I have three. D:
1. Seahats (The Wind Waker)
I have a very strange fear of them. First off, they're enormous. Secondly, they can spot you from a mile away and begin to stalk you right then. The way they attack isn't so great either. Coupled with that creepy sea battle music... This is the only enemy from any video game (that I've played) that I'm actually afraid of. D:
2. Chilfos (Twilight Princess)
I hate these guys. >_< They're freakishly annoying to deal with, but only if they're in numbers.
3. Takkuri (Majora's Mask)
This thing is plan annoying. I never need any money in this game, so killing the Takkuri won't help me a bit. It flies pretty fast and it can be hard to avoid if you're not paying attention. And it can steal your stuff and fly off with it. >_<
I'm one of the rare people who like to mess around with ReDeads, I guess. XD I think they're pretty funny, especially in Twilight Princess where you can sometimes get them to not see you entirely, even if you're running around in circles right around them. (Although those are technically ReDead Knights.) Like-Likes can be annoying sometimes if they end up swallowing you. But for me, it's not the shield-stealing part that bothers me; it's the part where they spit you out 10 feet into the air.