On the political spectrum, I'd say you and I are practically identical (I sway to the left on some instances, though). I advocate autonomous thinking and living, that I don't need a government to outline my entire life and decisions. However, I do see the necessity of a Federal Government unifying all fifty states. Without it, we would be in a convoluted mess (see Articles of Confederation).
I've deliberated the idea of a universal healthcare feverishly; it's one of the few topics that I don't have a clear answer for. Compulsory taxation (yes, an oxymoron) for frivolous government funding is something I'm strictly against, as it is the literal action of the government taking your money and deciding what to spend it on for you. And like you, something like military defense is not frivolous, so I have no problem with the government taking funds out of my pay-check for its funding.
However, something irks me about the idea of a universal healthcare. Maybe it's just me being selfish, but the idea of the government taking money out of my pay-check to fund someone's medical bill seems unwarranted (dare I say extortion?). I think that every human being should have the right to the best possible medical treatment at an affordable rate, but I don't think I should be forced to pay for it. Is that wrong of me?
Thanks for responding, I asked you because I feel that we're pretty identical in our political ideology, so I wanted to get your two-cents on the matter.