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Are You Healthy?

Dec 21, 2011
The term healthy is a bit of a broad topic so I'll claifry what I'm asking.

1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.

Here are my answers:

1. When it comes to excersize I get more than enough to meet the basic requirement for my age. I play two sports for my school and I love to play recreational football at my local park with my friends and other people that happen to be there. As for food... I try to eat healthy but getting ALL of your food groups in is pretty tedious and unrealistic if you ask me. My diet consists of meat, milk, fruit, and A LOT of water. When it comes to vegtables I won't eat them unless there cooked, making it a hassle to accomodate those into my diet.

2. I'm 16, 5'8, and 145 lbs. I classify myself as average weight.

3. Ehh.. not really. I pride myself on the fact that I haven't eaten any chips (Fritos, Doritos, Cheetos, etc.) and any soda for over 6 months now, although when it comes to other foods I really don't care to be quite honest.

Breakfeast: A Bannana, Strawberry Mini Wheats (cereal), and a glass of milk. Every single day. It does not change.

Lunch: A plain turkey sandwhich, fruit (usually strawberrys but it changes), and pretzels. This changes because sometimes I don't feel like packing my lunch and I buy lunch at school. In that case I'd just get a Pizza or something lol.

Afternoon Snack: By the time I get home I'm starving and eat two peanutbutter sandwhiches and more fruit lol.

Dinner: Usually this would vary but I hound my mom to make something meaty for me because I try to get as much protein in my diet as possible (I'm a guy, I want to get buff, sue me.) So I usually either have salmon or chicken with some sort of vegtable.

Desert: From the time I eat dinner to the time I go to bed I have about 4 popsicles. I love popsicles lol.

This is a pretty average day for me. It's always subject to change though minus my breakfeast. I also drink about 6 bottles of water every single day. During school and with all my meals.

The goal of this thread is for me to see how healthy people are on the ZeldaDungeon forums. To me my health is very important as you've might of seen from what I just posted. I've lost two members of my family from health related reasons and I strive to be as healthy as I can be. I'm curious to see what others are going to post. Thank you!


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
Yes, I'm healthy, though not by my own doing. I really don't eat right, but I'm young, what do you expect? If I eat like this when I get older, I'm sure I'll have problems. Hopefully after college I'll start eating human food. ;) My mom says I either need to eat my vegetables or take a vitamin. I hate vitamins; I always choke on pills now and the chewable vitamins my mom has bought taste absolutely awful. So I'll stuff the mushy vegetables down my throat anyway.

1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

Yes, and no. I'm an athlete. Not fast by any means, but not exactly out of shape. I run sprints three times a week at basketball, and I play on a travel team with a high intensity. I'm not necessarily slow in short distances, but my endurance is rather lacking and I find myself jogging towards the end of our sprinting sessions at practice (we all do, mostly, considering we run a lot, so it's not just me). I don't really exercise much when the season's over, but I'd like to keep up with some sort of regimen to stay somewhat in shape. As I touched on earlier, I don't really make an effort to eat right. I have a very good, young metabolism. I eat a lot of junk food and I don't tend to eat a lot of meal food when dinner rolls around. I don't have a big appetite by any means. You'd think by my size that I'd eat more than I do.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

I'm 5'10" and ~146 pounds, so I'd say I'm average weight. Although if you just looked at me, you'd never guess what I weighed. I look extremely skinny, and I'm not sure why. Thanks, metabolism.

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

Mmmm no. I wouldn't just eat junk all day, but... moderation? Naaah. Serving size of Oreos is three? Eat about five/six throughout the course of the day. I don't really eat fatty snacks; I eat sugary snacks. If I can't find sugary snacks, I don't snack at all. I suppose that's why I'm not overweight. I don't have a compulsion to eat constantly, though I do have a very sweet tooth. I am somewhat conscious of what I eat. For example, I often downright refuse to eat fatty foods after I come from a basketball game or practice. It just makes me feel gross, working that hard and then eating all that fat. I had Panera once after basketball and I felt amazing.

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.

Breakfast: I usually try to have something light but filling. Yeah, not much fits that description. I'm always hungry by lunch because I don't eat much for breakfast. I can never eat much for breakfast as I'm almost never hungry when I wake up. A typical breakfast of mine would be two slices of toast (minus the crust; I hate crust) with cream cheese and/or grape jelly and a glass of orange juice on the side. I LOVE ORANGE JUICE.

