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Spoiler Zoras Aren't Mentioned Anywhere!

Mar 28, 2012
This actually made me quite sad.
The Zoras are my favorite race, Skyward Sword had all the previous races plus new ones.
But the Zoras didn't even make an appearance.
Yes there were only two Gorons, but there were Gorons.
Would you have liked to see them in this game? Rather than those friendly Octorock things, or even along with them?

Princess Niki

Staff member
Aug 27, 2011
Well one theory (which I follow) is that the Parella eventually evolve into Zoras. So, in a sense, they are in game. But seeing as this is a game all about origins they probably didn't want to make the surface too familiar so as to get a sense of pre-civilisation. I do love the Zoras, just not enough to allow their absence to affect my opinions of the game.

You have a point as the Zora eventually evolve in to Rito. But I did miss them as well.
Mar 28, 2012
Well one theory (which I follow) is that the Parella eventually evolve into Zoras. So, in a sense, they are in game. But seeing as this is a game all about origins they probably didn't want to make the surface too familiar so as to get a sense of pre-civilisation. I do love the Zoras, just not enough to allow their absence to affect my opinions of the game.

Ah so their called Parella thanks didn't know their name.
That is possible, and it doesn't effect the way I enjoyed the game either, but I think it would have added more if they did put them in there.
Feb 23, 2011
I agree with TheBlueReptile. Skyward Sword seems to loosely suggest that the Parella eventually became the Zora. I don't have much to add to this theory aside from what the game already hints at: They are both aquatic races, they are both sentient, and the have a leader (Faron) who appears to resemble a Zora somewhat, etc. There may have been a need to adapt to a rapidly changing environment, and/or to evolve due to a sudden need to migrate to the north. Additionally, the time span between SS and Ocarina of Time is unknown, but it seems to be large enough to accomodate the evolution of Parella, similar to the undetermined time span between OoT and Wind Waker in the whole Zora→Rito situation. That leads me to think that Faron may have somehow contributed to their transformation as well [using magic?].

In spite of all that, I really would have liked to see the Zora in SS. It would have made more sense if they fought in the Hylian War, instead of the Parella, as I find it very difficult to imagine them in a battle against Demise and his forces. They appeared to have no fighting ability in SS, and their small, frail bodies would have sustained damaged from even weak attacks. Zoras, on the other hand, seem to be more than capable in battle and have even displayed fighting ability throughout the series; the best example of this appearing in TP.

Oddly enough, that little fact lead me to believe that the Parella are indeed the Zora; at least as far of their place in the legend goes. What I mean is the legend of the Hylian War might have been passed down, and the depiction of the Zora ['s participation in the war] may have changed along with it over the ages. This can't be too far of a stretch, as there are many other things in the series that could have been altered as well - as most legends are. However, the chances that this isn't the case is just as probable. In my opinion, it is best to assume that Parella→Zora for the sake of avoiding any confusion.

Also, how epic would it have been to see the Zora in SS's graphics?! [noparse]:D[/noparse]


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
This did make me very sad. Personally I don't like the whole parella evolving into zoras theory because the only logical reason for this is that the parellas are basically the only friendly aquatic creature in the game. If they did evolve into zoras it'd make sense as to why zoras are not in the game, but id prefer a different explanation
Mar 10, 2012
I was hoping for some kind of a origin story behind the Zora/Kokri/Goron in this game I was a little disappointed when there wasn't. I'm thinking that since there is such a huge gap in the timeline after SS the next game is probably going to be a SS sequel there is still to many questions left unanswered.
Jan 20, 2012
I'm on the same page as the others. I believe the Parella evolved into the Zora's, and the Zora's eventually evolved into the rito. It's all about evolution with Zelda, hardly any species simply die off.


look skyward sword is first in the timeline there are many things not yet there like the zoras the game is awesome with or without them :)
Apr 4, 2012
Raleigh, NC
Well considering SS is the first game in the timeline, I'm sure no one knew what a Zora was at the time. Unless the Octorok people knew what they were going to evolve into (which would be kind of weird).


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
It's quite simple. They didn't exist yet. No Zoras River = no Zoras. That's a pretty shallow explanation, but it's the correct one.

Well one theory (which I follow) is that the Parella eventually evolve into Zoras. So, in a sense, they are in game. But seeing as this is a game all about origins they probably didn't want to make the surface too familiar so as to get a sense of pre-civilisation. I do love the Zoras, just not enough to allow their absence to affect my opinions of the game.

No. This doesn't make any sense. One, they look nothing like the Zora, unlike how the Zora looked a lot like the Rito. Two, there wouldn't be enough time for that kind of change. Three, the evolution from Zora to Rito was required for them to survive and was due to Valoo, meaning divine intervention was used. The Parella are just a new race that have been retconned into the series, just like the Mogmas. They have no connection to the Zora whatsoever.
Dec 19, 2011
I just guessed Zoras (in comparison to Gorons or Human/ Hyrulian ) evolved rather quickly... Parella -> Zora -> Rito :D

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