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How Excited Are You For Skyward Sword?

How excited are you for Skyward Sword?

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  • Indifferent

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  • Not Very Excited

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  • Not Excited

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Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
The only reason why I'm asking this is because at the moment, I don't feel that excited.

When the trailer was released at E3, I got myself so hyped up about it that on the bus to school in the morning I'd only talk about that. But as the months have passed Ihave started loosing interest in it. The trailer is awesome and I have to watch it every now and then just to remind myself that an awesome game is coming to the wii, but the lack of footage, artwork and confirmations have lead me to kind of ignoring it. I just hope nintendo release something else to fire up my enthusiasm about it.
What do you guys think? Do you feel the same?


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I actually haven't gotten excited yet. Not too much, at least.

I've done my best not to care about any "news" or releases that aren't a confirmed release date. My reason for this is so I don't drive myself crazy thinking about it. I get obsessive sometimes, so my indifference is for my own health. :P

When Nintendo announces an official release date, I will get more excited. Much more excited, but not obsessive. In the few weeks leading up to the day, THEN I will get obsessive. I'll be one of those people waiting outside the MORNING BEFORE the release date. Guaranteed, this will be most excited I will ever get over a game. So far, at least. I got interested in Zelda after the release of ST, so I played all the games without knowing about any hype that was worked up.

So, for now, I'm not that excited, just to spare what's left of my sanity. But I will get very excited when more is announced. Very, very excited!


Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
Yeah, I'm going to preorder it so it's there when I get home from school the day it comes out, unless it's a weekend, then I will be there when it arrives. (only when nintendo say a release date!)
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
Lack of excitement is understandable, since it's hardly gotten any attention since E3. They'll probably give us something new at GDC next week to remind us of the great game we need to buy later this year. I'm hoping for a new trailer with many of the opening scenes introducing new characters to give us a lot to talk about while we wait for release.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
I actually am really excited for this game. I badly want to play this game as soon as possible, but I understand that Nintendo should take their time to make a game as good as it can be. Hopefully they will start releasing more things so that people think and discuss about it more, and gradually move out of this secrecy that they are in with this game.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I'll admit, I have been off and on about this.

I've been commenting on SS when I can so that all my fire for the game doesn't extinguish itself. The trailer forced nostalgia through my as if my adrenaline had kicked in. Over time, that hype has wavered ony a little, but almost went completely away when I heard Skyward Sword was being moved back, again, until Fall of this year, yet I managed to pick up whatever hope I had of it being out early 2011 and got back into excitement-instilling discussion. So...I am really exicted still, reviewing the amazing features from the trailer and demo vids in my mind, though I must hope to see more things that will keep my intrigue in motion so that it doesn't start another slow descent--the main source of this hope coming from the GDC that Locke mentioned.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
I've been a bit on and off too.
Lack of news must mean a lack of excitement, too. Since E3 which was about eight months ago, we haven't heard anything except some news on the progress of the game. Everything else has been speculation. I agree with Locke and hope that next week at GDC, something about the game will be released. Another trailer would be nice.

As soon as the release date and more details are released, I'll get really excited, like I was around E3, however. :)


Jun 14, 2010
Not in the SB ;-;
I feel...indiferent.

The only ONLY thing we got is the E3 trailer, and it was exciting. But Nintendo is too silent, more than they normally are.....
They are trying to play with us, but we are getting mad...


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I'm excited. Always for a Zelda. But more excited is for the preorder bonus whatever it is (action figure, cards, etc). I will obtain many, then sell them for more. Yaaay. :> But also yes very excited for SS.


- Do Not Eat -
Nov 24, 2010
I'm enthusiastic about the game, I think the style of graphics are great, the story is great, but since we've gone so long without any news coming, I'm not that excited. I'm sure I'll get excited when it's closer to the release. (Whenever that is.)
Oct 12, 2010
Its only been very recently that I started to take a genuine interest in SS again. When they debuted the trailer at E3 I was really hyped, but within a few months, it sort of wore off. But ever since the new year its been in the back of my mind, and i have started to become excited again. And as Locke said, hopefully they'll show us something at GDC.
Feb 3, 2010
nintendo needs to seriously stop hiding this game and start hyping it up a little bit.

i mean i just dont get what kind of marketting strategy is to pretend your product doesnt exist.
Jan 24, 2011
around E3 I was hella excited!! but now...

I have some lack of excitement as well, like I know it is there in the making, the problem? that that is it, we only have a trailer and a name ...

now when they talk about a release date, then I will stop walking and start hoping of obsessive excitement!....but for right now I'm actually more excited about OoT than SS just because of that.

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