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Fanbase That You Hate.

Oct 26, 2008
Halo pretty much made FPS online games. It's what started everything in a way.

I'd personally hand that title to Counter Strike. If I am correct, it has always had and still has the largest number of people playing it online over a decent period of time. It's also the biggest in terms of competitions. Halo kicked it off for the consoles, but the FPS online genre has been around for long before then on a large scale.

I dislike the Call of duty fanbase the most. They genuinely do seem to believe that Call of Duty is a really good game, but the thing is that the game hasn't changed one bit since Modern Warfare in my opinion, and it's only as far as there as that is the first Call of Duty game I played. Someone who wrote and article that has played all of the games made an article stating that Call of Duty is such a good game that it has been re-made 8 times, which I really don't doubt. I also remember reading a review where someone was playing Modern Warfare 3's online(let's face it, this is the only thing people really buy Call of Duty for), he said that if he hadn't read about the changes in the game play that he wouldn't have noticed them, he then went on to say that he probably would have thought that he was playing Modern Warfare 2 if he was just told to play without actually knowing what game it was. Yet the fans all still go on about how Call of Duty is such a good series. I thought that Modern Warfare was good, but since then they've just been re-skinning it and then releasing it as a new game. That isn't what makes a good game series, and I hate it when they try and argue that Call of Duty is even a good series, never mind a series which is as highly rated as it is.

Everyone will eventually get bored of doing the same routine every day.
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
-Call of Duty-
This fandom is tops for me. Many, not all, of the fans that I've crossed keep arguing that CoD is continually revolutionary since it reintroduces the exact elements that make it "spectacular." This may be true to them, but if you apply that very same thought process to other gaming series, such as Zelda, you could easily say it goes for them as well. Here's the thing: Zelda is expanding on numerous counts, yet every CoD title I've played pretty much follows the same line of play. It's fun to be sure; just not that big a reason to get hyped up.

The diehard fans of Call of Duty also claim that it set the standards for great First-Person Shooters. For me, that appellation goes to Halo, which exceeds in several areas, from profound stories to a more quick-and-easy targeting system. Not only this, but when I jumped from playing Halo 1 to Halo: Reach I could tell a prodigious difference in the gameplay set-up, meaning that the Halo franchise is not afraid of change. Unfortunately for CoD, they rehash much of their gaming aspects.

Again, this isn't aimed at everyone who likes Skyrim. I dislike this fanbase because they bash "inferior" adventure-fantasy series, like Legend of Zelda, right and left. In truth I find this game and the entire LoZ series to be utterly similar, so much that neither surpasses the other. Skyrim might have magic in-game, but Zelda releases magic from the game and pours it into our heart, thereby equalizing the two.

oh, and they also have to keep mentioning that blasted 'arrow-to-the-knee' meme
Apr 4, 2012
Twilight fans piss me off. Not because I think it's a dreadful series (which I do) but because the die-hard fans absolutely refuse to see any flaws in either the movies or the books. It's infuriating trying to reason with them.


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
I have a high displeasure with the My Little Pony fanbase as well as the Call of Duty fanbase it is astounding how ferociously they defend their series when it has been the same exact game since the 4th iteration
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May 5, 2012
I hate any fanbase(boy) who defends what they are a fan of illogically to the point of craziness and tells everyone else that they are wrong for thinking such n such is good/bad
Nov 26, 2008
I'm unable to muster any level of "hate" for any fanbase (and I can't understand how someone could; that's irrational hate to me), but if I was to pick one I dislike the most overall (barring decent people in the fanbase which most certainly exist and probably in higher numbers than it seems)...

I'd probably say Skyrim's. G4's reaction to Skyrim losing their game of the year thing was pretty embarassingly childish, but beyond that I think the Skyrim fandom is slightly more annoying than most I've come across because they praise Skyrim as a revolutionary game of the year, when it really, really wasn't. That game is definitely not deserving of being hailed as anything close to the greatest game of the year. I find it ridiculous that it received that title so many times, and this isn't something I'm saying as a Zelda fan, because there's numerous other games I would place well above Skyrim, especially Portal 2. To me saying Skyrim was anything resembling game of the year material is a complete and utter lack of objectivity.

Although in the same vein I dislike people who are huge fans of Final Fantasy X, specifically, and StarFox Adventures, mainly those who claim they're especially good games, because they're both among the worst games I've ever played.

Personally, I hate the Sonic Fanbase since they complain about stupid crap like green eyes, longs legs, ect.
Zelda fans do this on a regular basis too, though, and honestly on a level that's virtually just as extreme.

I dislike the Call of duty fanbase the most. They genuinely do seem to believe that Call of Duty is a really good game, but the thing is that the game hasn't changed one bit since Modern Warfare in my opinion, and it's only as far as there as that is the first Call of Duty game I played. Someone who wrote and article that has played all of the games made an article stating that Call of Duty is such a good game that it has been re-made 8 times, which I really don't doubt. I also remember reading a review where someone was playing Modern Warfare 3's online(let's face it, this is the only thing people really buy Call of Duty for), he said that if he hadn't read about the changes in the game play that he wouldn't have noticed them, he then went on to say that he probably would have thought that he was playing Modern Warfare 2 if he was just told to play without actually knowing what game it was. Yet the fans all still go on about how Call of Duty is such a good series. I thought that Modern Warfare was good, but since then they've just been re-skinning it and then releasing it as a new game. That isn't what makes a good game series, and I hate it when they try and argue that Call of Duty is even a good series, never mind a series which is as highly rated as it is.

