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Whats the Worst Thing That Has Happened to You when Playing a Zelda Game?


Legendary Dude

What is the most terrible or most akward thing that has happened to you while playing any Zelda game?


nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
My copy of Majora's Mask is pretty glitchy, and the game will freeze up/do really weird things if you move the cartridge even just a little bit while it's running, or occasionally after playing the song of soaring.
There were actually two instances where this nearly made me cry with frustration/anger/ect:
1) A few months after I got the game, I ended up getting around half way through with Epona and a few masks that were pretty tough to get at the time (I was around ten and sucked at gaming haha). After completing a fairly substantial amount of work, I saved the game. Turned it on the next day to find that my file completely gone. I couldn't recall ever accidentally bumping the console or anything like that, so that was pretty strange that it got lost so quickly/randomly.
and 2) This happened fairly recently. While warping back to the entrance of Great Bay Temple after finally finding all the switches, the game froze on a screen showing the mini sequence after you play the song. >___> Of all the times in the world it could have done that, it had to be then.


The worst thing that has EVER happened to me was Majora's Mask freezing up while fighting Majora. The next worse thing that had happened was a game over :)
Dec 9, 2009
I was playing wind waker on wii, i already beat the game, but I always enjoy playing zelda so i make a new file and start over. One time I never saved the game once, id keep my wii on and put the tv on for days and days. I made it past finding all the triforce peices, and i had a blackout during the storm. lost EVERYTHING and started the WHOLE game over.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I think one of the worst things that has ever happened to me was the "Crooked Cartridge" thing. I remember messing around with the OoT v1.0 cart, and then I saw all kinds of messed up colors. I thought the game was dead. So, I took it out, sold it, and then got REALLY mad over selling the game.


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
During the WW trade sequence I accidently said yes to an item that I had already traded a few items back, so I ended up wasting so many rupies getting back to the point I was before. Ughh that made me so mad. I have to remember to save after every trade so that won't happen! I also jump at stupid angles sometimes, like just a tiny bit too far to the right or left and I don't make the jump and have to do it over again. I hate when I do stupid things like that.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
This was annoying.

I was playing MM and I was in the Great Bay Temple, then I got all stressed out because I was getting killed by the frog and I started jumping up and down somehow the cord hit the Wii restart button and it restarted, so I had to do everything all over again…


Mine would just be doing a lot of stuff without saving only to do or have a power outage. I get so mad when I have to go back and do the same things I just did!


Feb 6, 2010
Bournemouth, UK
I broke my hand punching my wall. This was all due to playing LoZ and always dying at the same place with the same enemies, after a while it was just too much stress. That and Fifa '04 remain the only 2 games I have ever done my self any real harm playing.


I was playing TP on Gamecube (before I could get a Wii) and, during the Ganondorf sword fight, my dog got tangled up in my controller wire and pulled the Gamecube into the floor and it pulled the power cord out of the back shutting it off. I saved it just after fighting Ganon before the horseback part. I put the game back in and my Gamecube kept saying "Unable to read disc. Check User manual." 10 tries later, I gave up. Needless to say, I have a Wii, new copy of TP on Wii, and finally no controller wires. (sorry this is long, lol)

Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
Once, when I was playing TP on the Wii, my nunchuk's connection messed up and I had to reconnect it (I tried getting a new nunchuk to fix this problem since it was a common occurance, but no dice). When I reconnected it, Link started moving of his own free will (another part of that common occurance) right into the lava at the very start of the Goron Mines. I ended up using a fairy too! :(

Hylian Pants

Nintendo Wench
Apr 11, 2010
America's armpit
Argh... just thinking about this makes me mad... I started a new file in the third empty slot in TP for a three heart challenge. Above this file was my CLOSE TO FINISHED 100% completion file and above that was my first playthrough file. I hadn't even gotten through the Forest temple when I stopped to save for about, oh say, the fourth time. At the save screen, I realized that two files had three hearts in them... I had, at some point, unknowingly saved my newly started three heart challenge over my nearly 100% completion file -_-

Then there was a time in OoT. It was my first time picking up the game in years, so I sat back, took my time, and basked in the glory and awesomeness of the timeskip scene and Rauru's speech. Afterwards I headed to the forest temple and got about a third of the way done. I was playing the game late at night on my bed, so I accidentally fell asleep and later woke up to find the game frozen, that creepy music still playing. I had to restart, obviously and watch the timeskip again, which made it a whole lot less epic than the first time....

I really do not have good luck in these darn Forest Temples....

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
I had, at some point, unknowingly saved my newly started three heart challenge over my nearly 100% completion file -_-

I am so paranoid about that!

I feel like I'm risking fate by posting in this thread, as I've not had a "worst" happen to me yet...one of the stupider things I ever did, though, was get mad at how my battle against Gyorg was going and turn off the console. Yeah, I started from day 1. Thankfully I start all my temples from day 1 as a matter of practice so I didn't lose any side quest acquisitions, and in a weird way it was for the best because I was able to get all the stray fairies the second time around and got the defensive upgrade before battling Gyorg again. Still, not one of my wisest moments.

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