It's Activision who milks the money. It's no different than Nintendo with every single Mario release (there are literally three types of Mario games: 3D, 2D, and spin off IE Mario Kart), Capcom with their half-assed games and then paid DLC, and so on.Like everybody here, i hate call of duty fanbase, they're just annoying, they tend to think that their games are the best and most of the time they hate on other franchises. They need to know that treyarch (is this how you write it?) or activision (i don't know which one it is) are milking their money (with almost one game every year and dlcs...)
Same goes for some people in the zelda fanbase, the fanboys that will always say that OoT is the best game ever. Now don't get me wrong, i love OoT and i think it's a great game but those people are often bashing new zelda games that are announced, and they often look down on them. It's like they were stuck in 1998!
It's Activision who milks the money. It's no different than Nintendo with every single Mario release (there are literally three types of Mario games: 3D, 2D, and spin off IE Mario Kart), Capcom with their half-assed games and then paid DLC, and so on.
CoD definitely has quality -- that's why it sells so well. The only problems as far as CoD go are the game coding: hit detection, lag compensation, etc. Other, smaller problems include the lack of any real offline content (aside from Black Ops' Combat Training and maybe MW3's Survival Mode), lackluster story, and...idk what else.
Spider Man games sell? What the what is this madness? [I really don't know anything about Spider Man games selling decently as they all suck]
I agree about Nintendo, I wonder heavily why they can get away with their 2D Mario releases. They're literally the same thing each time with the only different being the color palettes and the pixels used to create the game environment + height/weight dimension. Same gameplay every time, just like Call of Duty [jump on top of enemies + hit the flagpole]. Little to no change between releases, just like Call of Duty [same gameplay, same story, same characters, mostly same enemies]. No real story, JUST LIKE CALL OF DUTY [srsly though, Peach/Pauline gets kidnapped by Bowser/his illegitimate kids and gets saved by Mario...all CoD titles have a better story than this]. But what lets Nintendo get away with it?
*cough*Pong,Asteroids,PacMan,GoldenAgeofArcadeGames*cough*All in all I can stand most fan bases because at the end of the day I don't actually care enough. I'll see kids get in arguments about what's better, Call of Duty or Battlefield. I'll chip in and say, "go learn where games originated. Pick some Mario, Metroid, or Zelda for a change".
1) The only "bad" Sonic games were those from 2K6 up until Colors (Colors was good).Just because it sells well doesn't mean that it has quality...Take Sonic for example.
Yep, Shattered Dimensions was great, but no! Let's copy and paste that and make a new game!
They offer new and unique level design with new innovative power ups that change the gameplay experience with memorable tunes playing in the background. They pretty much got it right already...what else is there to do other than change and add to, what I said? Since when was Mario about heavy story? The main focus of Mario games are the platforming. Not all games need compelling stories. And Call of Duty actually tries to tell a good war story but fails. Mainly because they aren't unique with the idea. least not good with the unique idea.
The only "bad" Sonic games were those from 2K6 up until Colors (Colors was good).
Gee...that doesn't sound like Zelda at all.
Unique map design in CoD = done.
New Killstreaks in CoD = done.
Memorable tunes in CoD = not done.
Since when was CoD about story?
The main focus of CoD is the shooting. Not all games need compelling stories (and in CoD's case, you can ignore it entirely by playing MP), granted the game's many attempts do suck.
I still cannot put two and two together. Suddenly when a shooting game pops up, everyone acts as if it's the devil.But when a game of their type (i.e kiddy) shows up doing exactly what the shooting game does, everyone clings to it. I don't know what they call it, nostalgia or something like that, but you cannot use double standards. It's unfair and makes no sense.
Turo602 said:Platinum Hits and Greatest Hits...
Turo602 said:I know, because The Legend of Zelda offers a whole lot more. Sure it's the same for the most part...but again. What do you expect when it has been done perfectly? At least they always find a way to make it new and innovate while still being The Legend of Zelda. Spider-Man games are no where near perfect. When was the last time Spider-Man set the standard? Spider-Man struggles when it comes to video games. He still hasn't even found himself an identity in video games. Batman has...what gives Spidey? Bogus developers and publishers?
Turo602 said:the music is the 9 year old screaming in your ear.
Turo602 said:Ever since they tried to have a good story...and failed.
VanitasXII said:CoD definitely has quality -- that's why it sells so well.
Completely unrelated to videogames, and I know nothing about video game fandoms, but
Beliebers. Directioners. I'm done.
How is that even related to the topic at hand?
CoD 4 had good story to be sure. It just went downhill from there.
As hesitant as i am to admit so, you are right. 95% of games on the market are turds. CoD sells for the same reason Mario does en's part of the better 5%.