Everyone will eventually get bored of doing the same routine every day.
The notion that something being the same makes it bad is a poor argument, especially coming from Zelda and Pokemon fans who are, also, pretty much playing the same game over and over. Zelda, Pokemon, Mega Man, Castlevania; these are all series that excel because they do not change anything. People like what they offer and therefore want more of it.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
CoD fans. I understand that not everyone wants the experience I search for when playing a video-game. Some people just want to shoot other people virtually and thats it. I disagree with it because games have so much more to offer than that, but I understand it. But when you start bashing other games and call things like the Legend of Zelda bad simply because its not your thing, then I get angry. And please, you're not a gamer if you only play one type of game for a very limited time. You're someone who plays video-games.

The same thing with LoZ fans. I've seen it happen too many times where LoZ fans will call a franchise like CoD, Halo, or Starcraft bad because it isn't Zelda. Saying things like "Those games only sell because the fans are so stuck up. They're not really fun to play." The standard goes both ways. Yes CoD needs some improvement, but that in no means makes it a bad game. The purpose of a game is to sell and please the public, which CoD does (it just doesn't please us who grew up with better standards for games). Us Zelda fans can't expect CoD fans to recognize Zelda as a legit game franchise if we refuse to do so to other legit games.

Mass Effect fans. Seriously, rioting because you didn't like the ending... I understand complaining about an ending, but games should not be returned because of bad ending. Gaming companies should not be halted because of bad endings. And gaming companies should definitely not be SUED just because you didn't like their ending! Would you do this stuff because a movie had a bad ending? No. Its entertainment and just because you like a particular entertainment more than others doesn't give you the right to do such things to it.

I hope you've enjoyed this Personal rant.
Nov 26, 2008
Mass Effect fans. Seriously, rioting because you didn't like the ending... I understand complaining about an ending, but games should not be returned because of bad ending. Gaming companies should not be halted because of bad endings. And gaming companies should definitely not be SUED just because you didn't like their ending! Would you do this stuff because a movie had a bad ending? No. Its entertainment and just because you like a particular entertainment more than others doesn't give you the right to do such things to it.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Oh god, this 100 times. That whole fiasco was an embarrassment to the entire video game industry and community.
Dec 23, 2011
The only fanbase that has ever bugged me (not really to the point of hatred, just irritation) isn't even a video game fanbase, but a tech one: Apple fans.
Nov 28, 2011
I just though of another fanbase that I despise: World of Warcraft. First off, I should mention my stance on the game even though that is not what influences my dislike of the fanbase. I loathe World of Warcraft. On the one hand, it's an MMO, which is something I really don't like. On the other hand, I find it to be incredibly dull and unoriginal. That makes for two very smelly hands. That being said, if I don't consider those opinions at all and I simply look at the die-hard fans of the game, I still end up angry. The main thing about the WoW fanbase that angers me is the rate of genuine addicts that exists amongst them. It is unhealthy for anyone to spend the amount of time playing a video game that the most fanatic of WoW fans do. I know this complaint can apply to virtually any fanbase, but WoW I think definitely has the highest rate of these addicted players. The other thing about the fanbase that makes me want to distance myself from them is how stuck a good lot of them are in their own anuses. I can't tell you how many hardcore WoW fans I know that absolutely refuse to accept any other video game series as an equal to theirs. More than almost any other fanbase do WoW fans cling to the idea that their game is absolutely and unequivocally the best. That is close-minded and obnoxious as hell. So, yeah, there's all that. Don't really have a good closer for this rant...


1. The Sonic Fanbase
What else can I say that hasn't been said? Incomprehensibly whiney. Disturbingly perverse. And heart wrenchingly cruel. The very definition of unpleasable fanbase.

2. Final Fantasy Fanbase.
I love the series, but despise the fanbase. I love FFVII, but it is not the greatest game in the world. Its not even the greatest game in the series. Each game has a different setting and tone. Stop needlessly complaining about how they are not like VII, and judge them on there own merits. And the ones who hate VII are just as bad. Yes! We get it! You realized VII was overrated before everyone else! Good for you, you edgy hipster, you! Stop judging people for liking it a lot. I swear, Final Fantasy VII is the only game that is simultaneously overrated AND underrated.

And finally (raises flame shield)

3. Zelda fanbase
Not this forum, but I have had terrible experiences in the past. Namely from the Gamefaqs, and... (SHUDDERS)... the IGN boards. I don't think I need to go into detail about Gamefaqs. Its forums are one of the many anuses of the internet. But the IGN boards, good god, I was lurking there when Wind Waker was the newest Zelda game. Oh the horror I beheld. People raving and ranting about how this is the game has killed the series! People writing entire essays about what was wrong with the game. And people writing insane rants about how the current director of the series was the worst thing to ever happen, how incompetent he was, and wishing all sorts of ill will on him. I honestly say it might be worth diving into the IGN boards forums archives just to see these things.


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
Sonic fans- even if the game has nothing wrong with it they will still find something small to complain and nitpick about.

Sony fans- some of the most arrogant people you will ever see

Capcom fans - They are just blind, they cant see the crap that Capcom has been pulling, they can't see that Capcom deliberately hold content to sell back to them and even locks content in dics. They can't see that Capcom is trying their hardest to kill off Megaman by not putting him in MvC 3, cancelling 2 of his games and putting a terrible looking version of him in SFXT. They can't see the terrible company Capcom has become.

360 fans - they never seen the bad system they've had all these years nor can they see the fact that microsoft has already abandoned them
May 2, 2012
Mass Effect fans. Seriously, rioting because you didn't like the ending... I understand complaining about an ending, but games should not be returned because of bad ending. Gaming companies should not be halted because of bad endings. And gaming companies should definitely not be SUED just because you didn't like their ending! Would you do this stuff because a movie had a bad ending? No. Its entertainment and just because you like a particular entertainment more than others doesn't give you the right to do such things to it.
I'm a Mass Effect fan, I actually really liked the ending. So you can't hate all of us haha. :P

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