dark World of A Link to the Past that can be found in the same location as the Light World's Tower of Hera. You will need all seven Crystals to break the seal on Ganon's Tower. It's an incredibly complex dungeon and you will have to fight all four bosses from the Light World's dungeons again in this palace.


"This impressive structure is said to be where Ganon spent most of his evil reign over the Dark World. Legend says that Link broke the seal of the tower after collecting the seven crystals which Ganon had hidden in the dungeons of the Dark World. The seven maidens held captive in the Crystals magically made the seal disappear. Link was then free to explore the tower and search for Ganon. But he wouldn't find this master of evil until after he survived battles with four creatures that he had already encountered in the Light World. Link's long journey was close to completion."

"A Long Climb to the Top: Ganon used all of his evil powers to make the tower a nightmare for heroic explorers. The traps, enemies and puzzles in this structure were among te most challenging in the land. Only a determined adventurer would make his way to the top."

"Over the Invisable Floor: A large chamber on the first floor had invisable flooring. Link could only be sure that he was about to walk on solid ground by pushing a block infront of him. He created the blocks with the Cane of Somaria. When Link was within range of the torch on the north end of the room, he used the Fire Rod to light the torch, illuminating tha path."

"Link found that there was only one way to go straight up: check out the stairs labeled H."

"Invisable floors could be detected by using the flame of Dungeon Torches, Ether Magic or Somarian Blocks."

--Nintendo Power Player's Guide

Dungeon Map

To break the seal and enter the dungeon you will need all 7 Crystals which are obtained by beating the first 7 dungeons.


These are enemies you can expect to encounter:


Armos Knights

Armos Knights are one of the easiest bosses in the game. Pull out your bow and, once they start moving, shoot arrows at them. Three arrows for each Knight will do the job. You're pretty safe in the corners.

When there is only one Knight left, he will turn red and start jumping and trying to land on you. When he's about to land, move out of the way and hit him with your sword. You can also hit him with arrows while he is jumping.


Once you enter, you will see three Lanmolas, coming out of the ground and shooting rocks in four directions. The only vulnerable part of the Lanmola is the head. Either strike it with your sword a couple times, or you can time when the Lanmola will come out and use an arrow to hit it in the head. Keep hitting them using these methord until two of the three are gone. It should take about six hits for each to die.

When there is only one Lanmola left, it will shoot rocks in eight directions instead of four. Just dodge the rocks and keep striking it with your sword or arrows.


Moldorm's only weakness is his tail. Strike it with your sword as he passes by. Be careful not to fall off. If you do fall off, after you return he will return to full power. After four hits, Moldorm will start moving faster. It will take a total of six hits to defeat Moldorm.



This time Agahnim is a little more difficult because he has made two duplicates of himself. You can easily tell which one is his because his shadow is darker than the other two on his real form. To defeat him, use his own magic against him. With the sword hit his spells back to the "real" wizard like it's baseball. Be careful when he goes up top to the center of the lightening as it is damaging. Six hits with his own spells should take care of him.


The Red Mail

This is the final mail Link receives, and it reduces damage by 75% over the Green Mail. Though the Red Mail is not required to complete the game, it helps considerably with the rest of Ganon's Tower and the fight with Ganon himself.



Defeat Sequence
