The usual: Link not being the strong and silent type, any love connection between Link and Zelda or anyone...(that is obvious to see) bringing in any technology more advanced then the boat from PH (I let it slide because it was such a good game) uhm I think that's pretty much it...i'm sure theres more...but those are the only REALLY big ones I can think of....
Adding fully voiced dialogue to the characters then rubbing it in by choosing the absolute worst voice actors in the history of anything. Bad voice acting would be sword of Zelda's bane. ...Oh, and that other stuff people mentioned, such as overly advanced modernization and futuristic items, weapons, equipment, etc. ...Ugh. ...just ugh.
Also, please don't end a Zelda game with Link and Zelda getting married or something of that nature. That would just destroy the amorous (yeah that's the word) tension between the two. The "if-ness" of Link and Zelda having a thing for each other kinda NEEDS to be there.
Also, please don't end a Zelda game with Link and Zelda getting married or something of that nature. That would just destroy the amorous (yeah that's the word) tension between the two. The "if-ness" of Link and Zelda having a thing for each other kinda NEEDS to be there.
That's a really good one. Though It would spoil the series for me in a completely different way. Purely because despite the fact there are lots of more mature players, Zelda is a video game series, and there always is and always has been children players and the series has always had a partial aim at children. My point being, the one thing I despise at the moment is how everything aimed at children is just filled with double entendre's. Things the children aren't supposed to understand but the parents are, for example the new series of Doctor who is FILLED with innuendos and I have to say, where I a child of 8 watching the show, I'd understand every word of it and it's innapropriate.
Not only that, but I have always thought of Link as loveless. The girls are quite interested in him, but he never really feels the same (excluding maybe Ilia in TP.) Link is awesome, that's the point of him, and all the smushie stuff just brings the character down a bit. The only reason I let
The engagement between Ruto and Link in OoT slide was because it was done in a comical way and Link was clearly not up for it.
Lovey-dovey smushie-wushie stuff is something that could really ruin the series for me.
That's a really good one. Though It would spoil the series for me in a completely different way. Purely because despite the fact there are lots of more mature players, Zelda is a video game series, and there always is and always has been children players and the series has always had a partial aim at children. My point being, the one thing I despise at the moment is how everything aimed at children is just filled with double entendre's. Things the children aren't supposed to understand but the parents are, for example the new series of Doctor who is FILLED with innuendos and I have to say, where I a child of 8 watching the show, I'd understand every word of it and it's innapropriate.
Not only that, but I have always thought of Link as loveless. The girls are quite interested in him, but he never really feels the same (excluding maybe Ilia in TP.) Link is awesome, that's the point of him, and all the smushie stuff just brings the character down a bit. The only reason I let
The engagement between Ruto and Link in OoT slide was because it was done in a comical way and Link was clearly not up for it.
Lovey-dovey smushie-wushie stuff is something that could really ruin the series for me.
Doctor Who is not intended for kids...
I agree that sex shouldn't be rampant in children's games/shows, but getting married does not equal sex. Plus kids can handle it, they are smarter than people give them credit for. Goodness I use to watch my brother play Grand Theft Auto when I was younger which if filled with that kind of stuff but I turned out just fine.
I do agree romance would be pretty useless in a Zelda game, if done right maybe, but I think it is all left ambiguous for a reason as Link is supposed to be pretty much whatever you want him to be and that kind of thing might ruin that feeling for some players.
That's a really good one. Though It would spoil the series for me in a completely different way. Purely because despite the fact there are lots of more mature players, Zelda is a video game series, and there always is and always has been children players and the series has always had a partial aim at children. My point being, the one thing I despise at the moment is how everything aimed at children is just filled with double entendre's. Things the children aren't supposed to understand but the parents are, for example the new series of Doctor who is FILLED with innuendos and I have to say, where I a child of 8 watching the show, I'd understand every word of it and it's innapropriate.
Not only that, but I have always thought of Link as loveless. The girls are quite interested in him, but he never really feels the same (excluding maybe Ilia in TP.) Link is awesome, that's the point of him, and all the smushie stuff just brings the character down a bit. The only reason I let
The engagement between Ruto and Link in OoT slide was because it was done in a comical way and Link was clearly not up for it.
Lovey-dovey smushie-wushie stuff is something that could really ruin the series for me.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I just hope they don't show Zelda all bubbly and flirty towards Link-even in a comical way. I just hope they don't fall in love, be it comical or not. I just like the hint or the assumption that they like each other. I don't really know WHAT I'm trying to say! I just don't want them to be a couple; I'd miss the air of possibility I guess. It'd totally ruin the series if they were a couple.
Doctor who is a Family show, so they know that kids are going to see it, and a VERY big portion of the show is aimed at kids. If you don't believe me, just look at the merchandise, you wouldn't see and adult buying most of those things. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Doctor who, I will just happily admit that a fairly large part of it is aimed at children.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I just hope they don't show Zelda all bubbly and flirty towards Link-even in a comical way. I just hope they don't fall in love, be it comical or not. I just like the hint or the assumption that they like each other. I don't really know WHAT I'm trying to say! I just don't want them to be a couple; I'd miss the air of possibility I guess. It'd totally ruin the series if they were a couple.
Personally, I'm not even sure I get the whole 'they like each other' thing. They're friends yes, but aside from
The suggested kiss at the end of AoL
there is absolutely nothing to suggest that they have any untoward feelings for each other. Besides, in most games they're FAR too young for those kind of things anyway.
