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How is C.O.D Better Than LOZ


Apr 22, 2011
whereas C.O.D is aimed at the recently trending violent psychopathic children of today, i was born in the 90's

This is taking a bit too far don't you think. You are at this point calling me (among others) a psychopathic violent child for being a fan of a shooter series.

Guess what, I'm not!
I also happen to like the Zelda series at the same time, what does that make me? :P
Apr 16, 2010
Zelda is the best action/adventure series to date.

Call of Duty is the best first-person shooter series to date.

I think Zelda is much better, but I'm a huge fan of both; and I don't see why one couldn't be a fan of both. Is it really necessary to bash another great series because some of its fans are annoying or you think it's too kiddy? If someone has legitimate complaints with either series, I'll listen, but if someone just slanders it blindly then your opinion has no value in my eyes.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
WOW! thats all i got to say about this thread is WOW! in my eyes there are only two ppl on this thread that are makeing any sense.So i will just continue that trend!

I played every COD game made up to MW3, i was tired of it when Moder Warfare 2 came out but i figure since i started the series ill continue it cuz...well... im a freakin gamer thats why, dont judge me! I am a Huge fan of both Adventure and FPS games, now i started as a shooter with Mega Man (that was a shooter back in the day and i dont wanna hear a word other-wise!) but i also played all of the zelda games, starting first when i was only 4 years old. then by the time i was 10 i was already on my computer playing Doom! so i would say i concider myself an Adventure/Shooter Hybrid Gamer LOL

that being said, i still think COD is complete ****. Not because i like Zelda more, but because its complete ****! It's a worn out ***** of a game that is released yearly, has no story at all, and involves very lil strategy due to how fast you and your enemies die!(i guess that could be argued on the same merit though, as staying alive IS the strategy) This being said i will point out that i dont like "Realistic Games" so i am Bias! if i had to pick a shooter that is actually worth a play, it would be halo. It's Colorful, and the story is about as deep as Star Wars (god cant wait to hear comments on that) but proof is the game has spawned into other media outlets to tell its story, many games, Books, Video shorts, Comics. STORY!

Hate on me all you want but this post is comeing from an old COD fan. but in my eyes, its just worn out and is nothing but a cash cow for activision to sell you plastic for 60 bucks and call it a game....or better yet it is a game so.... and call it a "New" game! Truth is it hasnt changed one bit since World at War other than going into the future a bit.But im not a hater, cuz what it comes down too is that these COD fans love COD and thats fine, and the reason they buy it every year is cuz they are tired of the same levels they have been playing online for the past year, and are ready for new maps, and perks, and maybe a couple new guns. it sells cuz it is an ONLINE game, it has nothing to do with the actual story of the games, COD fans just want too keep playing COD in between other games they happen too play, those ignorant COD fans you hear from and talk down on other games are just that; COD fans, not gamers, not smart and definatly not worth listening too.

Like i said, i used to play it a lot, and just dont find it appealing anymore! But Most of what is being said about some COD players, can be said about me and my obssesion with Halo! So there you have it, however im not gonna even attempt to Compare COD; or halo for that matter to Zelda, the argument is pointless as the games are two completly seprate worlds, as well as gameplay! All i got to say to the boy who started this thread, is too get new friends that will listen to you and not talk down to you and the things you like, when i was younger, ive had a couple people tell me "Link is gay" and "why do you play kid games", all i had to say to them was that "they are narrow minded @$$holes who wouldnt know a good game if it came up and bit them in the @$$" dont let the haters get you down kid, im close to 30 and i still buy and play every Zelda game thats released, so they are far from childish, and as soon as you learn to open your mind and see things from others side, you will be above those that talk down on what you like and who you are!


