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Ocarina of Time Biggoron's Sword Sidequest

Nov 25, 2010
Montreal, Canada
When in the game can I start doing this sidequest? Can I do it the moment I turn into Adult Link and before I tackle the Forest Temple or do I need certain items from the Temples? Any help would be appreciated.


hero of...uh... somthing.
Mar 13, 2011
Really this should be in the zelda help forum.

but, no, you dont need any items


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
You can start once becoming an adult, though to complete it all, you'll need the Hookshot, Epona, and maybe some blue fire, but that depends if you want to wait until the Ice Cavern or not.(so you'd want the biggest wallet. ^^)
Jun 16, 2011
Assuming that you could make the distances in time without epona (which I doubt), you'd need the longshot to cross the gerudo valley bridge.

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
I was once told that you can do the sidequest without Epona. Has anyone did it with the horse?
I don't think it's even possible to enter Lake Hylia without Epona unless you know the Serenade of Water in which case you probably would already have Blue Fire.


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
I don't think it's even possible to enter Lake Hylia without Epona unless you know the Serenade of Water in which case you probably would already have Blue Fire.

If you use any warping songs, like the Serenade of Water, the timed portions will time out. So that option's a no-go.

I think a run without Epona is possible, though you'd have to be extremely quick and know some good shortcuts to get to places on time. If you can get across the gates in front of Lake Hylia, and have the Longshot(not sure yet if the Hookshot works yet) to get across the Gerudo Valley's bridge, you should be able to do it. Just gotta do it very quickly.:P


Jun 22, 2011
United States
If you use any warping songs, like the Serenade of Water, the timed portions will time out. So that option's a no-go.

I think a run without Epona is possible, though you'd have to be extremely quick and know some good shortcuts to get to places on time. If you can get across the gates in front of Lake Hylia, and have the Longshot(not sure yet if the Hookshot works yet) to get across the Gerudo Valley's bridge, you should be able to do it. Just gotta do it very quickly.:P

I'm 99% sure you need the Longshot to cross Gerudo Valley's bridge (assuming you don't have Epona of course) because the Hookshot isn't quite long enough.

Also in response to Hylian Knight's question, there is a ladder on the pillar next to the fences blocking Lake Hylia so you can always cross between the field and the lake.

I'm have not done it myself, but I am very strongly inclined to say that the entire sidequest is possible without Epona. But as Beeker said you need to be quick. Based on the time I usually have left on all the steps when using Epona I would be absolutely shocked if it wasn't possible without Epona.
Jun 16, 2011
I just remembered this thread while playing through master quest, and I tried it without epona. (well I used her to jump over the bridge, but just pretend I went and got the longshot)

The first timed thing is very easy, from the lost woods to kakariko, didn't even note how much time was left, but you don't even need to walk backwards for this.

From king zora to the lab is a slightly different story. First I went down the zora river and through all of hyrule field, with nearly complete backwards walking, and had only 5 seconds left but made it in time, could do it about 15 seconds faster, though. Then I tried again with the warp to the lost woods and walked from there, which left me 45 seconds when I turned the frog in, again with full backwards walking.

Now the supposedly most difficult part, from the lab to biggoron. I didn't take any shortcuts (I'll list the shortcut I'd imagine further down), but I 100% backwards walked from lake hylia to kakariko and up the death mountain trail. I had 30 seconds left when I turned in the eyedrops and I think there was at least 15 seconds room for improvement.
I expect that this shortcut might be faster, but you need either the longshot and the scarecrow's song or the hammer to do it: Zora's Domain -> Lost Woods -> Goron Village -> Death Crater -> Biggoron. In the crater, you either need to break a hammer-rock, or do a precise jump from the highest point down to the last scarecrow platform, and call the scarecrow to get off that platform.

Note: You need the longshot or epona, it's not possible to cross the bridge without either of them.


(not really)
May 20, 2011
West Mifflin, Pennsylvania
I think you must:

-be Adult Link
-rescue Epona
-Unfreeze King Zora

Other than the above a spare amount of time would help as well as some shortcut knowledge. The shortcuts in the Lost Woods to Zora River and Goron Village help a lot when doing this. Oh, and unless you have unlimited time, don't bother with the warp songs.


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
I expect that this shortcut might be faster, but you need either the longshot and the scarecrow's song or the hammer to do it: Zora's Domain -> Lost Woods -> Goron Village -> Death Crater -> Biggoron. In the crater, you either need to break a hammer-rock, or do a precise jump from the highest point down to the last scarecrow platform, and call the scarecrow to get off that platform.
You don't need any of that. Enter the crater from Darunia's chambers, and turn right toward the boulder that needs to break. Just roll jump directly to the left of the boulder and you'll jump just far enough to grab the ledge and climb up. Then climb the ladder and exit at the top. If you know where to jump from, it's actually faster than breaking the boulder.

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