Lunch: Whatever they serve at school. If I don't get hot lunch at school, I'll just bring a sandwich from home. On weekends, I... don't think I usually eat lunch. I know I didn't eat lunch today. I wasn't hungry.

Dinner: Now we're talking. My mom tries to get me to eat meat, but I really do not like the taste of any steak. It's so bland and stringy. Not fun. I do like some meat, like chicken and pork, but steak is just bleh. Dinner for me varies between microwavable dinners (raviolis, macaroni, pizza, chicken pot pie, soup) and a good meal that my mom will make, usually consisting of some form of steak (thanks mom), vegetables (usually broccoli or green beans), and a form of carbohydrate (or not).


Jun 22, 2011
1. Yes I go out of my way to exercise and get moving almost constantly. I even play video games while on an elliptical machine. As for eating all my food groups I tend to eat plenty of fruit but not as many vegetables as I know I should. I drink tons of milk and eat more meat than I should (mostly chicken and not red meat though).

2. I am at a healthy weight according to the BMI. I am closer to being underweight than overweight. I'm 5'11 145 lbs.

3. I eat an inhuman amount of ice cream. If I didn't exercise so much I think I'd just be a round ball of fat. Also I go to McDonald's probably 100 times more often than a nutritionist would recommend.

4. I always start the day off by eating Cherrios with skim milk, and after that it varies. I usually eat a plain turkey/chicken sandwich for lunch with an apple around lunch, and I eat Happy Meals from McDonalds with regularity. Now they all come with apples and a size of French Fries below a small along with a choice of drink and meal. I go with 4 McNuggets most of time but choose the hamburger sometimes and always get fat free chocolate milk to drink. In case you were wondering I'm 21, and I still get the toy with my Happy Meal. It's a good portion size IMO too. I try to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day so that I'm never really hungry. I do eat pizza regularly too usually for dinner when I eat it.

I'm sorry to hear about your family members, and I'm glad you are taking charge of your own health. I lost an uncle to a heart attack who seemed in good health and was a runner. Ultimately you can control a lot of things with your choices and behaviors, but there are some things that just are genetic. It turns out that high blood pressure runs in my family so that's why my uncle died so randomly. What I and my family learned from this is to never neglect going to the doctor for years at a time. If my uncle had gone to see a doctor for a routine check-up he probably would still be alive because there are medications that could have limited his risk of heart attack. He just assumed that since he ran a couple of miles a day that he was fine when he in fact wasn't. Thanks for making this thread, and I hope it promotes healthier lifestyles all around!


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
1. I most certainly do not. :P

2. Pretty much average. Maybe a little bit less due to lack of muscle mass.

3. I mostly just eat food that tastes good to me, but I try to stay away from food that's really bad for me; generally I'm not too concerned with that type of thing though.

4. Not answering because I'm tl to think of what I eat.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

I don't exercise all that much anymore. It's not that I don't care about maintaining good health, or a muscly figure, but the motivation for getting in shape isn't really there anymore. I used to work out on a regular basis for basketball seasons, but since that's gone I've dwindled from keeping it up. Also I doubt trying to stick with a schedule would get me very far. Nevertheless, I'm of pretty stout proportions, and I haven't been sick in years, which means I have a strong immune system. Probably due to basketball, but that can be subject to change.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

6'3-ish in height, maybe around 150 lb. Average weight.

3.Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

My mom's a health nut, and through her guidance I've grown to know what's unwholesome. When it comes to junk food I make sure not to eat overmuch and balance it out with more beneficial foods.

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.

Let's take a gander at what I plague my digestive system with...

Breakfast: Depending on what I feel like eating, this varies everyday. I can have any number of foods since we usually keep a good stock handy, ranging from pancakes, breakfast burritos, hashbrowns (yuuum), and oatmeal, which I had this morning. But on the main eggs, fried or scrambled, and toast are the morning components of my daily meal. We don't keep cereal in the house, usually. Otherwise breakfast would turn out very different for me.

Lunch: Erm, nothing in particular. Whatever's in the fridge, left over from dinner. Or we'll often skip eating before noon and have a late breakfast-type lunch instead. One of these.