Personally, I'm not even sure I get the whole 'they like each other' thing. They're friends yes, but aside from
The suggested kiss at the end of AoL
there is absolutely nothing to suggest that they have any untoward feelings for each other. Besides, in most games they're FAR too young for those kind of things anyway.
There are a lot of things that would leave a heavy black mark on the reputation of the Zelda series; I believe we can trust Nintendo to not make the mistakes that would lead to such a thing, though. Here are some things that I believe would just ruin the feel: voice acting, modernization, a more mature setting, changing the style by extreme amounts, and I could go on with that list forever. There have always been big debates on the issue of voice acting, and I feel that, if done right, it wouldn't be a factor that would absolutely ruin the game, but I think that it would make it feel a little odd. I suppose we can't really knock it until we try it, as the saying goes. It's not worth the risk in my mind, however. I don't think Nintendo is ignorant enough to their fans that they would try something that could potentially drive away a ton of people.
One thing that has always been a thorn in my side when people mention it is the suggestion of a modern environment for the Zelda series. Not so much guns and everything... but just a super modern or even futuristic style to the game. It just ruins the feel and the setting of the game that we've been used to for the couple decades the series has been around. It's not time to change to something like that. I think that progressive modernization of the Zelda games isn't necessarily a bad thing, but not something that's going to go over the top. The train wasn't too bad, and we've even started to see more modern things here and there, but it hasn't gotten to the point where you might actually realize it. Once again, I trust in Nintendo's ability to create a satisfying environment for all of the Zelda fans.
You know what? I'm not even sure I'd mind a modern Zelda. (Though I definitely wouldn't want to see it more than once. Maybe a time-travel gimmick between medievaland modern-day Hyrule?)
What I'd mind is the ambiguously medieval setting having too much technology in it. The PH boat was pushing it. Spirit tracks perhaps didn't cross the line, but it was stepping all over it. Come on, guys, you can explain it away as magic all you like, but it's a train. It makes choo-choo sounds. It has a whistle and a throttle and a break. It puffs smoke. And medieval hot-air balloons? Gimme a break.
Evin Twilight Princess was pushing it, with the robotic cannons and stuff. Sheesh, the Gorons even had industrial robots. Come to think of it, that was worse than the train! Fortunately, those aspects of TP were (for the most part) in the background to such an extent that I let it slide.
It would take a lot to flat-out ruin the series for me by piling on the technology, but it could be done.
Another thing that would ruin the series for me is turning the series into an M-rated gorefest. I've heard some people say that they'd like that, with the usual complaints about Nintendo being too kiddy or and they can't take it seriously without blood and so on. Come on, it's swashbuckling fantasy! Having the bad guys disappear in a magical puff of black smoke works fine. A battlefield littered with corpses of mutilated monsters, that would just be gross.
You know what? I'm not even sure I'd mind a modern Zelda. (Though I definitely wouldn't want to see it more than once. Maybe a time-travel gimmick between medievaland modern-day Hyrule?)
What I'd mind is the ambiguously medieval setting having too much technology in it. The PH boat was pushing it. Spirit tracks perhaps didn't cross the line, but it was stepping all over it. Come on, guys, you can explain it away as magic all you like, but it's a train. It makes choo-choo sounds. It has a whistle and a throttle and a break. It puffs smoke. And medieval hot-air balloons? Gimme a break.
Evin Twilight Princess was pushing it, with the robotic cannons and stuff. Sheesh, the Gorons even had industrial robots. Come to think of it, that was worse than the train! Fortunately, those aspects of TP were (for the most part) in the background to such an extent that I let it slide.
It would take a lot to flat-out ruin the series for me by piling on the technology, but it could be done.
Another thing that would ruin the series for me is turning the series into an M-rated gorefest. I've heard some people say that they'd like that, with the usual complaints about Nintendo being too kiddy or and they can't take it seriously without blood and so on. Come on, it's swashbuckling fantasy! Having the bad guys disappear in a magical puff of black smoke works fine. A battlefield littered with corpses of mutilated monsters, that would just be gross.
Steampunk? No, I'm not calling you a punk or anything. I mean steampunk. It's a blind of old world elements with the a hint of futuristic elements. It's just the right balance. Zelda has done an excellent job with its fantasy technology and such. Then we have Spirit Tracks.
I can be a punk sometimes and I do get steamed fairly regularly, but I honestly don't see Zelda as being steampunk. Steampunk is more Victorian era, which compared to the Middle Ages is fairly recent.
I don't mind a little steampunk, in the loose sense of technology made with pre-electronic components, especially when it's fused with magic. The Hookshot (and even the clawshot) is an example of this. But again, too much is, well, too much.
An important consideration here is not just the level of technological advancement but also the look and feel. The Spirit Train was almost completely magical in nature (shoot, it started out being made of stone, for one thing), but because it looked and sounded and acted so much like a plain old train, it seemed to suck the fantasy right out of Hyrule.
The only way to 'ruin' Zelda for me is to make it have a crossover that isn't a fighting game. What I mean to say is that if there was Pokemon Triforce Version or Assassin's Creed: Zelda Edition, I'd be one of the people who thought Nintendo lost their marbles. I wouldn't mind a modern Zelda (hey, if they did it with Final Fantasy, there's no reason Zelda can't) because I take great interest in the technology of Zelda and how it evolved from medieval magic to complex and realistic engines and energy sources.