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What Changes to the Series Would Ruin Zelda for You?

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El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
A futuristic approach could ruin everything! Link flying a spaceship and shooting lazers, a lasersword instead of the Mastersword, things like that. I would not want Link in a realistic 2000 game either. Link taking the cab, taking a slice of pizza and calling Zelda on his Iphone etc.

I guess there are many things that could ruin Zelda actually, a whole lot of stuff :O!


You Mean, Green Thing
Mar 11, 2011
Amsterdam, NY
Well, many things could easily ruin a Zelda game.

A modern approach. I play Zelda because on the swords and country sides. The older, hero time approach to the series is a big part of what makes it Zelda. Princesses, evil rulers and thieves, goddesses. These things help set Zelda apart from modern video game approaches. I would not want to see guns and mine fields to replace the classic setting we all cherish. Nor would I want spaceships and such.

I would not like Link to talk. This is a personal choice. He has always been a silent hero, and should stay that way. If he just started to talk one day, it would throw the game off, and add annoying elements. Plus, who would want to read all that diauloge anyway? :)

If Princess Zelda were taken away. She is the core of the series. I mean, it is call the " Legend of Zelda". She is always a big part of the quest. Whether to aid you, or to be saved. She is always there, and we have grown quite attached to her.

If a brand new hero was introduced. I don't mean like, Link's child or something. I mean brand new, not related in any way to previous Zelda's or Link himself. That would basically end the series. Link is our hero. Every single Zelda he is there. If someone replaced him, then who would be a suitable hero?

These are what I believe are things that could utterly ruin a Zelda game.
Jun 16, 2011
A parallel timeline
I have a few:
1) Making "modern" Zelda games, meaning putting in cars, motorbikes, guns and other things like that. For the love of God, don't do anything like that! Trains are enough, don't go further than that!
2) Giving Tingle a major role in the plot. To me, putting him in side-quests is ENOUGH! To have him participating in the main quest and calling you "Mr Fairy" all the ruddy time? No, thanks!
3) Take away any vital tradition of the series, like side-quests, dungeons, etc. I know Mr Miyamoto won't do that, but imagine it! [:(]
Jul 4, 2010
in a great black pit
definitely a modern or futuristic setting. i would hate to see link use guns or or a laser sword instead of the traditional bow and master sword. it would just be pandering to new fans while leaving us out in the cold.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Yeah, there are many things that could possibly ruin the series for me, much of it has already been said, my main concerns would be the following:
- Futurism: I too don't want too many futuristic or modern elements to infiltrate the series, like guns, cars, big corporations, airplanes, modern cities and governments, computers etc. Or going even further than that and having a science fiction/Star Wars like setting: Just imagine Link in a cyber suit, light saber dueling Robot Ganondorf on the moon, ugh :S
Comparison: After playing the NES and SNES Final Fantasy games, I was really shocked when I got thrown into the postmodern world of FFVII and to this day I still don't really like it.
- No more Action Adventure: I don't want the series to have too much of a drastic gameplay change, I want an explorable overworld and non-linear dungeons to stay in future games and not for example some sort of stages which have to be completed successively like in the early Mario games. Or a first person shooter like CoD but with medieval weapons, this is OK though if it's limited to short parts of the game like it has been done in TP with the Old Kakariko Village shootout.
- Ditching the concept of Link: Some people here have already said that they don't want to have a different protagonist, I'm going even further and say that they should leave Link as he is, that means having no preset character (like for example Cloud in FFVII). This allows the player to get absorbed into the game much better instead of "watching" it like a movie from an outside perspective and is a core element of the series. Of course this also excludes talking or voice acting for Link, I wouldn't mind it though if other characters besides Link had the ability to talk.

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
What Could Ruin The Zelda Series?

The Legend of Zelda is perhaps one of the greatest games ever made. But as time goes on we see some flaws in games like difficulty or graphic. But every game always has some fun to it and this trend will hopefully go on forever. But what could ruin the Zelda series? What could make our most beloved games terrible. So tell me what you think Nintendo could do to end the joy of all Zelda fans.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
Basically I see two obvious ways all Zelda fans would be mad at Nintendo:

1. Nintendo stops making the series altogether
2. Nintendo rushes to release a game and it is clearly below the standards of the rest of the series

Number 1 wouldn't happen, but there is a tiny chance that 2 could happen if the market places a ton of pressure on Nintendo to release their game faster than usual.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I say if Nintendo makes a Zelda game easier than that of Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, it would personally ruin the series for me. There are several other things that would turn the typical Zelda fan off (but I welcome it):

* Death of Link for the canon story
* Guns and modernization
* Any Good (protagonist) character being killed [forever] for the canon story, e.g Zelda
* [I do NOT welcome this] as MW7 said, a game that is released that is really below the standards of the series.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Coming to the point where Zelda needs to be improved on more technological bases. If anyone is familiar with the Valley of the Flood hoax then they'll know immediately what I'm talking about. I don't want any fully-mechanical cities to appear ever--this is not Final Fantasy, this is the Legend of Zelda. It should remain a criteria of its own and not evolve at all unless for the greater good.


Hero of Time
Aug 21, 2011
I agree that poorly done voice acting would make me very sad. I honestly don't know if I ever even want voice acting in a Zelda game. I don't want them to take a chance and do it wrong.


Getting rid of puzzles, easy boss fights.....bad content. Just look at Wrath Of The Lich King and how that was a low point for WoW.
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