Dinner: Once again, nothing's set in stone. We fix all sorts of things for dinner separate nights. Minus special-occassion meals, it can be pastas, soups, sandwiches (with the right resources), beans and rice, or a salad/mashed-potato/roasted veggie combo. But no matter what supper's guaranteed to be delicious (most of the time) and nutritious (almost all the time). There are certain meat types I can't stand, such as all seafoods and fatty stakes, so I don't eat a whole lot of that, though it hasn't stopped me from getting a superb balance of all food groups.
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Nov 12, 2010
1. Yes, I exercise a lot. I play basketball at a very competitive level, and am in two leagues a year, and then travel around the state of Florida for basketball throughout all of Spring and into early Summer. Basketball is a great passion of mine; as of the last six months, I've attended dozens of my sister's (who also plays basketball competitively - she has division 1 colleges looking at her) practices with her coach. This coach travels out of state, and will possibly be my coach this Summer - like my sister it will be out of state traveling for basketball.

Due to this large amount of exercise, I tend to care less about what I eat. Although I adore chicken, most meat, and many fish, I also enjoy eating foods like pizza rolls and bagel bites. I tend to really love summer fruits - watermelon and mango especially - and eat fruits in the summer on a daily basis. However, there's a dry period of my fruit consumption in the Winter - I usually still buy Summer fruits a bit early, and late into their picking season, covering Spring and Autumn. Vegetables are a different thing though. I only like spinach, lettuce, tomato and potatoes, so I usually just eat an enormous amount of salad each week. I don't eat any other vegetables aside from those.

2. I'd say I'm average weight. Not entirely sure if weight should be the measure though; I'm tall and muscular. We actually take tests in school to see if we're obese or not, but the thing is, they take the average height and the average weight of our age, and go from there. I'm very tall and decently muscular, so my weight is about 205. Every test says I'm morbidly obese, so my physical education teachers usually disregard my test results. Even with all of this, I still strive to lose weight. I usually gain a bit of fat around the winter, but burn it off in the Spring. For the sake of following what you did, I'm 6'4" and weigh 205 pounds.

3. I try to be conscious of what it is that I eat, but I'm guilty of going weekends without eating a single fruit or vegetable. I usually feel bad about it later and either play basketball and run it off, or eat better for the rest of the week. Sometimes, we have to get fast food, though. Sometimes either my sister's or my basketball game runs a little bit late, and there isn't any time to make dinner - it can sometimes be as late as 11. These kind of foods aren't good for my body, but I really do like the taste of fast food. For this reason, I usually just go get fast food maybe three times a month.

4. Okay, let's see...

Breakfast: Either a bowl of coco puffs, or if I get lucky and my mom makes me breakfast, then eggs, bacon, toast and biscuits. That isn't usually regular, but when I visit family, it's quite different. We usually go to Panera Bread and get bagels - I love the cinnamon ones - or we make biscuits, and make this gravy-like sauce made of sausage and some liquid, and call it SOS.

Lunch: Lunch on weekdays usually consist of two roast beef sandwiches and a water bottle. It's not really very complicated - it usually takes me about 3 minutes to make both of them, and maybe 5 to toast them. The weekend is usually when I eat poorly for lunch. If I have practice and I do well, my dad will usually take me out to a restaurant and we'll eat there. If I have no practice, then I will usually heat up pizza rolls or some other easy thing.

Dinner: Now, this is a varied meal time for me. Usually we'll have chicken, but occasionally we'll have Veal Parmesan (which is my favorite dinner), steak, or some other meat. If we're lucky, we might go out for dinner, but this is usually after my sister's basketball games or if family is in town. I rarely ever have pizza rolls or anything for dinner, because my mom usually makes dinner for us.


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Oh heeeeyyyy. I consider myself a pretty healthy person. Not on the heavy side or anything. I don't really anticipate any problems as I get older, either.

1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excercise and eat all of your food groups?

Yes and no. I like to run, I run pretty often. I don't like to go all the way to the gym since I live in the middle of nowhere, but I will every once and a while when it's winter time and I can't really run otherwise. I didn't join any teams like cross country or anything in school, but I loved running regardless. That might be part of the reason I played basketball before high school (I went academic afterwards). I run pretty often and a good amount, though I could just as easily do nothing and stay in shape cause lolmetabolism. I don't focus on eating the right portions of the food groups, though... too much conscious effort to stay healthy.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

I'm right in the middle of the healthy weight range. I'm 6'1" and weigh 160 lbs. Just a little taller and heavier than Nicole. [noparse]:P[/noparse] We're both perfect weight. And no, I never mess with my weight.

