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Do Zelda Games Ever Get Old for You?


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
Nope, I could replay them over and over again and be perfectly content. I try to improve my game and skills and memory and I always try to do something differently each time, whether it's dungeons in a different order (if possible, like in the original) or getting heart containers at a different time to make more of a challenge.
May 5, 2010
I do miss the exploration and the difficulty in ALttP (my first Zelda game) but I'll always re-play Zelda games.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
Never, I always find something to do. Since I usually have loads of money, I'll just throw a bunch of bombs and enemies then buy some more and repeat. It never gets old watching an enemy get hit by a bomb, especially when they try to block it and they still get hurt.
Jun 1, 2010
Nope. I play Zelda all the time and it never ceases to amaze and entertain me. Also, you should add a poll to this thread.
MC is my favorite game in the Zelda Series. It was the fist game I knew I owned in real life. (I owned OoT, but did not know it until after I played and won TP.) It was really fun and had n awsome back story. But, playing it 5 times gets old. I wish they would make something else like MC. (Maybe there is a hack for MC out there.)

Link V

Tommorow belongs to us...
nah ive had minish cap since i was 9 and still love it! (my first loz game). the only game that got old for me was Phantom Hourglass, I got tired of that. but hey i still love all the other games i own which are Wind waker, Twilight Princess, Ocarina of time, Majora's mask, Minish cap, A link to the past and the original Loz.


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
Well, like the majority of people have said, it really depends on which game I'm playing. For the most part, I lose interest in the game riiiiiight near the end and I start playing a new game and completely forget about my Zelda game. When I get back to the game after a month or so, I forget where I am, what I'm supposed to do and I just want to start fresh from the beginning. That's why I've only gotten to the Spirt Temple in OoT and the last part of the Ocean King Temple in PH. I've beaten TP twice but there have been 2 other times when I got to the City in the Sky or Twilight Palace and gave up and never came back to them. I've beaten Majora's Mask many times and that game NEVER gets old for me. Like a previous post mentioned, in MM, everything's always moving around you and it's not just people standing in the same location, saying the same predictable thing over and over again. AoL and LoZ lost my interest right about the first temple. (it's probably just my age. I'm not a fan of the original 2.) I can't really say if WW gets old for me. I only finished about half of it and the disc got scratched. :( I don't remember much but I remember it was an AMAZING Zelda game. So, I guess because of the lengthy storylines, I can't really stay focused on a Zelda game for too long (except MM) before moving onto something else...


Zelda games never get old. There is always some side quest you can do. Side quests are mostly in in TP and MM. In MM you can get the Fierce Deity Mask. TP you get arrow upgrades and so on.


I hate when I die a lot on what part, thats when I get bored of it and turn it off over frustration (water Temple), I always put the controller down for a just a little bit when I get there.
Jun 29, 2010
I think I am getting somewhat tired of the series as a whole because I have beaten ten games from it. I think Skyward Sword will be the last Zelda I buy, but that doesn't necessarily mean I wont replay the old ones again.


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
There has never been one time that I have gotten tired of playing the Zelda games. I find that every time I pick up the controller and start to play, I feel compelled to finish what I started. I find that the plots and the stories are phenomenal and definitely interesting. Playing the Zelda series is somewhat of a comfort sometimes after a long day. ;) I've never once been disappointed in the ideas that Nintendo creates (and I hope the same for SS). From every Zelda game I have played I can't say that I've just given up, or just didn't want to play. I think that the Legend of Zelda series is great, and I can't say anymore than that.
Aug 18, 2009
Actually, no. Wind Waker, which is the only game I played near to the end, was a fun game. If I had not gotten an Xbox360 at that time I would of had finished it and probably would have played it again just because it was a very fun game.

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