Spirit Tracks and Ocarina of Time were really disappointing for me. I had trouble just forcing myself to play through them the first time, and a second for Master Quest. I don't think I could bring myself to play through them ever again, or at least not in the near future. (Well, I suppose I can play through OoT one last time just to see it in full 3D on the 3DS, grumble grumble... >_>). I also complain about Phantom Hourglass alot, but I don't think I give it enough credit... In retrospect, I've played through it a number of times.
As for ol' FSA, well its nowhere up to par with the main adventures, but I thought it was okay... I loved how it was reminiscent of aLttP, it really brought me back. I might replay FSA again soon actually. I'm still waiting for a proper aLttP imitation though. If Nintendo announced something like that I would pee myself in excitement.