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Stimpy Hero Of Winds.jpg


Illinois, United States


The Age Of The Hero

Join Date

Wiki: May 22nd, 2013

IM Screen Name

Skype: Stimpy789

Please be patient with me. I'm working on this profile. :)

Hello everyone!! My name is Stimpy and I am the Hero Of Winds!! For you youngins that have no idea what a "Stimpy" is, he is a main character in the cartoon series Ren and Stimpy. His personality seems to match mine fairly closely. I've been a Zelda fan ever since I started playing video games. I can't choose a favorite Zelda game, however, my top 3 would have to be (in order of release) The Adventure of Link, A Link to the Past and The Wind Waker. When I'm not editing the Wiki (or doing boring stuff like working), I enjoy live streaming my games on my Twitch page, occasionally along with a friend or two. Feel free to check us out at http://www.twitch.tv/ClassicGamingTrio, but I must warn you, the language can be a little fowl every now and then, but the entertainment level is off the chart!!


Most of my editing at the moment revolves around The Wind Waker and will soon also involve The Wind Waker HD after it is released. I hope to be providing many screenshots for Wind Waker HD.


  • The Wind Waker (Bosses, Dungeons, Screenshots)
  • The Wind Waker HD (TBA) (Screenshots, screenshots and more screenshots)

With The Wind Waker being one of my all-time favorite games and the amount of information that I can add to the Wiki for it, most of my efforts are going towards that.

Games Owned

Here is a list of all of the Legend Of Zelda games that I own, whether they be the original cartridge or a downloadable version of some sorts.

Games Completed:

Games Not Completed: