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What Changes to the Series Would Ruin Zelda for You?

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Lokomo Ninja
Feb 1, 2011
Outset Island
I know, I know, I'm a Mario-hater. I just don't want another repeat of the platform version of Adventure of Link with multiple lives and way too hard bosses (I'm defected at those stupid Mario games. I almost always run out of lives by the end of the first level)
Oh, and if they add another stupid, evil, obnoxious, creepy-looking character like Chancelor Cole, I will hang myself (Just kidding, but I might sue).


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
If they change the protagonist from Link to another (new) character.

THIS. It would probably be the main thing that would totally ruin the series for me.

Other than that, including guns and other forms of modern technology would also be pretty bad. Voiced dialogue is also something that would bother me, but it definitely wouldn't ruin the series.


Like a river's flow, it never ends...
Jun 2, 2009
What would completely ruin the series for me would be if they were to remove the medieval feel and aspect of the game as well as if they were to completely and utterly remove any instances of magic being used in the series; whether it be by items Link gets or that certain characters can use it. Those two things are what attracted me to the Zelda series as a whole and made me love the series. If they were take those two things away I would more than likely not buy the game that had these two things removed and I would feel as if Zelda may have finally reached it's ending point for me at least.


GoodNight SunShine!
Mar 7, 2009
Gran Pulse
But what would actually ruin a future game for you?

The first problem that would ruin a future game for me would be changing the character roster. I wouldn't mind if Nintendo switched Ganondorf for a different villain because he's been used so many times. But, taking out Zelda and leaving Link in the game would be kind of awkward. Also, it would stink if Nintendo didn't give Link any companion. Just imagine what it would be like running through Hyrule on your own. The second would be changing the music. I enjoy listening to Zelda music from a variety of games, but if they decided to change the style of it being about magic to something "futuristic"; it would be a let down. I wouldn't mind if they added voice acting because its worked with other videogames over the years. Just look at the fans who love the characters voices from Final Fantasy VII and X.


Dec 3, 2008
I thought about this for quite a long time and I can honestly not think of a single thing that would "ruin" the franchise for me. Nintendo could do anything to the series and I wouldn't mind. As long as it was a good game I would probably still enjoy it. I can only assume that this is because I enjoy a wide variety of video games, as well as a wide variety of styles, genres, and themes. In fact, there are many additions to the series that would "ruin" it for some people that I would really like to happen.

For example, if they were to include some type of gun into the game I would quite enjoy it. Of course, if it were my choice I'd prefer some kind of flint-lock pistol or even some type of musket, however 1930-1940's era revolvers would be quite interesting as well. I think that we can all reasonably agree that Zelda is never going to change so much as to become a completely different genre, so a weapon like this would have to fit into the Zelda style of game play. I suppose that as long as they keep the same style of game play, a 3rd person action adventure game, then I will enjoy the series.


Deity Link
May 17, 2011
East Coast USA
If they made the next Zelda game like... impossibly easy to the point that you can't even die. Sorta like Kirby's Epic Yarn. On Nintendo consoles this is a real fear for me. More and more, Nintendo thinks less of the young gamers and dumbs the difficulty for them...

Fortunately, this new Visions feature included in Ocarina of Time 3D seems like the perfect solution so the games can stay challenging.:lol:


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
If they change the protagonist from Link to another (new) character.
Yes that is just what I was thinking!

Another thing that would ruin it for me would be if they made Tingle the partner character. *shivers*. Seriously, I didn't mind him so much in MM, but after WW.... *shivers again* If I ever have to hear "Mr. Fairy!!!" again, it will be way too soon.
Yes if tingle is in another game, not just as a partner but just in the game, I will cry...... What would make it worse is if he is like all crazy like in a ST abriged I saw........ DX

Azure Sage

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What would make it worse is if he is like all crazy like in a ST abriged I saw........ DX

Tauberpa's Spirit Tracks abridged? Yeah, I doubt they'l make Tingle that much of a creeper. After all, children play Zelda games too. That episode of his abridged series was definately not meant for universal appeal like the Zelda series is.


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
Tauberpa's Spirit Tracks abridged? Yeah, I doubt they'l make Tingle that much of a creeper. After all, children play Zelda games too. That episode of his abridged series was definately not meant for universal appeal like the Zelda series is.
Yeah true. But sometimes they make them rated teen. So you never know O>O


The Dutch Kusagari
Oct 17, 2007
The Netherlands
I would not like if Nintendo would transform the zelda series in a futuristic first person shooter game. The limited view you have in a first person ruins the adventure part for me. I played the metroid prime series and even though the games are good, I never got into the worlds like in a zelda game because you can only see a tiny part with your visor. The futuristic theme can be very awesome in games, but the main downside is that the theme mainly focuses on science, space ships and evil aliens. Wooden trains are ok, but space ships and guns are a no go area for a zelda game.
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