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  • Basically everything that costs money...And as a general rule of thumb is that there is a Linux compatible software for almost every need...but not always; for example some people have to have Photoshop(and spend ~$500USD) instead of using Gimp(which is free),even though several professionals have said only needs a feature or two to beat out Photoshop...
    No it isn't compatible, but I would check out lightworks...it is free and right this second the linux version is in beta, but It should be released soon...
    Alright, sounds good. Playing games like Skyrim, Dark Souls, and Borderlands doesn't require the highest specification for sure, and should be pretty doable with a $600 - $700 budget. You won't be maxing out Crysis 3 with DirectX 11, but you should be able to play most games on reasonably high settings with little to no frame rate issues. If you'd like any more help, resources, or my opinions, feel free to message me at any time. I wish you luck with your first build, and congratulations on taking the first step towards joining the PC gaming master race! :)
    Hi, nice to meet you! Sure, I can give you a hand. Building a computer is actually surprisingly easy, thought it does take a bit of know-how in terms of choosing your parts. I have some helpful resources that I could give you to get you started, and if you need any in-depth help or would like my opinion on anything, feel free to ask.

    Firstly for websites, there are many that are good for ordering parts. Assuming that you live in the US, some sites that I would recommend would be Newegg and Tiger Direct, though there are many others that are just as good. Essentially, you'll want to order parts from whichever sites will give you the best deal, or are most convenient.

    As for being able to run games on max settings, what you're mostly going to need is a good GPU. The GPU is your graphics card, and for most games it will be doing the bulk of the processing and rendering. However, that doesn't mean that you should skimp out on your CPU or RAM, but they're not quite as important for gaming. A really good computer that will be able to max out games could cost as much as $1000 US, or more if you want it to be even better. However, it's not entirely necessary to spend that much.

    Now I'd like to provide you with some useful tools that can get you started. Firstly, there is a really useful site called PC Part Picker that will show you all of the components necessary for your computer, what their prices are at which sites, and all of that useful information. This is a great way to lay out your build and make sure that you have everything that you need. Additionally, for actually deciding which parts you want to buy, there is this really handy guide called Falcon Guide. Yes, it's made by a guy from 4chan but don't let that deter you, it's an incredibly helpful guide and a great starting point. It will show you recommended items for price ranges ranging from $200 to $2000. You shouldn't necessarily treat this guide as the bible, but it's incredibly helpful for a first time build.

    Now that I've got that out of the way, if you'd like more assistance it'd be great if you could give me some more specific details on what you're looking for. Price range, what you want to do with the PC, what you want to play, ect.

    Sorry for not replying to your VM earlier.

    Yes, I'm a senior. I applied to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, the university of Chicago, the Univeristy of Illinois at Chicago (I live in Illinois), and Northwestern University. I'm likely majoring in chemistry, Hope to be a doctor (not sure what kind) someday.
    That's great to here!

    I've applied to the University of Maryland, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and UC Berkely. All three schools have exquisite science departments that really cater to the profession I'm interested in (astrophysics), so I'm really excited to hear back from them. I'm confident I'll get in to at least one, my first pick would probably be the University of Maryland.

    I've applied to all three, right now I'm working on scholarships. Are you a senior? Had any thoughts on what you want to do after high school?
    I've been doing alright. Thanks for asking.

    Unfortunate events? I'm sorry to here. My condolences for whatever occurred. I'm unsure whether it's my place to ask what transpired.

    I recall you working around the clock to finish college apps while back. What schools did you apply to?
    Well, I am not saying that people shouldn't be rewarded for hard work. I think some income disparity is needed. It, in and of itself is not a bad thing. I think it gets to a point, however, where a tiny percentage controls an inordinate amount of wealth while poverty levels sky rocket and people live in squander. Yes, it is possible to raise yourself from poverty, but those people start with a significant disadvantage. In America where our health coverage is through private insurance companies and our higher education costs are so high, this is also true. Say, compared to some European countries where such services are tax payer funded.

    My general belief is that the government should at minimum provide services to make sure everyone is lifted out of extreme poverty. I believe in universal healthcare and public education for instance because it's provides a resource for the poor to better themselves. To put it simply, I don't mind if someone gets rich or another guy makes very little based on their career choices and work ethic, just that each should have access to the same basic services that allow them to more easily pull themselves up and increase social mobility, or at the very least their children's. Mainly these services are education, healthcare, a decent welfare system, etc. I see it as more equality of opportunity than anything.
    Glad I could be of help to you. Senior papers suck and it's always good to get outside help. And I'm glad I could talk to someone knowledgeable about this as well, helps clear some misconceptions of my own.

    Ok as far as other help, look up Dr. Robert Lanza, medical director of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, MA. He's the guy who developed that method I talked about where he can extract the embryonic stem cells without killing the embryo. Hope that's of help!
    Good question. Given that I base my political beliefs on a strictly rights-based, individualist moral code, and I can't see a way to reconcile universal health care with that code, no, I don't believe in it.

    It's still based on forceful confiscation of property, and the benefit doesn't seem to justify that. Keep in mind that I struggle with the concept of any compulsory taxation (is that an oxymoron?), so I'm further to the right than most people, though I'm still technically a statist and not an anarchist. So universal health care is one of many things I would have trouble supporting on a compulsory basis. It's just that unlike, say, the military, I can see no real benefit to handling it with the forceful arm of government.

    Thanks for asking. What do you think of universal health care? I'm curious.
    Oh it's alright, no worries! Nor did I intend to start an argument; I saw it as a chance to explain myself. I'm just a crazy feminist who wishes to banish all stereotypes of women/girls everywhere (not really, but I did want to stand up for what I said in my first post). :P
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