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Four Swords Adventures 2?


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
I'm currently going through Four Swords Adventures, and I must say it's quite fun, but I can't imagine many people who've used all of the games features. The Gamecube is a great system, but it just wasn't made for a game like this. You not only need to own a GC (which isn't hard), but you need to own 4 GBAs and 4 GBA-to-GC cables.

The Wii, however, is the ideal platform for a game like this. The Wii is the most owned videogame system in the world, and the Nintendo DS is the second-most owned system in the world, as well as the most owned handheld handheld in the world. Not to mention, both systems are Wi-Fi compatable.

A new FSA game could be played in one Wii with 4 DSes, on 4 Wiis over Wi-Fi, and every imaginable variation inbetween. If you ask me, if Nintendo doesn't take advantage of this great technology then they don't deserve to be #1.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
I guess it could be nice with a FSA 2. But I guess they should use different kinds of graphics cause it could be done differently (and better). I did not believe FSA was one of the better games but it could be cause I´m a bit old and my friends do not play Zeldas. So I had to play FSA in single mode and guess that is not how it is supposed to be done. I do not mind a new FSA for the wii but do not want nintendo to focus to much on it. I need a new single player Zelda soon!


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
Oh, without a doubt. The FS series seems more like an afterthought. Something fun, but not something to be taken as serious as their larger titles.

If they did this game Phantom Hourglass style (3D on a classic 2D plane), but with WW calibur graphics (meaning the real thing, and not a "DS close enough" thing), then it would work brilliantly.


My mom says im cool...
Aug 29, 2008
Ya, or they just could make it a regular multi-player game where each guy is controlled with a actual controller, and not a gameboy lol. Thats why the other Four Swords game dident do very well. I felt like they were just trying to hawk the link cable.


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
Yea, but getting the extra screen (or in this case "screens") works well when you enter caves and homes. That way you don't disturb the other players every time you move from place to place.
Oct 18, 2008
In my coffin
I'm sick of the Four Swords games.
I really don't get why people like them.They don't really have that Zelda feeling to them.


Air Dancer
Jan 6, 2009
I dont remember ever playing FSA and it was probably for the reasons about owning 4 GBA things that you mentioned to get the most out of the game.. I think a FSA 2 or a FSA remake would be a great idea. That way I would actually be able to play them. And I disagree with the post above. I think a multi player Zelda is great. I dont really see how it does not have a Zelda feel. I did play the original FS games a few times. But we all have are own opinions.
May 25, 2008
In my house
I'm sick of the Four Swords games.
I really don't get why people like them.They don't really have that Zelda feeling to them.

I think a lot of reasons.

1. Some people are really quite sick of seeing the same thing used over and over and over and over and over and over, and they want to be able to play something different that's still somewhat Zelda.

2. I feel like they're Zelda. Same characters, same type of areas, all it seems like it's missing is the get three stones/pendants, go save 7 people, and only 1 Link.

I'd like another Four Swords game sometime in the future, and it'd work a lot better if you could use Wi-Fi to play with other people.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I want the next Four Swords (if it ever comes out) to use the DS. Since we no longer need cables to connect the handheld and the console it can finally work better. It won't cost to much cash and since almost everyone and their mother has a DS now it would be perfect.


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
Exactly my point, CwS.

The top two most owned current-gen videogame systems are the Wii and DS, in that order.

You can connect a DS wirelessly to a Wii, so on top of this being a somewhat party-game-esque title, this game will be more accessable to the non-hardcore and hardcore alike who don't see the purpose in buying some extra perifferal, let alone four of the same perifferal, to play this one game.

Nintendo never making a game like this would be a moronic move.


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
Exactly my point, CwS.

The top two most owned current-gen videogame systems are the Wii and DS, in that order.

You can connect a DS wirelessly to a Wii, so on top of this being a somewhat party-game-esque title, this game will be more accessable to the non-hardcore and hardcore alike who don't see the purpose in buying some extra perifferal, let alone four of the same perifferal, to play this one game.

Nintendo never making a game like this would be a moronic move.

FSA was a good game made at a bad time. If it had been released for the Wii instead of the GCN people would rave less about not having friends who have gameboys.
It also needs online incase there are no friends to play with. Maybe an online co-op would work but I expect horrible lag.
Plus the DS has more buttons meaning that there can be new gameplay elements added (although I hope no touch mixing with TV.)


The Void in the Triforce
Mar 4, 2009
New Jersey
True that, CwS. Great way to explain the easily missed potential of the game.

For me, however, it wasn't so much not finding friends who didn't own GBAs, so much as it was that I had smart friends who, like myself, didn't feel the need to buy those GC-GBA connector cables for just one game.

As for lag, if you ask me I don't think it will lag in the least. I mean, all of Nintendo's online titles lag a bit, but they're all playable. Games like SSBB that have crazy amounts of character detail, particle effects, and commands input by the player at once don't lag horribly very often; and games like Mario Kart that can hold up to twelve racers at once on huge maps with so much activity don't lag all that much very frequently; so it's hard to imagine a four player game with dumbed down graphics that only moves one screen at a time to lag at all.
Dec 14, 2008
Louisiana, USA
I don't think this would be a good idea at all. From what I've played of FSA, it's several steps behind all the other Zelda games. Why make a game that's worse than the others and is basically a re-make?


Zelda Dungeon's Critic
Jan 13, 2009
I don't want to say.
I don't think this would be a good idea at all. From what I've played of FSA, it's several steps behind all the other Zelda games. Why make a game that's worse than the others and is basically a re-make?

Ah but imagine if that game was open ended instead of following the level format? It would be very bad if so, because you would need four people to get anything done in an open ended environment. plus what if one player does not see an event that happened because they were not present? However the level format allows for small changes to the game and also allow replayability to events so that way nothing is missed. Plus it gets less confusing with the level format.
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
Ok. Any of you people heard of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time? It is for both Wii and DS. The games are basically the same, but DS owners and Wii owners alike can connect through wifi and play. The same concept would be great for a FS game. Wifi is like, perfect for this kind of thing. I would really like a FS at least for the DS, as I've never really had the chance to play FS or FSA multiplayer. I think it would work out great.

Still, it would be better if we got a new Zelda that was normal, as in not a spin-off.

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