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Friday by Rebbeca Black

What do you think about this song?

  • Yeah, it sucks.

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  • No, it's a nice song to listen too.

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  • It's so bad it's funny.

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Feb 1, 2011
That was terrible.

I wish I didn't see that and hopefully I will forget about by tomorrow.

And, when are we ever going to stop using auto-tune! :mad:


Mrs. Caleb
Aug 20, 2008
I should have guessed someone would have made a thread about this! I ignored the constant videos about this song for a few weeks and finally got around to watching the music video. At first I could see why people thought it was stupid, but not all the hate. Then as the song continued and I watched until the end, I could understand.

I feel bad for Rebecca Black though. She's had a lot of backlash from this, and claims to not understand why. That's got to be a horrible hit to one's self esteem, especially at that age. But even just because she put work and time into this project, how depressing to have very few people actually enjoy what you created the way it was intended to be.


"We don't hate her because she's famous, she's famous because we hate her"
I felt that the quote belongs here. :P


I blame Dinkleberg.
Apr 18, 2011
It's A Secret To Everyone
Atleast she knows thursday comes before Friday, then saturday follows and sunday comes afterwards. >.<

The song was so horrible I cried. I just can't escape from this song it's everywhere. But whatever, as long as she's happy, it's okay. However half a nation hates her now.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
And, when are we ever going to stop using auto-tune! :mad:

When "artists" learn how to actually sing on their own again. It makes me appreciate/respect former pop stars like Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera, N'Sync & Backstreet Boys, etc. back when they hit the big stage .. while I didn't care for them at all, at least their vocals were produced by their throats and not digital 'enhancement.'

As for this "Friday" song, I gave it a try out of morbid curiosity. I just hope my ears can find it in their hearts to forgive me for subjecting them to it.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house in Texas.
I think she tried to pull a Justin Bieber. Sing on youtube, get noticed by a major label, then get adored by millions of preteens for sounding plain awful.
She is a 13 year old kid who from what I understand put the video up on yt for her friends and family to see as she won some thing or just paid to get a song recorded. I don't think she expected it to go viral. The verbal abuse of her is far worse then any crappy song, she is a kid for Goodness sakes! I feel bad for her, but from what I heard she is taking it in stride and that's good. From what little I have read of her she seems to be a nice kid.
As for people saying it's a tragedy she is making money from this, well a couple of things; for one it's not her fault in the least, blame the people who are putting money to get it instead. Secondly, it's popular because it's bad I don't think people are buying in to it as the next big wave in music. If she is taking advantage of it and getting some money, good for her, I have no problem with that.
Also as an aside, I am tired of the music today sucks bandwagon. Go to any youtube video of a song from any past decade and almost all the comments follow an identical formula: "Music from the -insert decade song was written in here- was when music was real, not like today where it all sucks!
It seems people tend to think their decade was the best and everything after sucks. As said before their is crap and every decade, we don't hear that old crap anymore we hear all the good songs and for a reason, they were the good songs. Their is a lot of great music to be found today, you just have to look sometimes. I also enjoy some of the mainstream artists, because some of them have absolutely made good music. I like to joke about Beiber and Miley Cyrus and all too but if I am to be honest, I never heard any of their music so who am I to judge. But that teen pop stuff has been around ages and those artists you don't usually hear much from after some time has passed anyways. JMHO
Sorry but I just HATE this song. It is so stupid! Sorry but that is what I think.....

I think most everyone agrees, in a twisted way that is why it is so popular. I actually do not mind her voice or anything like that, it's the lyrics that make me cringe, I think it's worse that she DIDN'T write it and a grown man did because it is a horrible piece of writing.


Nov 12, 2010
A few comments about the song.
1. How is she 13 and her friend is driving?
2. There is only one seat left, how does she not know which seat to sit in?
3. I feel bad for the rapper who is not out of a music career just for being in this music video.


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
I think most everyone agrees, in a twisted way that is why it is so popular. I actually do not mind her voice or anything like that, it's the lyrics that make me cringe, I think it's worse that she DIDN'T write it and a grown man did because it is a horrible piece of writing.

Yeah I mean she has a pretty voice and all.... But she needs to have lyrics that aren't so cruddy and stuff


Nov 12, 2010
Yeah I mean she has a pretty voice and all.... But she needs to have lyrics that aren't so cruddy and stuff
My friend had me listen to her other song "prom night" yesterday. If you think Friday's lyrics were bad, you'd be more upset by Prom Night's. Not to mention it's a remake of Friday only more annoying and with worse lyrics.

Caleb, Of Asui

Oh, Friday... XD This song has been the butt of many jokes around a lot of my friends and a lot of the people at my school recently. I just made a video that's sort of a parody of it for my TV Production class. It's pretty funny. Her voice is so nasally and annoying, though, it's hilarious. And I love how she demonstrates her knowledge of the days of the week. "Tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwords." XD

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