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Spoiler Zoras Aren't Mentioned Anywhere!

Apr 4, 2012
i liked the zoras and wised they were in skyward sword they were in many games the thing that takes there place is those octopus things you meet in lake flora
It could be because demise's forces have taken over the sea or could be that the key horses at floria waterfall have not evolved yet, but they soon will once the water dragon decides to enlarge her lake and go back into the heavens with the goddess.
Dec 21, 2011
Vernon Hills, Illinois
Zoras evolve faster than any other race in zelda. At first, they were heads sticking out of the water shooting fireballs at you. In later games, they were the zoras we know and love, the rito, and then either the patella or tad tones. They're not gone. Just different.


well, how, in any way, could a fish turn into a bird. I mean, let's not worry about evolution, because Zelda is a fantasy game, and even though the Zora (forget her name) in WW says she's the ancestor of Medli, well lets just leave it at that.


Major SS and Oot fan!
Nov 28, 2011
New York
i definetly love zoras and i was mad too that they wernt in SS. i always saw a million places when i replayed the game in hero mode that they could've been.


Eating Your Brains
Apr 6, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
I fail to see where the game suggested anything involving a connection between the Parella and the Zora. In WW, it was made perfectly clear that the Rito were once the Zora. There's absolutely no mention of the Zora in SS, including in Lake Floria. That's a huge red flag.

You're missing something crucial here. In WW, Zoras previously existed in OoT. That's why they're mentioned. In SS, no-one knows about Zoras, at all. That's why they're not mentioned, and why Lake Floria is called Lake Floria and not Zora's Domain. Simply put, there cannot be any in-game confirmation because they simply have not existed yet. I'm not sure what everybody else thinks, but I take the Hyrule Historia as canon. I also take the Zora concept art as confirmation that the two are canonically related.

But I could be completely wrong. I do believe that species die off in Zelda, such as the Gorons in the Failure Timeline (if that theory is even correct) and the Gerudo in the Child Timeline (to a lesser extent as they are not exactly their own species).


Don Gero's Apprentice
Apr 5, 2012
Mountain Village
I believe the evolution theory with the other water people. However, it would have been nice to see the origins of Gorons and Kokiri. The Kikwis are fun though and I love them more than everything else! So not to sad that there aren't and Zoras.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Zoras evolve faster than any other race in zelda. At first, they were heads sticking out of the water shooting fireballs at you. In later games, they were the zoras we know and love, the rito, and then either the patella or tad tones. They're not gone. Just different.

Those are the River Zoras, a separate form of Zoras from the ones introduced in OoT. The OoX showed us this.

There's a difference between stating your opinion and saying "This is how it is. FACT!"

You aren't doing much different with the things you've said, just so you know. Plus, Occam's Razor applies here. (If you don't know what that is, look it up.)

And I fail to see how you could not understand the second half of my post. I was merely replying to the points you made.

What you said wasn't very clear at all. It was all over the place. So much to where I couldn't even see the direction you were coming from.

You're missing something crucial here. In WW, Zoras previously existed in OoT. That's why they're mentioned. In SS, no-one knows about Zoras, at all. That's why they're not mentioned, and why Lake Floria is called Lake Floria and not Zora's Domain. Simply put, there cannot be any in-game confirmation because they simply have not existed yet.

Of course the word "Zora" couldn't have been mentioned, but there was no attempt at a foreshadow of the Parella evolving into the Zora. If that's what was intended, there would have been some sort of reference like there was with Demise to Ganondorf.

I'm not sure what everybody else thinks, but I take the Hyrule Historia as canon. I also take the Zora concept art as confirmation that the two are canonically related.

The concept art means nothing, especially since they don't exactly look like the Zora (they only have a slight resemblance). If it's not stated in the book, then it's not true.
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I wanted to see zoras and I would prefer them instead of the octrok things but the game is still a favorite


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Occam's razor means nothing to me as I see people here using it all the time as a form of cop out argument. It's a terrible way of disproving something and relies on nothing more than being too lazy to look a little deeper into things whenever I see people here using it.

If Occam's Razor means nothing to you, that's fine. But it's not a cop-out explanation. It's very logical reasoning in this scenario, as well as in Zelda in general. (Btw, I used to think it was a terrible way of thinking, too. Then I realized it wasn't.)

See the top for my opinions on this argument

So you're saying that Hyrule Historia's complete absence of mentioning a connection between the Parella and Zora means nothing and believing otherwise is a lazy way of thinking? Why? Every other situation similar to this is explained. The fact that the Zoras are not connected to the Parella in HH is a clear indication that there is no connection.

I get what you're saying: It wasn't directly mentioned in the games, so it isn't true. But might you consider the possibility that they may have been intended to be [ancestors to the] Zora at some point in development?

Posted below is the official concept artwork from Hyrule Historia. In it, many of the designs seem to resemble the Zora. Just to be clear, this is not an attempt at strengthening my support of the Parella→Zora theory; this is just to introduce the possibility that the Parella may have been planned at some point to be [ancestors to the] Zora.

It's very likely that Nintendo was originally going to have them be the Zora race with a different name (or maybe still called Zoras), but with the tremendous change in design, I'd say they decided to make the Parella a completely different race.


Eating Your Brains
Apr 6, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
It's very likely that Nintendo was originally going to have them be the Zora race with a different name (or maybe still called Zoras), but with the tremendous change in design, I'd say they decided to make the Parella a completely different race.

I like your reasoning here. It's the one thing that has continuously kept doubt in my mind. Yet in considering the ramifications of this we leave too many open ends. What happened to the Parella? Where did the Zora come from, and why do they have such a strong connection to the Hyrulean Royal Family? The change of deity from SS to OoT certainly doesn't help my cause, but there's just too much to like about the Parella-to-Zora theory.


Zora Warrior
Nov 3, 2009
Termina Bay
I was upset that the Zoras didn't make an appearance in Skyward Sword. I thought it would have been interesting to some of the Goron and Zora history or what their early civilizations looked like. It was nice to see new races but now they have to explain why those races disappear from the later games. I really didn't like the Kikwi, they had a very boring design that lacked creativity. I hope to see the Zoras in the next Zelda game.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I like your reasoning here. It's the one thing that has continuously kept doubt in my mind. Yet in considering the ramifications of this we leave too many open ends. What happened to the Parella? Where did the Zora come from, and why do they have such a strong connection to the Hyrulean Royal Family? The change of deity from SS to OoT certainly doesn't help my cause, but there's just too much to like about the Parella-to-Zora theory.

You're forgetting that the Parella weren't invented until SS. It's not exactly possible for them to be in past titles, even if they're sequels to SS. The argument that they're not around can't be used due to that.

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