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Friday by Rebbeca Black

What do you think about this song?

  • Yeah, it sucks.

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  • No, it's a nice song to listen too.

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  • It's so bad it's funny.

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Feb 5, 2011
I saw an article about it on Yahoo!, they trashed the music video. I thought the y were just being mean. Then I saw it for myself and I now agree with them.

The song is about fried eggs and figuring out to sit in the front or back seat. I mean..it's strange. The video screams female Justin Bieber.

Dec 12, 2010
That kid isn't old enough to drive surely? He looks about 14! And those girls still have braces and they're talking about partying :P I'd agree with you Ronald, it does seem like they are trying to fill that Justin Bieber Market.
Feb 5, 2011
^I thought he looked younger than that, BUT YOU CAN'T TELL WITH THAT UGLY SHAG IN HIS FACE ;)

I thought the song had the same tempo as Baby did, it's just what came to mind when I listened to this. She sounds Canadian too.
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Dec 12, 2010
I've now listened to this song twice and I feel violated lol. Her voice is very annoying, and it seems to be trying to make "Paardying" kid friendly. Partying involves getting wasted on the substance of your choice and engaging in illicit sex lol. It's not a wholesome, family-fun activity.


didn't build that
I've now listened to this song twice and I feel violated lol. Her voice is very annoying, and it seems to be trying to make "Paardying" kid friendly. Partying involves getting wasted on the substance of your choice and engaging in illicit sex lol. It's not a wholesome, family-fun activity.

I agree.

This is an awful song with an awful message, and the music is unbearable to boot. I feel like my ears need to be replaced after hearing it. Not to mention the lyrics are godawful.

How this is any different than Kesha, though, or any other successful pop singers, is a mystery to me. This seems just as bad as much of the music that's popular right now. I guess what's slightly different about it is that it's targeted towards kids, but hey, even Lady Gaga was in that new Karate Kid movie, so that really doesn't distinguish it.
Dec 12, 2010
I dunno Hanyou, I think it is different. I'm against the current MTV trend of filming people pretending to party to sell that kind of image to people. "Look at us! We're having fun! So much fun! Don't you wish you were having fun with us! Fun! Fun! Fun!" I don't mind people advocating drug use or promiscuity because I think that's their point of view. Admittedly they don't mention the potential health risks of it, but you don't get many critics of drug use going "Oh, but it is sometimes really fun to use them." People rarely present a balanced argument when pushing an agenda.

This on the other hand is specifically aimed at kids which is pretty disgusting. Granted it's just riding on the back of this generation's tendency to oversex kids (while at the same time having an extreme aversion to paedophilia, which is a strange paradox). Strange that in the classroom kids are encouraged to be safe but as soon as you turn on the TV they are bombarded with adverts for this kind of stuff.

Also the music is terrible. Which is obviously the main argument here.

It gets worse:

Oct 26, 2008
I've now listened to this song twice and I feel violated lol. Her voice is very annoying, and it seems to be trying to make "Paardying" kid friendly. Partying involves getting wasted on the substance of your choice and engaging in illicit sex lol. It's not a wholesome, family-fun activity.

I agree with pretty much everything said here. It sounds like her voice has been modified with autotune to sound more electronic, or at least I hope so. If that's her natural voice, it sounds terrible.

I agree.

This is an awful song with an awful message, and the music is unbearable to boot. I feel like my ears need to be replaced after hearing it. Not to mention the lyrics are godawful, at parts it just tears through the English language with ease.

How this is any different than Kesha, though, or any other successful pop singers, is a mystery to me. This seems just as bad as much of the music that's popular right now. I guess what's slightly different about it is that it's targeted towards kids, but hey, even Lady Gaga was in that new Karate Kid movie, so that really doesn't distinguish it.

I also agree with this, the music and lyrics are terrible. It's the same old generic stuff that's been pumped into the music industry for a while now, and it's getting worse. The message in this song is really bad, and they shouldn't really be aiming it at a younger audience.

Websites like Billboard and Rolling Stones really have no credibility.

And just to add to this...

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Born to Fail
Sep 11, 2009
I stopped watching after the first time the chorus played, and it wasn't cause I'm a metal head...it was just that bad.

"Front seat, back seat, which do I take"? Well...how about the back seat...seeing as unless you sit on the CD case, there isn't a seat in the front.
"Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal"? Put it in a Reese's Puffs commercial.

I have to agree with Hanyou and others who point out how it sounds like the rest of modern pop. It's hypocritical of the media to embrace Gaga, Ke$ha, Eminem and Kanye when they, in my opinion, are just as bad as Ms. Black here.

What ever happened to the cello? Is it to be left to the Finns? Compare Apocalyptica to any of the above mentioned pop singers, and then ask yourself...which is music?


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I have never hated something as much as I hate that song and video. Except maybe Miley Cyrus.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I really do not like this song or its message for several reasons. She is my age and partying and driving?! Bad example...also the lyrics are not good...at all. I mean, no offence but we know our days of the week. Also, her voice has obviously been edited and she is sending a really bad message out there about going off to party at 13. A agree with the others here, the message is the worst part and then the lyrics and music are just as bad.
Apr 5, 2008
Chula Vista, San Diego, CA

I honestly have never heard the actual song, only people singing it.

and from that, I can say that I loathe it.

Also, who thought of these lyrics? They're genius! Yesterday was Thursday, Tomorrow is Saturday? She must be a lyric god, because I couldn't find a rhyme with "day" in my life!

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