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

I don't particularly care about what I eat, but I don't often eat junk food. It's not that I consciously do it, I just don't.

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.

Normally I'll eat a light meal of eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. This is regular pretty much every day.

As for lunch, a variety of foods. It's typically pretty balanced between fats and fruits and vegetables and all that good stuff. I consider my lunch pretty healthy more often than not.

Dinner is a big one. I have a variety of things all the time, but I tend to eat pizza once or twice every week... love pizza. I drink mountain dews all the time, which is not the most healthy thing but whatever. I love lasagna, steak, all that good stuff. Most often I'll eat ravioli, hamburger helper, hamburger and french fries, hash browns, chili, and all the yummy stuff in the world.


Jun 22, 2011
2. I'd say I'm average weight. Not entirely sure if weight should be the measure though; I'm tall and muscular. We actually take tests in school to see if we're obese or not, but the thing is, they take the average height and the average weight of our age, and go from there. I'm very tall and decently muscular, so my weight is about 205. Every test says I'm morbidly obese, so my physical education teachers usually disregard my test results. Even with all of this, I still strive to lose weight. I usually gain a bit of fat around the winter, but burn it off in the Spring. For the sake of following what you did, I'm 6'4" and weigh 205 pounds.

From what I've heard about weight based determinations of obesity like the BMI, athletes can be grossly misclassified because of how much muscle they have. I read somewhere that body fat percentages make more sense when it comes to athletes and determining if they're overweight. I had class in college with a starter on the basketball team with your exact measurements of 6'4 205 lbs and no one in their right mind would say he was overweight. So basically from what I've heard weight vs. height works for some people but for some athletes it leads to test results that are laughable.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

Not as much excercise as I'd like but I'm getting back into a routine for it. Usually I go for a 2 mile bike ride as fast as possible on Mondays cause I get some extra time. I set up a program also to do sit up, pull up, and plank sets followed by stretches in order to make it work. Unfortunately I haven't done this in a while. As for food I'm not too picky about what I eat so I do eat all my food groups to the right amount just about every day. I actually pride myself in this because I'd rather have fruit than candy or cookies or other such food products.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

I'm 5'11" and between 170 and 180 lbs. so I'm on the high end of average weight by most standards but I'd like to lose about 5 to 10 lbs. However some weight does come from a medium sized muscle mass.

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

You have no idea. I'm mildly paranoid and OCD so I need things to be perfect in certain cases and I will constantly watch what I eat. Never had a school lunch in my 10 years of school. I will snack occasionaly but my average food intake is...
Breakfast - Cereal, fruit, OJ, a vitamin, and some times eggs or a bagel instead of the cereal
Lunch - Sandwich (Nutella and Peanut Butter [not often] or chicken/ham/turkey and lettuce), carrots, grapes or cherries, an orange or apple, and water, sometimes tea or lemonade or both mixed.
Dinner - Varies but I have cut down on read meat (less steak and hamburger) and I usually have vegitarian dinners or fish/poultry/pork with two vegetables and maybe a starch.

Health is a big deal to me. My dad has high cholesterol and I don't want to lose him while he's still in his 50's. I take big steps to stay healthy.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I don't make much of a conscious effort, if at all, to eat healthy but I'm exposed to both healthy and unhealthy foods. I work in a store called Fruitland and it's pretty much impossible to be in a room without donuts in it if you live in America. :lol: I'm mildly anorexic so I actually don't eat as much as I should but what I do eat is usually healthy or not that bad.

Did you know the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" was originally "an apple a day keeps the dentist away"? An apple itself is not very healthy so It doesn't help keep the doctor away. Apples do help clean your gums and help prevent gingivitis.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

Not exactly. But it's something that I definitely would like to start trying. I'm just too lazy to excercise and food costs too much money lol.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

I might possibly be about 10-15 lbs overweight, but I would consider myself average. I have a little gut, but you can't tell by looking at me. I have a small-built frame so I could easily lose weight if I wanted to.