links assistant in combat
Aug 22, 2012
in korki forest
All i got to say to the boy who started this thread, is too get new friends that will listen to you and not talk down to you and the things you like, when i was younger, ive had a couple people tell me "Link is gay" and "why do you play kid games", all i had to say to them was that "they are narrow minded @$$holes who wouldnt know a good game if it came up and bit them in the @$$" dont let the haters get you down kid, im close to 30 and i still buy and play every Zelda game thats released, so they are far from childish, and as soon as you learn to open your mind and see things from others side, you will be above those that talk down on what you like and who you are!
Thank you for the feed back snakeoiltanker,but the problem is that the friends who don't care much for C.O.D but still like C.O.D are in a separate house (different teachers in a different part of the school) and all the boys in my house are C.O.D fans that think LOZ is gay despite them never playing and think realistic graphics are more important than game play.Most of the students in my house also think halo,half-life,fallout,and other games I like are "wastes of time and money" and C.O.D is "worth the time and money" and my friend who don't care much for C.O.D are never able to come to my house.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
Enjoy what you like and make no excuses for it. Much like arguing about religion or politics, fighting over what game is better resolves nothing. As a veteran of the SNES vs Genesis console war, I can certify that none of the bickering caused any conversions. Sooner or later you'll be able to hang out with people who have similar tastes as you.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
yeah buddy, no matter what, stay true to who you are weather it is personal ways of life or something as simple as you prefrence in games. no reason in fallin into something you dont wanna be just to fit in, cuz in the end you will be liveing an empty life. ive been there bud, no matter what stick to who you are, and dont make excuses, be proud of who you are. add me bud, im tellin you man, i was a weird kid, and i prevaled in the ends by not changeing who i was cuz of my peers. even though i did every once and a while, but i always ended up unhappy, so i always went back to me. when reach sophmore to a year after you graduate, you will meet ppl who are more like you cuz A) you will have met more ppl due to you lack of shame for who you are, or :cool: the dudes who made fun of you will soon realize you are the alpha male who stood his ground and believed in who you were an respect that and follow your lead. life is easy if you have the right guidence man. feel free to hit me up anytime, even if it dont have something to do with zelda or other videogames


The Hero Of Ordon
Jun 25, 2012
On My Couch Playing Smash
okay, EVERYONE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT WHICH IS BETTER AND HOW 1 IS CRAP AND ONE ISNT! I mean, you like shooters, you might like cod.You dont, you might like zelda. You like both types, you can like both. IT doesnt really matter which is better, because better is a matter of opinion, and people can have different opinions,and we can dislike them, but I find it sorta rude to say what some people believe is wrong because you believe something else.(unless you have solid evidence that they are wrong, but in this case, I just see opinions)


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I'll keep this short. COD is a mindless shooter. It has skill and lots of entertainment value, but it lacks any depth, soul, or even dedication on the part of the designers. Its so overused and worn out. Its a waste of money. Zelda is pretty much the opposite of everything I just said about COD.

PS- anyone who calls Link gay better answer to me for saying such things about our hero (Imagine a skinny white boy making a really bad muscle pose).


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I have to say though...for all the crap I give CoD, I have to admit they stay loyal to their fans and give them the game they paid for rather than needlessly experimenting on it and damaging it. I mean my God, when it comes to experimentation and Zelda, Nintendo shows less care than the Nazi scientists did on the Jews they experimented on. Who cares if this could ruin the game drive off hundreds of fans? Who cares if we could get much better results by delivering them in small doses and seeing how the fans react to it? Let's just recklessly go full steam ahead! It feels like that at times...Zelda's a great series, but sometimes Nintendo treats it more like their own personal toy than a beloved game series.

As for graphics, CoD wins. Same with multiplayer (duh). I'd say Zelda wins on Gameplay and Puzzles though. Fanbase is hard to decide...

In terms of softcore fanbase, Zelda wins. The softcore CoD fanbase is kinda immature, but Zelda's isn't bad.

In terms of the hardcore fanbase, Zelda has one of the worst. It's up there with the hardcore Sonic fanbase. The hardcore CoD fanbase is a little annoying, but it has nothing on Zelda....

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
I like playind Call of Duty sometimes, but I don't see how it's better than Zelda. It might just be a matter of preference. So people don't like all the nonsensical medieval crap that Zelda throws at you. Some people just like the oversimplicity of shootin' dudes for hours, and hours, and hours.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
FPS is the big genre right now. It's that simple.

It can be boiled down simpler than that.

Call of Duty is a First Person Shooter.

Legend of Zelda is an Action/Adventure series.

CoD is a better FPS than Zelda; LoZ deals better with action and adventure [through diversity at that] in most cases than CoD.

Neither really follow the same game mechanics as the alternative, so there's not much to compare them by. In fact, I'd say that they can't be consistently compared at all. They differ too much in concept; for example, Call of Duty shows blood when shooting an opponent, whereas Zelda mainly--despite its exceptions--shows animated contact flashes, as it is meant to be kid-friendly. Can it be argued that one is better for showing blood or not? Not really; it's just a diversity in graphical features. Aside from all that, whether the things in a fantasy realm tops the grittiness of the real world can't be utterly decided; it's an entirely subjective matter...

A better comparison would be Halo Vs. Zelda since Halo's worlds are border on fantastical, and even have an energy blade in-game.


Apr 22, 2011
A better comparison would be Halo Vs. Zelda since Halo's worlds are border on fantastical, and even have an energy blade in-game.

Even that would still be tricky, I think as a golden rule games that aren't in the same genre should never be compared because they target totally different audiences and it really makes no sense at all for instance to label the Halo series as bad just because it lacks any RPG elements or vice versa calling Zelda bad just because it doesn't have space ships & laser guns since it was never really the point of the game to have any of these things.

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