I can't say I have any hate for any fanbase. I'm usually a very tolerating person. Usually...
I do generally dislike certain fanbases, like Call of Duty for example. But I don't hate them. You can't blame the people themselves for being so ignorant. By the way, I'm referring to the general stereotype that screams and swears slurs into headsets. Not all Call of Duty fans in general. Not all of them are ignorant and immature.
I don't really know too much about other fanbases, but I also kind of dislike The Legend of Zelda's fanbase because of how change-o-phobic it can be. For example, the thread here called "Zelda Should Go SPACEWARD"; the very first reply was "The minute Zelda goes to space is the day Zelda is dead to me." Seeing such close-mindedness really disappoints me. It's probably the only reason I dislike Zelda's fanbase, though. Other than the change-o-phobia, our fanbase is very cheerful and enthusiastic, not to mention diverse and wonderful.
In conclusion, I wouldn't say I hate any specific fanbase, but there are some I dislike.