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

Yes I do care about what I eat. But I also like how food tastes to, but if it's something that tastes bad, I don't care if it is good for me. But I am willing to try anything just about once.

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.Honeslty, I can't tell you what I eat because I don't remember of even keep track. I don't eat a whole lot, but I usually just snack more than anything. However, I did eat Bratwursts, Baked Beans, and Carrorts for dinner tonight.
Sep 1, 2010
1. Do you make a consistent effort to get excersize and eat all of your food groups?

I do. I love riding my bike, and I ride a few miles each week. I also swim in the mornings in the summer. Also, we work out two or three times a week with friends, so I consider myself pretty fit. I absolutely love eating healthy. I don't know why, it's just something I do. I'm not a health freak or anything, and it's not like I eat organic fruit and salad for every meal. I just think it's important to eat healthy. Also, most healthy food tastes delicious. I eat so much fruit and have fresh smoothies every week. I'm not a vegetarian, but I tend to stay away from meat, it's just not my thing.

2. Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obeise? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight?

I am average weight, but a little underweight for my age (16).

3. Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

Yes, like I said above, I love eating healthy. That's not to say I don't eat junk every once in a while. I have cravings for fast food sometimes, but I try to reward myself.

4. This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.
Breakfast: cereal or oatmeal with juice on weekdays. Pancakes and fruit on weekends.
Lunch: Ham sandwich, rigatoni, or tacos with milk
Dinner: Varies.


Jul 26, 2010
Do you make a consistent effort to get exercise and eat all of your food groups?

I don't really exercise, I walk home from school which is 45 minutes. Sometimes I dance around my house like an idiot, but I'm not in any other sports. I am a Vegan, so no, I don't eat ALL of my food groups. There's no problem though, I find it easy to get everything I need from fruit and vegetables. I don't take any other supplements, or special vitamins.

Are you underweight, average weight, overweight, or obese? If you fall in any other category but average weight do you try to gain/loose weight

I am around 5'3" and 105 pounds. According to a BMI calculator I am just barely from being underweight (18.6). I don't look underweight and I don't feel underweight. I mean sure, I can see my ribs and hip bones, but I don't really amount that to anything. I don't try to lose or gain weight, I just want to develop more muscle mass and make sure I don't eat simply because I am bored.

Do you care about what you eat? Or do you just eat whatever taste good without actually thinking what you're putting into your body?

That depends, I usually make sure I'm not eating a whole lot of calories, but I don't restrict myself completely. There's not much you can eat if you're a Vegan like me. The one bad thing is that I'm really addicted to Caffeine. I drink coffee in the morning and I love diet pepsi/coke. It pretty much keeps me going.

This sort of goes along with question #1. This is optional but listing what you eat throughout a normal day would be cool to see.

Breakfast: Nothing, not enough time, and the smell of food in the morning is gross. Well, except coffee.

Lunch: A handful of nuts, maybe half a sandwich. Iced Tea, I don't eat much in the Lunch Time.

Dinner: Usually a plate full consisting of a vegetable like zucchini, rice and some type of salad. Some more Iced Tea. Maybe some dessert.


Jun 22, 2011
Being healthy really isn't a matter of how much exercise you have or what type of diet. I've never paid any consideration to health having probably a below average rating for all categories you've mentioned. But I can run faster than most and make 35 push ups before I need to stop for breath. I consider myself healthy.

What? You don't believe in the applied sciences of exercise physiology and dietetics? That's almost like saying you don't believe in doctors.
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Dec 21, 2011
Being healthy really isn't a matter of how much exercise you have or what type of diet. I've never paid any consideration to health having probably a below average rating for all categories you've mentioned. But I can run faster than most and make 35 push ups before I need to stop for breath. I consider myself healthy.

Like I said the term "healthy" is vauge and varys completley with different cultures. However I'd say being healthy has a lot more to do with diet and excersice then how fast you can run and how many push ups you can do...

Not to brag or anything but I excersice contantly and I can do about 45+ push ups without taking a breath and I have an extreme amount of stamina which I credit to the 2 years I've been working out. Just because you can do those things without eating healthy or excersicing doesn't mean your healthy it just means you might be naturally bulky. You'd be surprised by how many more push ups you can do and how longer you can run if you eat healthy and excersize.

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